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"Watch out for the Green Eyes" Reviews/Comments [ 24 ]
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 Reviewed By: jghjkhjhl  On: July 26, 2007 19:05 CDT
 Title: **runningStartPOUNCE**
Reviewed By: asialisek [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 30, 2007 17:50 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
ooh!ooh!!**shimmies in anticipation** Where's Yuuri??? >____< **shimm~~~mmies** Yay. I'm glad you got the psudo-sequel up and going~~~ X3 And the smex is great... i mean... plot... i mean..... oooh it's all good so far. And I'm hooked!! Because there's somethin' fishy goin' on on this planet~ Heh.. pretty boys = concubines **snickers** S'good thing Wolfy's so feisty~
 Reviewed By: xYuuramx [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 18, 2007 05:18 CDT
You really like the idea/word pheremones(sp?) don't you?
 Reviewed By: xYuuramx [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 06, 2007 21:57 CDT
Eh, it only took me about 3 hours. I guess you could say I am a fast reader?
 Title: ^_^. That was close
Reviewed By: newdkidt [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 24, 2007 18:34 CDT
you had me going there i really thought they were going to break up. *exhale* well i'm glad they're going to stay together and work things out.
 Reviewed By: whitelilacs  On: April 23, 2007 20:03 CDT
Hehe, after reading the first one I had to check out this one. I love your Murata, since it's definitely a bit different from the vision I have of him (but I've only started reading KKM fics more recently). 3 wives, 7 children. XD I'll admit at the beginning it was a bit hard for me to get into it with the original character starting out the fic (hehe, maybe reading fanfiction while working on homework isn't a good idea XD;;;). But good job so far, definitely looking forward to future chapters of this fic, and more Yuuri-Wolfram goodness. :D
 Reviewed By: newdkidt [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 17, 2007 15:54 CDT
OMGosh update please
 Title: Update soon!
Reviewed By: Jenna K  On: April 09, 2007 15:43 CDT
Overall Rating: 8 of 10
I don't normally read KKM, but this story was cute, wonderfully hot and enticing...The changes of scene were a little abrupt, but this didn't deprive any enjoyment from the story. I haven't read the prequel, but I hope you update soon. - Jenna K
 Reviewed By: newdkidt [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 03, 2007 16:26 CDT
they're all grown up yay. this was really good. i liked when the guard got caught watching them, that was funny. you really can't blame wolfram for being so dam sexy
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