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"Black Widow Miko" Reviews/Comments [ 506 ]
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 Reviewed By: kitsune_youkai_jade [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 13, 2007 22:03 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
hey great fic as always i was wondering when are u going to update?
 Reviewed By: DYquem [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 02, 2007 23:06 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I will try to get a real review written in the next few days, but THE KISS, the KISS, the kiss. . . awwww, finally they kiss. So sweetly romantic. wonderfully written. I just loved Hiei's thoughts in this. From "I'm going to kill that miko and save myself the worry about when someone else will do it..." to "I will not give her up, not to the fox, the wolf or even the reikai. The gods gave her to me, and I'm keeping her." I think they will be outted in the next chapter. It just doesn't seem possible for Hiei to permit her to be approached by either Kurama or the wolf after this. The only possible delay would be if Kagome begs Hiei not to say anything so Kagura and other potential enemies don't find out about him. Speaking of Kurama. . . I want to see some BLOOD. some real, sword in the gut type blood out of Kurama. Tying someone up to a tree and removing their clothes while they say NO (and mean it) isn't interrogation and it isn't seduction and it isn't a little kinkiness between two consensual adults. It is rape, and releasing her when Kikyou arrives doesn't get him off the hook. I want to see Hiei smack Kurama firmly about to teach him right from wrong.
 Reviewed By: Sardave [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 01, 2007 02:36 EDT
Awwwww! The fluff! So glad he finally got that kiss! I loved the "adorable" scene. It really spells a lot about how their relationship has progressed. Oooh, but the way she's so scared for him... Man, I think Kagura's reaction to Shu makes her son's paternity obvious; she shouldn't be that shocked that Sess's son would take after him so much, ne? Wow, and bravo with the onyx stones on the sand, very appropriate! Your research is always glaringly obvious in every one of your chapters, and I'm always so giddy to see the super-length of each one when I open it. ^_^
 Reviewed By: inu_fan001 [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 29, 2007 20:09 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
 Reviewed By: jade_san  On: July 27, 2007 14:17 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I love this fic i'm always checking for the updates ^_^ please update soon it's really great. if u want u can e-mail me and let me know what's up inujade@yahoo.com
 Title: Ch. 11
Reviewed By: halfblackwolfdemon [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 26, 2007 06:28 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
It did?! 0.0 omg! That's so cool! :D And your very welcome, but they come from my heart! It defiantly was, Kagome and Hiei are gonna become mates! (dances) You defiantly are building up to a wonderful chapter! And I can't wait either! ^_^ Yes, I did hit Kurama w/ a rolled up newspaper, it didn't work out the way I wanted it too, but o well, I have Naru-chan to protect me! (glomps awesome ninja) And yes, I love that! :D hehe, and Hiei is so… *glomp* XD omg, Eishumaru! U pervert! Lol! I did like it! It was awesome! :D And shame on Kagura for being so mean! That wasn't nice! But, Eishu-chan did put her in her place, no? :P He's a good son! And I love how you detail the houses and rooms and stuff, so kick butt! Rofl! Hiei's sleeping right across from her! That was rich! Lmfao! >u< And I laugh when the boys are all talking bad about Yemon! He's one mean cookie! *smacks him w/ a rolled up newspaper w/ a brick inside it* No! You bad wolf! You go outside now! XD And at the end of their sequence where they're talkin about Kagome and her lover: "Oh, crap!" Eishumaru smacked a hand over his eyes. "Now every little sound I hear at night is going to have me wondering if it's them." Ha! Pure genius! And what I really love about your story (besides the awesome Hiei/Kagome scenes and the hilarious scenes) is that you don't bash Kazuma-kun! Thank god! I hate when he gets bashed like that! It makes me mad/sad. :( He's such a good/righteous/loving guy. "Hn. An onna, -- what else?" ahahaaaa!!! Perfect Hiei answer! That truly made my day! "And you wouldn't make a very pretty woman, anyway" I think Hiei would make a very pretty women! *the song Pretty Women starts to play in the background* I'd love to see Hiei blush b/c he's embarresed! I'd snap a quick pic on my phone and text it to Kazuma-kun and Yuu-chan and save it as my background! *throws confetti* And I love that the beach's sand turns into Onyx stones when Kagome-chan bleeds on them! I so want one of those gems! XD Poor Kagome-chan fell asleep in her bath… She could have drowned! Thank god for Hiei! *glomp* And I'm so happy for Kazuma-kun! *dances* He gets to spend time wih his fiance! But, I started to cry when Hakkaku-kun was hurt and dying! It was so sad! But, I'm very glad hat Kagome coul help him! That made me happy! Aw! Hiei was being sentimental, and caressed her cheek! *fangirl sigh* So kawaii XD I so loved this one, and I hope 2 read more from you soon! Your stuff totally kicks can! YAH!
 Title: chapter one is finally up
Reviewed By: beckyducky [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 25, 2007 11:49 EDT
er...y'know that yuyu hakusho fic that i wrote ages ago...yeah... I updated!! Please read and review! I promise i'm only getting started... :]
 Reviewed By: ebi-chan  On: July 24, 2007 10:13 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
They KISSED, OMG they KISSED!! I can't tell you how excited I was to read that they finally locked lips!! I got out of my chair and did a happy dance (and considering I'm at work, it was quite funny!). BTW Kagura is a LIAR, I don't care that her son "looks" like Sesshoumaru, that doesn't mean diddly... I can name at least 5 people off the top of my head that resemble each other so much you'd swear that they were siblings and they're not related at all by a long shot!! Ugh, how dare she!!! Sorry I'm a little stressed at having my internet down at home and only having time to read and review while at work and it's getting a little tricky trying to make it look like I'm working. Oh well like I've said before I'm addicted to this story and if I have to read it at work then I HAVE to read it at work. Well my normally super long (OMG, Marcia, Marcia Marcia)reviews won't be making an appearance since I'm at work, so I'll make sure to type the max for the next chapter. Thanks again for a great chapter, I loved so many things about this chapter too, but I can't be on here too long. But I will tell you that I love that Kurama/Youko may be seeing "the light" so to speak in regards to Kagome's innocense!! There were some times were he kept pushing for guilt that I wanted to reach through the computer and smack him up side the head and then tie him up, but he'd probably enjoy that too much!! Anyway, like I said another awesome chapter and I know I can't wait for the next chapter - Just call me Pookie, lol. Hopefully my internet issues will be resolved by next chapter and then I can really enjoy reading and reviewing without feeling like a sneak thief!! ~ebi-chan
 Title: CH. 11: OOO Child!
Reviewed By: TAJE [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 20, 2007 22:21 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I was so glad when Kagura got the who blazed slapped out of her! Ha!Ha! I love her sons, You've done an excellent job on the boys. Although Eishumaru is more like Koga, flirtatious to the max! I agree with Kags about purifying her mates so they don't fall victim of a walking dead. I don't blame her at all. Such a turn around for our boy Hiei. Finally got that kiss uh! He's in deep now! They have got to get Kikyou, Darn that clay pot should have been shattered a long time ago, quick where's my my mallet!. I love your imaginstion with the blood turning into onyx on the sand. Lovely! Just Lovely! I wonder whatKurama is going to do with it? Love what you're doing with this story and the crossover. Love and Peace!
 Reviewed By: Drachegirl14 [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 20, 2007 16:56 EDT
Oh my goddess, that was beautiful, some questions answered, others aroused, write more ASAP!!!!!
 Reviewed By: Caitriona695  On: July 20, 2007 14:17 EDT
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
I started reading this story for a couple of reasons. The main one was that it had been nominated in the IYFG in crossovers. I am usually ambivalent about crossovers because so often it is just a way for one character in one universe to have sex with a character in another. I also am usually wary because I don't know who the hell the characters are that are being talked about. The first chapter of this story had a lot going against it because of these two. I had no clue who the characters from YYH were, you seemed to be planning on pairing Kagome up with one of them, and the first thing you did was kill off three of my favorite characters in IY. InuYasha, Sesshoumaru, and Kouga…all dead…poof. But then I gave it a chance because I had heard good things about this story, and I am pretty glad that I did in the end. I still really don't know a whole lot about YYH, but I have been totally sucked in by the storyline. The entanglements of the murders (and not even knowing how they had all been murdered until later chapters) have had me intrigued. I couldn't stop reading. And now I am up to the final published chapter and I still don't know who the killer is!!! I just wanted to shake the computer and yell at it until it gave up the information. There are a number of things that I have really enjoyed. The sons have been a joy to read about. Inu's son being raised by Sess, Sess's son being raised by Kouga, and Kouga's son being raised alone (like Inu) by only his mother; it is a nice circle in my mind. I like the markings on the faces as they mature in power and strength. It seems like something completely canon even though it isn't. I have enjoyed the way Kagome has tripped around her suitors like a Prima Ballerina. I have enjoyed the relationship between Kagome and Hiei (and not just the sex.) I have enjoyed the storyline and all the twists and turns that you have taken us though as you tell us first one and then another was the murderer. I have enjoyed the descriptions of the day to day life and holiday for the larger group. Now I like lemons as much as the next person….perhaps more than most. I have enjoyed the lemons but there have been times when I read through them thinking, 'ok, get back to what was happening!' Weird, huh? There are a number of things that I haven't liked a lot too. I didn't like that you killed off my boys. ::sniff sniff:: Especially Inu dying on his night of weakness. He had to have known who killed him and the torment of those last seconds of his life would have been so sad. I don't I haven't especially liked that there hasn't been one hard ounce of evidence one way or the other. I only want to be lost for a little while before the detectives come up with something! It makes them seem a little off. I also have been somewhat saddened that the souls of my boys have been 'purified' so they will be unable to go through reincarnation. I hope that perhaps you have someway around that, kinda like the kami bringing Kagome back…. Maybe? A couple of questions: How long do you plan on making this story? We will eventually find out who killed the taiyoukai and why, right? Are you going to show us the boys coming into their own as far as the lands? Will the taiyoukai make an appearance at all? Thanks for writing for us and I look forward to reading more of this piece.
 Reviewed By: LordoftheWest [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 20, 2007 02:13 EDT
i'm loving this so much. just to let u knnow i'm ladyofthewest on aff. i would be reviewing on there but i know to much because of this site. i got a question could kanna be the reason why the souls didn't cross? o well i'll find out soon anough. bye till then.
 Reviewed By: Brightshadow4494 [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 19, 2007 21:04 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
please update soon! your story is awesome!you're a great writer!
 Title: btw
Reviewed By: beckyducky [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 19, 2007 14:22 EDT
by the way: the review that says 'iam beckyducky signed out' in the reviewed by section is me. :] *forgot to sign on* oops!!
 Title: chapter 10
Reviewed By: iam beckyducky signed out  On: July 19, 2007 14:20 EDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
oh goodness! I love your twists!! i really wish your characters were real so that i could see what they look like. It's so strange cuz Daitano acts so much like sess but he's inuyasha's son. Eishumaru is sess's but acts kinda like kouga . And Sassouta?? He is Kagome's son through and through. I loved the ending of this chapter . Normally, fluff kinda makes want to retch, but you did a really good job of making it believable Your chapters are always worth the wait!
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