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"Black Widow Miko" Reviews/Comments [ 506 ]
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 Reviewed By: Raeko [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 14, 2008 20:40 EDT
Oh, come on now! You think that ending it after he asked and before she answered wasn't a bit of a cliffhanger? I'm telling you right now that it is, even if it's a nicer one than your last couple. And no, that doesn't mean that I really believe that something awful might come out of it-I have more faith in your love of warm fuzzies than to think so-but there DO seem to be some obstacles, don't there? Such as…maybe the point of getting married was so just the two of them would know about their relationship and its deepening, but I doubt it. Part of what she at least would want out of a wedding would be the publicity, the celebrating with family and friends, which (at least in my mind) would totally circumvent the thing about not marking her as his mate now. Maybe they would count on youkai not understanding the significance, but I doubt they would be so careless. Even if she says yes, even if they do marry sooner rather than later, they still wouldn't be able to make it public, am I right? Still, it was an superbly written bit and a wonderfully sweet moment, and I didn't think about any of that business until after I got done squealing about it. Oh, and the thing about Kurama and Kagura and the setup that I totally fell for? Ha ha, I've been feeling stupid about that one ever since, so thanks for rubbing it in! >.< However, it does make me think. Even Hiei was struck by how much she looked like Kagome back there a couple of chapters ago, so as much as I hate to think him vulnerable to that kind of deception, isn't it just possible that she tricked Sesshoumaru into sleeping with her? Ew, ew, and like I said, I don't think that under normal circumstances that would even be a possibility, but he was being poisoned, and it may have been more than once. On the other hand, that doesn't explain why Kagura would be nervous about the aura examination, and I'm inclined to think that's important. (Genkai leaving the obvious loophole there about them being 'related,' not necessarily 'brothers' is a red flag too, I imagine.) Some of the explanations I've seen in other reviews are pretty entertaining! Um, let's see. Kagome's story actually was close to what I had been thinking-especially the business about her not really knowing but suspecting herself. I'm glad Hiei saw so clearly how it could have been so many other factors and pointed them out. She needs to stop thinking that way! And Koenma needs to stop brushing off his underlings. I was already a little ticked at him for not knowing that somebody on his own staff brought Kagura to their doorstep, but now his refusal to see the youkai soul that apparently had something to tell him that was, I don't know, a little important? It didn't escape my notice that one of the souls taken by Kikyou was that of Ayame's cousin, but apparently it did escape that of the ruler of the dead. Do your job, jerkface! Gah, they should give his job to George. Stupid godlings, grumble grumble… Things with Hiei and Kurama seem to be getting more volatile by the day! It seems incredible that Kurama really thinks all that's wrong with Hiei is that he needs to get laid (oh, the irony!). Shouldn't he know him better than that by now? I think my favorite part this time is (yet again) a Hiei quote: "I know. You weren't prepared for this. Neither was I, but don't expect me to apologize for it. I never wanted a mate, and I certainly never even thought about having children, but fortunately for me, the kami screwed up somewhere and now I have everything I never wanted, but couldn't live without." Fuzzies galore! I bow down in gratitude to the mistress of their provision! Sorry I was so late in reading and reviewing this chapter, but I'm glad I waited until I could do it all at once! I'll let you know if anything else strikes me in the next few days…
 Reviewed By: river [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 14, 2008 18:10 EDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
*nudge nudge* Please, another chapter!! "Marry me"... so sweet...
 Title: The "L" is for Love!!!!
Reviewed By: TAJE [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 05, 2008 22:37 EST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
If I have to add a big "L" to your forehead, it's only to represent "LOVE"! Especially for this story! Yeah! Them ducks do tend to stray from the row don't they? =D Yes I see how complex Kagome's portrayal is. So many events, mysterious circumstances and in all this Hiei and Kagome must preserve the bond they have for each with each other. That love scene was slamming! Whoa!!!! I know you are going to throw many twists and turns with the findings of Kagome's son. Eishumaru's reaction made my spine tighten I kind of knew he would react the way he did. Diatano I feel for because of his adoration he held for the man who's been both father and uncle leaving one confused big brother. But you know, the way you went with Kagome going back telling Hiei about each of her mate's death, I have to admit I cried over Inuyasha's demise more because he died as a human even though the others were just as tragic. Poor Kagome, who ever is out for her is going for the jugular! Man! I love the way you explained the aura process! Very interesting especially Kagome's examination. The color representation of each part of her body was superb! You know, Kaguara's nervousness made my spine in a nagging knot, so is this whole thing with Master Zhang, and even Jaken's training made me laugh when Hiei was trying to imagine Jaken doing battle stances! And Yeah! That Byakua! Isn't he the illusionist? Ummm... I know he's done some major crap to seriously trick his prey! Keeping my eye on him! Wow! Many questions, many mysteries, and lots of enjoyment. You have grabbed my attention throughout this whole story! I can't wait for the next chapter! Peace!!!!
 Reviewed By: Vert  On: March 05, 2008 10:58 EST
Style of Writing: 9 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Rarely do I ever leave a review, but I thought I'd take the time to let you know that I love your story. At first glance, I thought I wouldn't like it do ur 4 original characters, but because it was well written I gave it a chance and was impressed. Doesn't hurt that it's Hiei-centric either.
 Reviewed By: Yue no Rei  On: February 26, 2008 02:36 EST
Alas I still call myself yue no rei when it comes to fanfic reviews. Now I have to totally agree with DYquem about WHY no one else has brought up about an outside source for Kagura to have Sesshoumaru's child. Who know, I think even Kagura might be thrown into a loop as to how Ginjiro is Sesshoumaru's kid if she really believes they were "together" as claimed. If Sesshoumaru and her really got together then she would realise that there was something strange since he would never act be disloyal whether he wanted or not. But I comment you on all these little tidbits of information you did research on. I really do extremely enjoy your interesting facts that make it easier for everyone to more or less relate the story to RL. HAha
 Reviewed By: raincld  On: February 25, 2008 19:10 EST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
This story is so well written that I had to pace myself to make sure I drank it all in while reading it. I have never read such a detailed story of Kagome/Hiei that I have come to adore this one so much I hated that it had to end right now even though you said more chapters are to come. It's fantastic! Keep up the great work!
 Reviewed By: DYquem [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 24, 2008 13:36 EST
I need to do a complete review, but here's a start. All together now in a nice sing songy voice "KOENMA IS A MORON. KOENMA IS A MORON." WHO has he had Jin and Touya trying to track through the Makai? WHAT kind of investigation on mikos is going on now? WHO have people been wanting more information about? Being busy is no excuse. Moron. moron. mornon. In fact, it was, IMO, SO moronic of him that it smacks of a convenient plot device. That's o.k., though, it is rare for you to do that as your characters are usually so excellent at behaving in a fashion which is logical for that character. It isn't entirely outside the realm of possibility for Koenma to act like a moron, but this did jump out at me as a particularly convenient "blind side" event. -------------------------------------- Re Ginjiro, no one seems to have mentioned in reviews the possibility which I think most likely after this chapter. Ginjiro IS sesshoumaru's son. That does not mean that Kagura and Sess had sex. Artificial insemination. It been fairly reasonably established that whoever (whether singular or plural) is responsible has good inside contacts and assistance. It is established that Youkai are stronger than humans, so its logical to assume their sperm are stronger, and quite probably survive outside the body longer. Someone helped Kagura get access to some of Sesshoumaru's sperm (from the sheets, the garden, the wall. . . one gets the idea there were plenty of opportunities) and then used that to impregnate herself and give birth to Sesshoumaru's child. Hence, no cheating, but he is still Sess' child. BTW, I agree with you entirely about the possessive use of the apostraphe with 's' and 'x'. ---------------------------------- and then real quick in closing, Hiei's proposal was great. Awwwww. . . and yet it makes sense. This is really more for him than for her, or at least as much for him as her. He wants her tied to him by all possible ways, and no other mate ever married her under human traditions. Frankly, they didn't need to back then. But this way, Hiei has a first, which is clearly important to him, and there is another ritual tying them together in the eyes of their friends and in human society. They will be married. They will be "Mr. and Mrs." and that is really important to Hiei. It is something he can shout to the treetops and waive in the face of any male, whether human or youkai, who looks at Kagome.
 Title: Ch. 14
Reviewed By: halfblackwolfdemon [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 23, 2008 01:02 EST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
YAY!!! So awesome! But... Kagura kinda made me mad, and her son *growls* such a smug jerk *grabs rolled up newspaper* Guess I'm gonna have to share Kurama's beating time *evil grin* But, twas a very good, long chapter that had me on the edge of my seat! and HIEI!? MARRAIGE!! *squeals* Oh! That's so sweet! I hope my guys like that!.. er.. not the whole "Lets wed after this round of sex" thing, but very caring like Hiei is! *wistful sigh* But, back 2 ur story, Complete awesomeness! I'm more confused then ever, how..wa.. ?.? Was Kagome controled or not, and was the poison put in by someone else? *head start to hurt* o man... *groans* You have me pondering and its killing my brain! Update so I don't die from awesomeness overload! LoL! XD Hope 2 read more soon! -Nanu-chan
 Reviewed By: alissa  On: February 22, 2008 00:45 EST
that was sooooo cute that he asked her to marry him!!!! i hope you update soon and yes i still have hair but not as much as i used too! ;D
 Reviewed By: HeartStar [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 20, 2008 02:37 EST
LOL that was great marry me huh I love him I can't wait till the next chapter as you know anyway i hope you have a wonderful week.
 Reviewed By: Sabriel8  On: February 20, 2008 02:02 EST
Oh my, Hiei's proposal put tears in my eyes. (seriously, it did) Thank you so much for finally posting this next chapter; if you hadn't I think I was ready to chomp apart my computer. (no lie, I was that impatient) However, the long wait just made this chapter that much more enjoyable, I loved it. Especially the end! I can't believe you're actually planning to end it in just another four or five chapters, it makes me a bit sad. "Black Widow Miko" has definitely hit one of the best and one of my most favorite fanfictions. And believe me when I say, I've read a LOT of fanfictions. I can't wait for the next addition to the story, the long pauses in between almost make me wish I hadn't stumbled upon your story while it was still in progress. (the suspense is killing me) Although I promise to survive all the way to the end, mostly because I want to see what happens. I'm also very anxious for the answers to the million and one questions the length of this story has stirred so far.
 Reviewed By: SKnFS [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 19, 2008 14:35 EST
Once again your knack for leaving off at that certain spot has won out and I want to hate you for it but I just can't find it in me especially after reading that amazing chapter. Once again i absolutely love how much work you put into your stories. I found myself absolutley enthralled with the whole aura examination and I love it even more how there is still a leeway in it (or at least Hiei claims) that could completely turn everything around and into Kagome's favor. Of course Kagura is something of a bitch and all but I did find it funny how she just can't stop looking at Kagome but if she has the glow its hard not to look at someone like that. After the way you left last chapter off with Kagome attacking Hiei I was all like O.o wtf? She's posessed! Of course I should have known you'd have something behind it XD I loved this chapter though. Hiei had a heart to heart with the kid, Shizuru is coming around... kinda and Hiei is a jealous, possessive little turd. I think this would be so much easier if the guy hadn't been emotionally stunted as a child but then its his emotional constipation that I've always found interesting about him and how behind his indifferrence he has his inner turmoil that he doesn't know how to express properly. Arg! I'm rambling now. Anyway I loved your chapter, I love you and I look forward to the next update.
 Reviewed By: Drachegirl14 [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 19, 2008 14:23 EST
Okay, yes, you did say bad you, but I'm saying it anyways. Bad bad you. Update faster next time damnit!!!! Now then, on to the chappie-yes, I understand that someitmes plot twists are cruel and necessary devices, being a novice fanfic authoress myself, but was that cliffie and the making of Kagura's son Sesshomaru's son necessary? Really? That was so unfair . . . But overall, a good chappie that I absolutely adored and that I hope you follow up with as soon as possible!!!!!
 Reviewed By: BoxingKing [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 18, 2008 17:46 EST
OMG, that was awesome! That went above and beyond expectations, the call of duty, everything! I was alternately giggling and practically crying throughout the whole thing! Hiei cracks me up. He comes to all of these startling revelations that just seem to shock the hell out of him but crack me up. And poor Kagome! You did an excellent job of retelling her side of the story. Absolutely loved it, and I still don't have a clue who the killer is. AND KAGURA! Holy Toledo, they are related! I cannot believe it! Sheshy couldn't have been unfaithful... Egads, that thought is too terrible to speak! I can't wait for an explanation for that one - it had better be good! ^_~ And, you topped the chapter off by a sweet, adorable proposal from Hiei, which was nicely accented by Kuwabara and Yukina. :D Ahh, love. AND THE PINKY STRING OF LOVE! That was just perfect! It cracks me up that Kuwabara saw the string between Hiei and Kagome, and then went through such a hard time trying to let Hiei know. What a sweetie! Excellent job on everyone, as always. Kurama just needs a swift kick in the ass, though. :D Keep up the good work, already can't wait for another update! And just four more chapters? So little time left! I will gleefully await the next chapter! ~BoxingKing
 Reviewed By: ebi-chan  On: February 18, 2008 15:46 EST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! You have no idea how badly I was fiening for this story!! I loved this chapter soooo much, chock full of explanations that only left more questions. I do love how everyone starts to jump to conclusions without actually paying attention, and that Hiei's thoughts were the same as mine was quite funny. I mean Genkai said they were related, but just not how they were related... That statement right there leaves the book wide open, hehe. I can't really explain everything that I loved about this chapter, but my favorite is the very end where Hiei decided he wanted to be bonded to Kagome some way or another and asked her to marry him. I nearly fell out of my seat when I read that! I'm glad you were finally able to post this chapter and hopefully the next one won't take so long. I hope you and your family enjoyed the holidays. So I will going back to my corner now and will be free-basing this chapter whenever the "need" arises, and will be eagerly and impatiently awaiting the next installment. Oh and I also wanted to say how excited I was to see Kagome bring up the "jagan" issue. I've been dying and dying waiting for her to say go ahead and tell me what happened!! I know we'll have to wait but I think I can handle it!!! Well kudos to you again for another awesome chapter, can't wait for the next one!!! ~ebi-chan
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