"Tattered Strips of Green" Reviews/Comments [ 6 ] |
Reviewed By: ForestBrookBeauty [MediaMiner Member] On: July 08, 2008 12:16 CDT Comment/Review: I have to say I have had a lot of difficulty finding PoT fics that I can get into. This is a very good story and I'm surprised you have so few reviews! I hope you write another Prince of Tennis fic someday soon!
Reviewed By: theaprilbaby [MediaMiner Member] On: January 24, 2008 19:46 CST Comment/Review: Aawww... I love Keisuke and Nabiki. They're so cute. xD Nice story, I was feeling so sad about Kaidoh, but I like how it turned out.
Reviewed By: dawn m [MediaMiner Member] On: December 10, 2007 00:23 CST Comment/Review: I thought this was a fantastic story would love to see what else you do with this storyline looking forward to sequel mentioned
Reviewed By: Ciiah-chan [MediaMiner Member] On: July 22, 2007 18:42 CDT Rating(s):Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: Wow... I cannot believe you have so few reviews!! You deserve a lot more than three! You know what? It's just because p.o.t. isn't as popular as Naruto or Inu Yasha. If this was a Naruto-fic, you would have gotten a lot more reviews... I hope ppl will realize what a great anime Prince of Tennis is, becasue this fic was great an more ppl should read it! ^^ Although I usually don't like it when the characters has children, but Kaidoh's daughter (and the little we saw about Momo's son) was totally okay. :) Keep writing, cos you totally rock at it! *chu*
Title: AWESOME! Reviewed By: Mia Skywalker [MediaMiner Member] On: June 02, 2007 14:43 CDT Rating(s):Style of Writing: 10 of 10 Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10 Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10 Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10 Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: This fic has only one review? (is dismayed) It deserves a lot more than it has! I beta'd it, so you know how I feel about it. I don't even LIKE PoT (not the anime, at least) and I love this fic! It's made me like the characters in a way the anime can't. I love every one of the characters in this, and I absolutely adore Kaidoh's daughter. Heh. It was fun seeing Gremlin in this, little imp. ^_^ Even if he was really just a cameo. Oh, and you know the whole hissing thing? I find myself hissing a LOT with the "fssshhhhuuuu!" thing these past few months! All your fault! ^_^ I was overjoyed that this fic won best fic for the MM contest - it deserves it! ^_^
Title: Great Fic! Reviewed By: Niobe Jones [MediaMiner Member] On: May 17, 2007 12:25 CDT Rating(s):Style of Writing: 10 of 10 Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10 Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10 Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10 Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: I found this going through the Max Challenge Contest submissions and it is really good! Really good! It is a lot of fun and I really like your characters - even the original ones. I want to find out what happens with Nabiki and Keisuke in Seigaku. That is a story I really want to see. I also want to know what happened to Sakuno in your fic. Maybe you could put her in a threesome with Tezuka and Ryoma - hint hint. Anyway this was really good. And I hope that it wins something.