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"Minoue" Reviews/Comments [ 521 ]
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 Reviewed By: bookworm810 [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 07, 2007 04:08 EDT
I'm really liking this story, and finding it very different from other fanfics I've read. There's just one thing I was wondering, what course is Kagome studing? I've got a couple of ideas, but you haven't actually said so i'm curious.
 Reviewed By: wildthundakat nsi]  On: August 31, 2007 14:33 EDT
i was reading ur reviews and almost forgot something. i too like how u integrated her weapon into the story. it reminds me of how u integrated kirara into the fic. i can't help but wonder how u will kagome's powers
 Reviewed By: wildthundakat [not signed in]  On: August 31, 2007 14:29 EDT
once again, wow. i love what u keep managing to do with this fic. i love the way it's progressing. and i can't help but wonder what more will go on with this fic and how it will end. i'm glad to see that u are keeping up with it. i enjoy the begining friendship with sango and kagome. i kinda wish there was more of Souta's appearance. not too many people include him in there that much, but i figured the way you're going, he could be included a bit more. i like that kaede was mentioned too. it makes me wonder if sesshoumaru and rin have a place. will we see anymore of kirara? i miss her, and the bond that she and sango were developing was really well written. i still think if u were to write soemthing on ur own, u have a great knack for writing. and ur scenery description is always very lovely. can't wait for the next chappie. keep it up
 Title: Minoue Reviews.
Reviewed By: vikikibouki@hotmail.com  On: August 30, 2007 21:57 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Now, Sweetie, don't get me wrong, I love doggies. BUT!!! BIG BUT!!! I'm A kitty person. I've tamed several wildcats that a lot of people would have condemned to death (AND found homes for them). The local SPCA & I are on 1ST name bases. That comes from being a 'GENERAL MANAGER' for a APPT. Complex for over 16 years. Anywhoos. This story (that I MADE MYSELF wait for, impatiently) was well worth the wait. Beautifully written, with a plot that leaves you wondering: 'What's next?'. I AM SOOO looking forward for your next chappies. As always, I know that I won't be disappointed. This is One Dang Good Write-Out!!! Luv Ya & Leave Ya, Sweetie. JA NE.
 Reviewed By: J Luc Pitard [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 30, 2007 21:29 EDT
This is a very interesting take on the group. I'm enjoying it and the building of relationships. It's unfortunate that you cast Kikyo into such a role, however. In keeping with the original story, she could've been fooled by Naraku into hurting (in this case exposing) Inuyasha. It would provide more tension regarding any lingering feelings he has for her as well. She could still have spurned him for his heritage, but not come out looking like such a witch. The incident at the tournament would've felt more natural if Naraku had been involved as well. Instead it stood out as Kikyo bashing. Otherwise I'm enjoying the story and look forward to what will happen with Kohaku and possible "meet the family" moments for Kagome. Nice to see Miroku growing up.
 Reviewed By: malitiadixie [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 30, 2007 15:24 EDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I was wondering if you were going to give her a weapon. I love the way you intergrated it into the story. It fits so well; seamless. I enjoyed this chapter. I hope you have another one comming soon.
 Title: Great!
Reviewed By: quirkyslayer [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 30, 2007 12:33 EDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Interesting chapter. I like how you focused more on Sango, and even showed everyone's thoughts about Sango as her character progresses. The training was intriguing, and it's a good way to introduce Sango to the boomerang. Great job!
 Reviewed By: ladygriddlebone [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 30, 2007 11:11 EDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
It's interesting how you brought Hiraikotsu into the story. Actually, a lot of interesting things happened in this chapter, which means there really isn't anything not to like. Nice to see Miroku making progress, even if it's slow (which is nicely believable anyway), and Sango working with Hiraikotsu. I loved the description of Inuyasha's instruction, too. It really demonstrated how knowledgeable he is, and also how seriously he takes his role as instructor and how much he cares about the safety and well-being of his students. Overall, you've got great characterizations and great descriptions in this story. I'd have to say it's one of my favorite Inuyasha fanfics. (I certainly look forward to your updates enough!)
 Reviewed By: InuGoddess715 [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 30, 2007 07:51 EDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Good chapter. And, once again, I loved how you introduced Sango's "other" best friend, lol. I was hoping we'd get to see the Hiraikotsu in some way or another. And I really like how it was done. As for Miroku in class, that was funny. Clearly, he really does love and is very knowledgable his subject matter, but his promiscuous reputation has skewed that so much. It's funny in way because you know he did it to himself, but it's also a little sad that he has cheapened himself to the extent that girls dress like prostitutes to come to his RELIGION class. Oh, MAN, has he got his work cut out for him to regain his respect. But, it looks like he's already slowly coming around. First, he used Kagome and Sango as blockers against the predatory females in his class. AND he showed up at the dojo not smelling like sex for once, which shocked Inuyasha. Baby steps toward respectability.....but steps all the same.
 Reviewed By: Fyrloche [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 30, 2007 07:12 EDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
OK, we've got Kirara and we've got Hiraikotsu. All that's left is that form fitting armour and we will be set. Let me guess, that comes up after Sango and Miroku get together. (One of his fantasies. Hey, who knows? Maybe he has a dominatrix fetish?) Great story. I know I should have reviewed the last chapter but I have been supremely lazy lately. I've only had the energy for work and sleep. Now I've got my daughters nagging me about my writing. sighs I'll be posting soon. I realy like this story and I look forward to the next chapter. Hell, I look forward to the whole story. Later, ChowGal. snorts Sorry, I couldn't resist. I've been reading alot of 'Buffy' fanfics lately and I've been channelling my inner Xander.
 Reviewed By: notloggedin-gen50  On: August 30, 2007 03:20 EDT
Overall Rating: 9 of 10
a short chapter, and almost all sango, as it should be? i like inuyasha's training. it sounds real. and the short of thing someone on rehab/therapy might need.
 Reviewed By: madmiko [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 30, 2007 01:47 EDT
What a wonderful way to have Sango heave the 'ole hiraikotsu around in this one. Very logical, too. I think Miroku is going to have a difficult time keeping away from his predatory female students. He may have to use Kagome and Sango as a permanent shield. LOL!!
 Reviewed By: Ravenreux [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 29, 2007 22:06 EDT
I thought your descriptions were amazingly detailed and informative...as in the mechanics of actually using a weapon. It makes you realize that it's not as simple as just throwing a ginormous boomerang. Excellent chapter and I can't wait to read more! Thanx for sharin'! Reux
 Title: Another Amazing Chapter
Reviewed By: ScifiAmy [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 29, 2007 21:46 EDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Others have said everything I wanted to say about how wonderful this chapter was. This story gets better and better. Feels like a movie in my mind. All the characters pretty much have the same personalities which is terrific. Keep up the wonderful work. I love all your stories. Thanks for the update! YOU ROCK! --- Amy
 Reviewed By: Knittingknots [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 29, 2007 21:13 EDT
An interesting way to reunite Sango with her weapon! It is interesting watching Miroku grow, although I am sure the girls in his class will try to slow that growth down!
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