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"Ask InuYasha And Yu Yu Hankusho" Reviews/Comments [ 46 ]
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 Reviewed By: HitenLuver  On: August 25, 2009 00:31 CDT
Style of Writing: 5 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 7 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 9 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 7 of 10
Hello everyone I have a question for the authoress/author. Are you going to add the Band of 7 from InuYasha? as well as InuYasha who do you like more from the band of 7 cause you should remember them especially Jakotsu "winks" Anyway... Hiei your my favorite charactor from that show but one question people say you have a evil eye known as the jagan eye do you really? Anyway see ya laterz ^_^
 Reviewed By: Kurama's_Kitsune  On: February 03, 2008 07:13 CST
Hi [again!]I'm Hieis_Kitsune, I'm just not logged in.Thanks for saying yes,Touya!!Okay, I've got some more questions!! 1: Kuwabara, if you could save either Yukina or Shizuru from certain death, who would you choose? 2:Hiei, are you gonna answer that question? 3:Kurama, do you love Botan? 4:Botan, do you love Kurama?
 Reviewed By: Ishellmay  On: January 22, 2008 17:15 CST
Hi... My first question is for Sesshoumaru. Sesshoumaru-sama, Have you ever been in love, and if so, with who? Second question. Inuyasha, why do you keep two-timing Kagome? Pull the lead out and ask her to be your mate already! Third question. Youko-Kurama, How did you get so damn SEXY? That means both of you. my lasy question is for, drumroll please.... Sesshoumaru! My dearest Fluffy, why do you insist on talking about your self in the third person? (I love all you guys)
 Title: Question for the YYH
Reviewed By: Kirara Kyuzuki  On: January 06, 2008 21:01 CST
Hey, I love your story so far and I have an question for the Yu Yu Hakusho gang, what ever happened to ya'll in the future after episode 112? and Kurama, did you ever have a sister when you were Youko?
 Reviewed By: InuYashasgirlfriend [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 06, 2008 20:01 CST
This one's for InuYasha. Why do you always run off to Kikyou? Everyone knows you love Kagome, and it makes her really upset. Now for Seshoumaru. Do you have any idea how many fangirls follow you? And now for Kagome. Why don't you just 'Osuwari' InuYasha into the center of the Earth everytime he annoys you? ~Kagome
 Reviewed By: Evil_overlord_of_death  On: January 06, 2008 16:01 CST
Spelling & Grammar: 7 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
My question is for inu-chan. WILL YOU MARRY ME?! I mean, if i looked and acted like kagome would you take me as your own? Koga already has the real Kagome so why not take the copy? You did it once.kikyo/kagome. YOUR SO HOT!Unlike 'Fluffy'and Koga. Wait, forget it, Koga is hot too just not as hot,sexy,geourgeous,handsome... as you are! I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!
 Reviewed By: Nyuka [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 05, 2008 04:30 CST
Nyuka *Meow*: Now I wander if you stoped doing this but hay I though I would be fun to write some questions any way.........I also would like Naruto and Fruba (Fruits basket) crew to join them for a specail Battal roy al......Ok.........Question for Sesshoumaru and Rin: Does it bug you that in at least 30 to 50% of fic may you speak in third person when you never speak like that in the manga of anime?.............Kuwabara are you affended when in every fic you are miss treated when you have your own special role in the anime and you don't get your respect in fic's?........Miroku: You know that you love Sango very much and Sango you.........so why do you hurt her my going after other women and groping her when she doesn't want you too?..................This if for the cast of Both fic's: do you get abset when authors of different fic's spell your names wrong or spell it differently..........like how I seen Yoko's name spelt (Youko and Yoko) which is in dang it?....*sigh*.................Kagome: How do you feel about haveing your relationship with Inuyasha riped apart in a hundred different ways though fanfic's and the actrule story?.................Kikyo: are you as lonly as I think you are with the they way people always make you the bad guy in fic's and haveing your love taken away from you and being forst back to a life you never wanted to live again?...If you could would have never come back at all?..............Inu-no-tasha: Who did you love more Sesshoumaru or Inuyasha's mother?...Also if you didn't die when Inuyasha was born how do you think you would have raised him?.........Inuyasha: If you Father was still alive to raise you do you think you would be more like Sesshoumaru and get along with him better?..............Last but not least Midoriko: how calm every one thinks you can make wishes on yours and the demons souls in then Shikon no tama......when it never gave any indication in the story?....................End
 Reviewed By: Hieis_Kitsune [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 27, 2007 06:18 CDT
Okay, I've got a question or 2 [or possibly 3.] 1: Hiei, if you had to marry either Koenma or me, who'd you choose? 2: Kuwabara, will you ever realize Yukina & you weren't meant for each other? 3: Kuwabara again. How many brain cells do you really have? 4: Touya, if Hiei says Koenma in response to my first question, will you marry me? Will you marry me even if he says no to Koenma?
 Reviewed By: Sandy the Judge  On: September 01, 2007 21:30 CDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
OMG this is SO funny ^_^ Well anyway I have a few questions! Hiei; What would you do if you got in a fight with a water demon(your height and speed) that had a move that could destroy your darkness dragon?(Asano: O_o Why are you acking him that?! Sandy: Cause I just want to!) Sesshoumaru; This is a what if question... What would you do if you got up the next morning and was completely human? And finally this ones to Yoko; What would you do if you found an artic fox and a giant rabbit robbing you?(Asano: Silvazer and Jack are gonna get you for that. Sandy: Does it look like I care?) Thanks for your time!
 Reviewed By: Brightshadow4494 [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 15, 2007 17:35 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
awesome story!! this is for kagome, if you could marry one of these three people who would it be, inuyasha, fluffy, or youko. this is for inuyasha, why do you like kikyo so much? All of you stay away from hiei, he's mine, well except for yukina since she's his sister.
 Reviewed By: Makala  On: August 12, 2007 17:11 CDT
This is funny but I have a question. Sango why don't you bare Mirouku's children
 Reviewed By: WolfWhisle  On: August 08, 2007 06:37 CDT
Style of Writing: 5 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 3 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 9 of 10
loving it! *throws 500 cans of Inu/Kit/Wolf-demon repelent on the stage* to kagome: why do you love inuyasha so much? even though he still sleeps with the clay hoe. just go with koga. to inu-dono: mom wants her child support money NOW!!! to shesshomaru, koga, and inu-yasha: whats up little bros? to jaken: give up and face the music, shesshomaru is straight! get a boyfrend alredy.
 Reviewed By: Mrs. Kurama  On: July 24, 2007 20:41 CDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
*waves while giggly* hello it's me again and not logged on my account man i'm lazy >.< ...anywho, you asked a lot of my questions in that chapter and it was funny as hell! ^^' Oh and the reason why i asked you jaken if you were a homosexual was because i read a fanfic about you being one ^^' heeeeee... ok on with the questions kurama: why do you look like your irish in the anime but any other japanese boy in the manga. for those of you who doesnt know kurama has black hair and ...purple eyes? in the manga i have no idea what color his eyes are in the manga ok! ok that's it...for now update!!!! oh and thanks for the chibi of kurama!!! well i already ahve a bunch of him and youko already but one more couldnt hurt! oh and thanks for thinking about adding the fruits basket cast!!!
 Reviewed By: Ebil Jelly  On: July 24, 2007 20:35 CDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
ok then -chokes on sandwich- now revive me!!!! -dies...waits to be revived- oh wait before i die... i want to ask koenma a question... if your really old why do you like to stay in your kid form? ok now -dies- update and have Sesshoumaru revive me!
 Reviewed By: Ebil Jelly  On: July 24, 2007 20:35 CDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
ok then -chokes on sandwich- now revive me!!!! -dies...waits to be revived- oh wait before i die... i want to ask koenma a question... if your really old why do you like to stay in your kid form? ok now -dies- update and have Sesshoumaru revive me!
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