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"The Sweetest Escape" Reviews/Comments [ 255 ]
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 Title: heheeeeeee
Reviewed By: Autumn_the_Reviewer [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 23, 2007 04:42 CDT
Blah, you and your questions at the end of the chapter... sheesh. lol. anagrams and numerology?! LOL I actually had to pull out my cell phone and figure out what the numbers were. IZAYOI... cute. real cute lol. As for the chapter itself, I loved it. I liked reading about Inuyasha and his artistic side. Even I (24 yrs old) still like to finger paint. Its theraputic. And I believe that totousai is a fire demon. Or at least it has something to do with fire. I mean, come on, the guy can shoot fire out of his mouth. *grumbles under breath* wish i could do that.. Anyways, I look forward to the tutor sessions, and Kagome's weird obsession with Inuyasha. Keep up the great work!
 Title: ADD
Reviewed By: ObtuseNeneko(NLI)  On: July 19, 2007 09:31 CDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Yay, updates are always great :) I really enjoy this fic so far. I hope you continue on with it. And as for Kagome being ditzy in this story, she kinda comes off that way in the anime sometimes too. I was wondering why Inuyasha was afraid of his father at first (being a hanyou) I thought he would be human or something like that until I payed attention and realized that his father has gold eyes just like him. Eh heh, some fics make the 'abusive father' human and I have to ask myself "Why wouldn't he just beat the crap out of him and be done with it?" Anyways. . . (I have reviewing ADD) Good luck on future chapters and anything else you might write, you have done a very good job :)
 Reviewed By: SplendentGoddess [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 19, 2007 01:31 CDT
First, allow me to apologize if this comes off different than what I'm thinking in my head, but I will admit, I'm drunk right now. *Gasp* Yes, the Goddess gets drunk. Why not? Bonzai! Anyway, I haven't even read chapter 4 yet, though I'm sure it's great, but I had to comment on your author's note at the beginning. If someone wasn't intelligent enough to comprehend the fact that "Roundabout Way" was basically a parody fic, as everyone else understood, then I wouldn't worry too much about it. Since that person is obviously incapable of reading author's notes, I doubt they'll personally receive your message, but I completely understand your need to rant. I went and read the review in question before writing this, and I completely agree with you...the entire meaning of your story was totally lost on them. As for myself, I've NEVER read a Takahashi interview. Does that mean I'm not allowed to interpret her characters as I see fit? Oops...too late, hehehehe. But seriously... It seemed to me, you weren't making fun of the REAL Inuyasha...you were making fun of other fanfics...where those authors do over use that retched command. Okay...just know that the author of the epic "Mating Season" freakin' novel thing TOTALLY agrees with you...*thumbs up* Incidentally, for just barely starting out, yourself, you're a way better author than I was during my first few stories. I love your first two one-shots, and have reviewed both as well. I hadn't gotten around to reviewing this little number yet, though I was going to. I've got you saved as a favorite which is how I knew about it in the first place. I'm liking this story so far, and I also look forward to any additional stories you plan on doing in the future. Sincerely... SplendentGoddess
 Reviewed By: Autumn_the_Reviewer [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 18, 2007 23:24 CDT
*grins* Its alright, about kagome being a flake, she is sincere in her *spazziness*. And thats what counts. I like how you made the characters interact with eachother. Eri, though, she might not be my favorite person right now, but I've met many Eris' of the world, and the gossip that they spread is damaging. I also like how Inuyasha is over suspicious of Kagome's actions. You're developing that character very well. Anyways, I have more stories to read and review, so keep up the great work!
 Reviewed By: Pariah [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 17, 2007 11:38 CDT
Style of Writing: 9 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 8 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
First off, I must commend you on your characterization. When I first started this I was concerned that because of Inuyasha's situation and circumstances, his personality would be too altered. Many people who use similar story-lines go the way of turning him into a mouse (meek and submissive). But you've managed to keep him in character - he's retained that adorable belligerent thoughtfullness - he remains Inuyasha and yet there's the added bonus of seeing him develop in this environment you've set for him. Kudos to you! I'm very much enjoying this. It's rare to find a well-written piece of fanfiction. Looking forward to the next chapter!
 Reviewed By: Midoriko-sama [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 17, 2007 09:49 CDT
Overall Rating: 9 of 10
Another excellent chapter, I'll say! And oh my, no, take your time! The build-up of the story is half the fun, if not more. Oh and the teacher? Obviously our un-favourite spider. Quite a fascimile portrayal - he's mean to the core, and glories in it.
 Reviewed By: Autumn_the_Reviewer [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 17, 2007 00:22 CDT
ahhhh anagram. so Naraku.. That bastard. Anyways. Good chapter, but you made kagome into a flake! A flake?! LOL and she drives a VW bug? Interesting. Poor Inuyasha, he just doesnt get a break. Will it always be like this? Where the world is against him, and his father will one day beat the life out of him? I hate abusive family members. I can never understand why people stay with them, when they get beat up. Anywho, great chapter cant wait to read the next one. :)
 Reviewed By: LadyCobain69 [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 16, 2007 11:54 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 9 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I love this fic! Poor Inuyasha just needs a break. I can't wait for the next update. This is probably the most well-written fic I have seen in a while. It's not cliche, you can spell and it's so dark :) Me likey! I'll be waiting...
 Reviewed By: Autumn_the_Reviewer [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 16, 2007 03:51 CDT
Rawr.. I am now signed in lol. Anyways, that was a superb chapter. But it's too early for me to take a guess at who the teacher could be. He is annoying and sadistic.. It could be anyone. If I had to take a stab in the dark, I would have to say you gave him a Sesshomaru complex. His mannerisms and attitude towards Inuyasha are much like how Sesshomaru is towards him in the anime. But thats just my two cents and such. Great chapter, and thanks for updating so fast. Keep up the good work!!!
 Reviewed By: KCO  On: July 15, 2007 22:26 CDT
The reason everyone's name ends with a vowel is because Japanese is a syllabic language. The only consonant that the words can end with is N. Your story seems interesting, but I can't say more since Inuyasha is the only one of the main cast that has been introduced.
 Reviewed By: Midoriko-sama [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 15, 2007 16:29 CDT
Overall Rating: 9 of 10
Well me dear, I think that all the names end with a vowel because of the consonant-vowel system in Japanese ^v~ Or so I suspect. This is a very good story on the whole - good pace, splendid use of the environment circumstance to heap up a lot of misfortune onto our main character without making it look overdone, and a good way of making the readers love him more than they already do. I particularly like the use of paint colours to discribe his colouring; that is a particularly genial idea to give a _very_ solid picture of the environment while at the same time a hint to the character's likings and inclinations. Very well done with that particular plot device, it was certainly not feebly chosen. I'm particularly curious now to see if Inuyasha will have any talent with a brush. There is a lot of promise for darkness as well, seeing that all this misfortune will lead him head on into the unforgiving walls of both the school system and his father's heavy fists. I suppose we'll just have to see, but I'm _quite_ jumping in my seat.
 Title: lol loving it
Reviewed By: Autumn_the_Reviewer nsi  On: July 15, 2007 02:42 CDT
I think this is the beginning to a wonderful story, i wish you'd write more though. I am anxiously waiting the next chapter. Keep up the good work, and sorry for not signing in, im just reading my email updates. ~Autumn
 Reviewed By: Tamika1791 [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 14, 2007 15:13 CDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
that was a great start! I really like your writing style. Just one thing though, in the series Inuyasha doesn't scar, even when he gets a hand shoved through his gut.
 Reviewed By: InuyahasChic [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 14, 2007 14:37 CDT
Awsome fic so far. But that cliffy was just evil.
 Reviewed By: Sassa [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 14, 2007 06:45 CDT
Heh, no review whoring, huh? I must admit I just thought the rules was that "use your own common sense and stay within the boundaries of the laws". I've seen people saying they won't update until they've gotten a certain anounts of rewievs, and I must say that stinks though. People will give feedback because they want to. Anyways, I really like your concept here. Many people using the abusive theme tend to make the victim so put down he/she cannot even think straight. Inuyasha however seems to have quite the poetic soul AND a way with words - even if his words to his father and the hurt those gave him has made him think otherwise. Please, do continue this.
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