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"All in Me" Reviews/Comments [ 17 ]
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 Reviewed By: Kate  On: June 20, 2002 14:05 CDT
I only read up to the part where we find out that Vegeta is connected to ChiChi. Truthfully, I couldn't read any further. It just doesn't make sense. I could understand Bulma, Trunks, or Goku, maybe even Yamcha, Piccolo or Gohan but ChiChi! Sorry, I can't buy it but on the bright side, I did like your writing style. Good luck with the fic.
 Reviewed By: Rae George  On: June 20, 2002 19:43 CDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Chapter nine! Suh-weet!

That's my new word, have you noticed?

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