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"Digimon Tamers: Reconfigured" Reviews/Comments [ 54 ]
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 Reviewed By: Ah, good to have you back...  On: November 29, 2002 17:12 CST
Ah, the infamous dog(?) puppet. I was wondering what she had done with that. I assumed she had discarded it in an effort to rid herself of bad memories...
Another posessed puppet theory, or is there something more you're plotting?
Timing is everything.
So Ashley has chronic nightmares, and Henry's being left out of the loop. Then again, considering how Henry's been in this series, it's perfectly understandable, especially if it's the dream I think you're referring to...
Heh. Nice bit with Suzie knowing about the 'pictures'. They really do grow up too fast. Hopefully Henry's pastimes won't accelerate Suzie's own development.
So it has something to do with the Omnimon battle?
Ergh. Poor Henry, finding out something like that is no fun.
If Impmon thinks he's having a bad time, he should listen in on what's happening with Ashley and Henry more closely.
...Ew. Okay, so we just confirmed Yamaki is a nasty pervert. Henry's right, there is no excuse.
You're planning on writting narrative versions of all of the chapters? Interesting... Will these not suffer from commercial breaks, then?
Speaking of the devil... At least this one's not quite as bad, although the inclusion of Icedevimon alongside Kyuubimon...
Oh, Jake's a real charmer, isn't he? Geh...
...Takenouchi Designs?
Does this mean that Adam has a cell phone and it's close enough to his D-Power's design that he was able to fool his family with that trick?
Well, attack of the devil digimon. Great...
Oh, good, so Marineangemon can act as the team healer, so to speak.
Gomamon as Marineangemon's Rookie form? Good choice, and an understandable one. I know there's some debate about whether Gomamon 'officially' evolves into Marineangemon, but I say it makes perfect sense in this, and that's all that matters.
Okay, now THAT comment is going to spark a lot of debate...
So Icedevimon is Rika's partner after all - a secondary partner. Considering that Wallace had two digimon, and many of the games allow you to have multiple partners, this isn't such a shock. It does raise the question of whether or not any of the others will be gaining alternative partners, though...
51 episodes of this? I wish you luck. Don't be afraid to take time off if you feel you're starting to burn out.
Crest Cards? Would I be out of line to predict that Kenta recieves the Crest Card of Reliability/Honesty at some point?
 Reviewed By: coconut buyer  On: October 21, 2002 14:39 CDT
forget the forgiveness shit.
 Reviewed By: coconut  On: October 20, 2002 05:13 CDT
sorry. I was being an asshole and I do like this story. can you forgive me? p.s. your the first guy to anser my reviews
 Reviewed By: Pistoffveemon [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 19, 2002 13:52 CDT
Listen, coconut, I would appreciate your reviews more if they weren't all spam. Also, please don't tell me what to do with my story. I have this planned out, and the only one person who I will listen to for something like this is me.

And the next chapter will be up as soon as I break through my writer's block.
 Reviewed By: coconut  On: October 19, 2002 08:55 CDT
dont make a this story a adventer and tamers crossover!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 Reviewed By: coconut buyer  On: October 19, 2002 08:40 CDT
when are you going to update this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 Reviewed By: coconuts rokes!  On: September 22, 2002 19:22 CDT
whair is mariomon?
 Reviewed By: Pistoffveemon [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 04, 2002 21:20 CDT
I won't let your high hopes down. I absolutely hate Gary Stu.
I'm glad that not everyone accepted that "He just shows up and we're supposed to love him and his perfection" bullshit. (pardon MY advanced French)
Yes, Ryo apparently got his start at the same time as Yolei (and according to some, Ken).
We'll see about that when Frontier gets to North America. I know I'll be keeping an eye open.
The whole thing with the Wonderswan you need to keep in mind that Ryo can't remember anything earlier than about a year and a half ago.
His comment about the journey was a suitably feeble attempt at humour.
In this fic, the odds were about 1-1.
I like the term "Shinka", I'm doing a dub fic, you do the math.
Ryo's not exactly thinking at his best at the second, since he's just become more confused as to his identity.
Your french is pardoned.
Chuchie has a large amount of power and influence over even the other Sovereigns. Therefore he can pull crap like this.
Yep, major bias here. On both counts.
I was counting on you not even thinking of her. If there's one thing I pride myself on, it's misleading hints and clever plot-twists.
Thanks, I guess. I'll take that as a compliment.
Yep, I think people ending up in the same part of a world which is supposedly comparable in size to ours as people from a completely different area makes no sense. Naturally, I chose to avoid that stupid cliche.
Just for the record Strikedramon, despite the ridiculous description, is Monodramon's actual Champion form.
Yep, they have to work together in an extreme case like this, so of course they learn to work together as a team quickly.
I haven't yet determined Alice's status, however I'm leaning towards a "yes" on that one.
The disappearance of the Sovereigns is a deliberate move. Keep in mind that most of the time there focused on the battles and ignored anything which might be going on at the same time.
Yes, I had my character meet Ryo first in order to establish the irony of having an imperfect SI and a Gary Stu-esque actual character.
I can't really say much on this without giving things away, but I can tell you that when they serve their purpose it's going to be unexpected.
Oh, I can guarantee that Ryo isn't going to come out of this fic in as few (1) pieces as he started in. And, since he's already a GS, I'm going to give him the damn Noble Death.
The one thing that gives away more than commercials? Japanese titles! (Seriously, the Japanese title for "Lionheart" contained the words "Leomon's Death"!)
 Reviewed By: ...Very interesting...  On: September 04, 2002 13:37 CDT
Believe it, it is possible to write original characters without having them become the dreaded Mary Sue/Gary Stu, but it's difficult. However, I have high hopes that you'll be able to avoid falling into that trap.
I understand what you mean about your comment of Ryo seeming like a Gary Stu. He seriously annoyed me when he first appeared, as my first impression was somewhat akin to Ruki's.
Does Ryo really appear in the 'American super-edited Digimon Movie'? I do remember him appearing briefly as Ken's human companion in flashbacks in 02, but...
...Yeah, like that. Does this mean that Ryo is like Cid from the Final Fantasy series, and is going to show up in each series...?
Ryo has a flair for the dramatic, doesn't he? "I just had a potientally life-changing revalation! ...Time for a nap. Zzzz..."
...If Ryo's had a Wonderswan and that particular game for so long, why did he never notice the simulatries between him and the main character before? You would think he would pick up on that the first time... Of course, it may be plausible that he noticed it before, but shrugged it off as unimportant.
Is Ryo's comment about the difficulty of going on a journey of self-discovery with others a veiled reference to Matt's leaving the team during the Dark Masters arc...?
You know, he could always have tried 'Digital Gate Open'...
...How graceful.
What are the chances that Ryo's old Veemon would happen to walk right on by just after Ryou crash-landed? I guess the digital world has a knack for dropping you where you need to be, not always where you want to be...
Shinka Mountain? Appropriate name...
Great, instead of confronting that overgrown turkey directly and insisting on being let in on knowledge that could help the Tamers work to benefit the digital world, they're going to risk being caught as spies and getting into major trouble, possibly straining the relationship between the representatives of both worlds even more. Smooth, Ryou, real smooth...
Great, another cliffhanger that spoils a bit too much. At the very least, couldn't they wait to broadcast these things until AFTER the current episode is finished? Would it really hurt their ratings that badly...?
On a side note, for some reason I do like the timing of Rika's final comment in the commerical.
Zhuquaomon is, pardon my French, a complete and total dumbass. I'm sure that when his foolish attempts to keep the closest thing the digital world has to capable reinforcements results in losses that could have been prevented, his stubborn mind will find a way to blame those deaths on the Tamers as well. Too bad Phoenix-boy can't be reduced to ashes and forced to be reborn sometime... maybe that would help him to re-evaluate his skewed viewpoint.
So they're willing to forgo any help because of mistrust. Hasn't it dawned on them that it may be possible that the other Tamers have no idea there may be a traitor amoung them, and might want to do something about it themselves...?
Digiconquerer...? Pfft...
Oh, yes, what a fine strategy... Can anybody else say, 'discrimination'?
Heck, the discrimination's coming in spades here... Not just digimon hating humans, but vaccines hating viruses and vice-versa. Still, this all but confirms for me that there is likely to be at least one traitor among the horde of attendees...
Alice? Alice McCoy? That goth dead girl that looks like she was ripped directly out of Lain...? ...Makes sense. I forgot about her, since she wasn't around long... My mistake, it seems.
Again with the revalation of just how the commerical was skewed to lead people to believe one thing and leading to another. Interesting... You know, this means my current theory that the Champion digimon that Ruki seems so upset to have rescuing the tamers is really Bakemon's Champion form could be wrong... Ah well.
Woo, Darkexveemon sounds sweet. ...Oh, and his tamer's okay too, I guess.
All right, a Canadian Tamer! ...Sort of. Well, it's better than somebody straight of America...
Interesting card slash posture...
Oh, good, Monodramon has a Champion level now...
For two digimon who just met, Monodramon and DarkVeemon get along quite well as a team. I suppose circumstances such as these would force them to learn how to work together quickly...
Great, so is Goth girl dead for real or not? That would make things difficult...
Where the hell are the four Sovereigns? Now that the threats over, you would think one of them would have the sense to approach Ryo and Adam...
...Good, Adam's not perfect. He doesn't know all about digimon, he's unprepared for the responsiblity of being a tamer, struggled a bit in that battle, and promises to be a total handful as he tries to learn the ropes. How refreshing. There's a delicious irony in the fact that the first Tamer he met is Ryo, mister "Look-at-me-I'm-so-perfect-even-though-I'm-now-having-an-identity-crisis" himself.
Yeah, we've got the replacement angle with Yamaki's daughter already, we don't need a Gary Stu around. This promises to be fun...
...Crossover...? No, you wouldn't be that obvious yet. Another Tamer with a Salamon, perhaps...? Then again, a connection has already been established, so perhaps the Veemon and Salamon are related in some fashion to the ones in Adventure... Reformatted/reborn versions, or descendants.
I wouldn't mind if you killed off Ryo, noble death or not.
Multiple partners...? Ah, now that's an interesting angle, threat of an old enemy returning or not! I doubt Renamon's willing to share, though...
 Reviewed By: mr.coconut  On: September 01, 2002 07:41 CDT
will we ever get to see hamhammon?
 Reviewed By: *~Evil Togepi~*  On: August 22, 2002 16:20 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Wheeeeeeeeee! You deserve all these tens...it's very rarely I get into a story like this but when I do I always have to finish reading it...no matter what else I have to do ^_^ Hehehehe!
I LOVE this story so far... not only is it quite dark and serious but humorus too (*lol* Hentai Henry... you just gotta laugh at that*) Yes and KENTA AND KAZU 4 EVA ^_^
Keep up the excellent work on this fic :) I'm looking forward to reading the rest of it!
 Reviewed By: the coconut man again!  On: August 14, 2002 17:58 CDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
who would win? beelezamon or bad a** palm treemon?and shoud i stop sending reviews?
 Reviewed By: I like coconuts  On: August 14, 2002 10:43 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
best story ever! but where is coconutmon? and poopmon!?
 Reviewed By: Whoops...  On: August 11, 2002 11:56 CDT
Sorry... I didn't mean to mess up your gender. It was just that I wasn't quite certain, and didin't want to assume from the title alone what would happen... That, and most self-inserts seem to be females who develop a relationship with one of the other Tamers... Honest mistake, and I'm sorry for it...
 Reviewed By: Pistoffveemon [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 10, 2002 23:47 CDT
Actually, that one really was a plot-hole arising from trying to get this one done.
I decided I've already used a fair number of overly-dramatic screams, and I knew I would have at least one other later in this chapter.
I'll be honest with you, this was an error arising from never having seen the beginning of the episode.
Yamaki still doesn't exactly have the best logic relating to Digimon and weapons (Even after three failures of Hypnos equipment and counting)
Yes. perfect place, particularly considering how it ends.
I'm doing a deliberately vague commercial this time around.
Yes, you are correct in guessing that is an appearance by a higher form of Darkveemon saving Ryo's ass. As for Myotismon... you'll see what happens there.
The commercial, the description of the episode, even (to a lesser extent) the title said this battle was coming.
Yes, Growlmon should have waited until he knew his enemy was really finished, but even later in the series Guilmon had occasional lapses in judgement. Besides, Takato's knowledge of the Gate of Destiny (from a whopping ONE use in the anime) was that what goes in is in. Therefore, he didn't see any need to warn Growlmon about anything.
Yes, Myotismon is back. As for whether that's a good thing or not... you'll see. All I know is that it was once said that there are no evil Digimon. (Then again, it was also said that Digimon have no gender.)
Ashley's personality is becoming clearer and clearer until you could swear she was actually in the anime. (she isn't based on anyone, by the way)
I couldn't just leave you with the cliffhanger of an ending from the last chapter for a week.
Say whatever you wanted to say about Yamaki. This fic is rated "R". It was not intended to be read by kids.
Once again, I made sure to make everything for the next episode vague, so you can tell that there's going to be another surprise.
The title is not referring to Darkveemon's tamer. I can tell you that safely because I am HIM.
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