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"Digimon Tamers: Reconfigured" Reviews/Comments [ 54 ]
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 Reviewed By: Fascinating...  On: August 10, 2002 20:35 CDT
Kind of interesting that Rika refers to dollars and then mentions that they're in Japan, instead of using Yen... Just another example of how strange the dub can be, I suppose...
Man, Henry didn't even get a chance to scream out his little sister's name melodramatically before MarineAngemon saved her...not that I'm complaining, mind you. It's good that their defensive Mega has quick reflexes...
I don't recall Takato ever attempting to use cards on Megidramon... Didn't his original D-Arc shatter immediately after he forced him to digivolve? I remember it falling from his limp fingers and breaking on the ground...
Yamaki is cold-hearted and stupid if he thought he could just shoot Megidramon/Guilmon and kill him like that. But at least Guilmon's safe...relatively...
Perfect place for a family reunion, isn't it?
Ashley certainly recovered fast. Fast enough to fling a biting remark at her father before getting plunged back into the fray...
Another commerical, and it looks like Ryo's getting screwed over. It looks like Myotismon's going to play a role, as I can't think of any other digimon with batty attacks off the top of my head... and I hope I'm not too far off in guessing a certain digimon who made a brief cameo in the previous ep has something to do with that last line?
Growlmon against Megidramon. We knew this was coming from the glimpse in the last commerical.
That's an interesting way to attempt to deal with Megidramon... but shouldn't Growlmon have waited until he was certain his evil Mega counterpart was completely through and the gate sealed behind him before turning away?
Another scene from the commerical... Right, knew that had to fit in somewhere.
Bakemon's back in the form he premired in. It remains to be seen whether or not this is a good thing...
I can understand Ashley's anger. Maybe she's a better match for Impmon than she realizes...
Thanks for putting this up before your trip, I honestly appreciate it.
Yes, Yamaki is a creep and a loser, with a obvious dark side that he lets take over far too often. Anyone who can listen to the screams of all the innocents he's killed (or, in some instances, in the process of killing) and just smile in satisfaction is a true... Well, most of the words I want to use to describe him aren't suitable for a rating that could be read by little kids on the site...
At this point, my best guess is that Jeri is going to pull a Ken with her new partner at her side. It would be interesting to see how the team handles it if that's the case, or if it's another Myotismon (and maybe it's a different digimon entirely and the bats thing is just misleading me) causing trouble and they injustly blame her partner...
...The title's too obvious to be a real hint. Maybe it's refering to that cute digimon in the previous ep's Tamer or something...
 Reviewed By: Pistoffveemon [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 07, 2002 19:38 CDT
It appears that the first scene had its desired effect. Of course Henry wouldn't really act like that
Yes, I admit that trick was a little mean, but it was better than any other possible ending for that bit.
The ante had, of course, been upped, and it shoould have been obvious that Shadowdevimon would Digivolve from the second his Mega was mentioned.
Oh, trust me. He'll find a partner. A partner without any flaws at all. (I'm kidding, I hate Mary Sues and Gary Stus as much as the next person)
It was implicit that Takato had ducked or hidden or something to avoid being spotted. He even said (on the phone) that he couldn't hide for long.
Not only could the bakery not handle the battle, but Growlmon wouldn't fit in it!
Yeah, the attacks were pretty obvious. Looking back, I didn't need the "voice".
Actually, Kyubimon was there already waiting for the right opportunity when Shadowdevimon would have his guard down. That, of course, came when he was in the middle of one attack and couldn't use another one to counter hers.
And there are the commercials again. Shamelessly giving away "secrets" to the plot. And, as strage as it seems, the battle between those two will make sense with all the events leading up to it.
Takato got slightly distracted for a second by something he knew was wrong, but Rika put him back on track. No, no characters will peer through the fourth wall in this fic.
Yeah, that did sound terrible, but it suited the situation. And, yes, that is the ultimate in bad timing.
Please refer to my previous comment on the commercials.
Yamaki has a secret weapon with him to neutralize the threat. Unfortunately it only works at close-range (Of course it's not going to work exactly as it should, nothing does, least of all Hypnos equipment)
Yes, I'll admit that line probably would have seemed more at home in Kenta's mouth, but Kazu can't be a big goof all the time.
I will have to refer you back to my comment on your first reaction to Darkveemon.
Yes, in other words we now have two Megas who do nothing for the Tamers' offence.
 Reviewed By: Frightening...  On: August 07, 2002 18:40 CDT
...Okay, Henry is freaking me out. Not only has he pulled an uncharacteristicaly stupid move by taking Ashley out by themselves without the other Tamers and the digimon when Shadowdevimon is still at large, but he's appearantly trying to make Ashley even more nervous about him. Has Henry really changed so much from his former cautious self, to invite disaster like this...?
...Okay, I get it now. That was a little mean, you know. But I'm sure Terriermon and Impmon would stop Henry if he ever did turn crazy enough to do something as horrible as that...
My God... Shadowdevimon's seriously upping the ante. If the Tamers don't find him soon, he could get enough energy to digivolve... not to mention take more precious lives...
A black-colored Veemon? Sounds cute. Hope he finds a partner...
How can Takato just simply pick up a phone when a digimon just bust down the door? Did he duck behind the counter and grab it or something?
Yeah, I imagine the bakery couldn't take a serious digimon battle right inside...
Why say simply voice if they announce their attacks? It's pretty clear from those alone who's who... unless Ashley and Henry have taken to calling out attacks for their digimon...
Kyubimon has good timing, if she could get in there in the instant after he summoned the sword and before he could grab it...
...Well, that throws some of the drama right out the window. But it looks like something's gone wrong if those two can fight each other...
Where did Leomon come from? Maybe they should concentrate on the far more pressing problem of defeating their enemy - they don't know yet that he's gonna be defeated, after all, unless they're capable of breaking the fourth wall...
...Takato's parents have horrible timing... had horrible timing... Gah, that sounds terrible, doesn't it? Sorry...
I thought so. The red hood in the commerical was a dead giveaway...
Yamaki's heading over there? What the heck is he thinking? And that's hardly the best spot for him to see his wayward daughter for the first time in however long - right in the line of fire!
...That seems a line more suited for Kenta than Kazu, but...
Oh, Darkveemon's gonna be your SI's character... Well, that's fine. So long as you don't make them too perfect... From what I've seen so far, that shouldn't be a problem, since you've been showing some of the others' flaws very clearly...
Well, we've got TWO Megas right now, though one's a little fairy-type that's more suited to defensive manuvers than anything else and the other's a warped projection of his Tamer's anger and grief...
 Reviewed By: Pistoffveemon [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 06, 2002 12:13 CDT
Henry's mother is... out of the picture. I'm not saying dead, I'm just saying out of the picture.
Yamaki's reaction is going to be great (as in priceless). I promise you that.
About Leomon, you're close, but you're forgetting two details to which reference was made in the first chapter. One for how Leomon got out, another for why Impmon didn't tell Jeri.
What you need to keep in mind about Terriermon and Lopmon is the surprise could have been over their reunion. (Plus Chuchie wouldn't have wanted any of his Devas to remember happy times with humans, so Lopmon might not remember Terriermon.)
Yes, Talley is the one sitting with Riley. What was not canon (at least not English canon, I'm unsure of Japanese) was my comment on Riley's love life.
Interesting theory for Suzie. I might consider using it. As for Ai and Mako, I've decided that Impmon took a wrong turn on the path to destiny. They weren't originally supposed to be his partners, but at the end they gained their D-Power because they had forged a bond which wasn't originally supposed to exist.
Takato doesn't need anger management. Picture this situation: you watch a monster cold-bloodedly murder your parents and drain their energy. You have a monster of your own who turns into a powerful, vicious creature when you comand him to in anger. He isn't powerful enough at his current stage. You could very well be next if he isn't stopped. What would you do?
 Reviewed By: Responding to the response...  On: August 06, 2002 08:59 CDT
I do have to wonder about Henry's mother, of course... Does she have any say in this? Or have I missed some hint that she isn't around to comment on this anymore?
I can outsmart a Numemon... That's good to hear. Should be interesting to see how he reacts when he finds out his daughter's now a Tamer... Even if he has become a bit more tolerable over the course of the series. I outright hated the guy early on, and the fact that he never seemed to completely repent over all those digimon he deleted didn't help his case...
I suppose that's true about Jeri... I shouldn't have been so shocked after her little blow-up at Impmon.
Feh... My parents seem to think that 'quality time' consisting of sitting around the TV watching some stupid show and ranting about the stupidity of the vapid airheads they cast on those reality shows. Only thing it's good for is seeing a bunch of losers strut around preening themselves for the cameras. Trust me, you're not missing much...
I assumed that Leomon's being out of Beezlemon may have had something to do with Impmon's guilt over murdering him before, and the fact that they were returned to the digital world. Having seen so much on how will effects everything in the digital world, it doesn't seem completely farfetched that Impmon may have been able to rid himself of Leomon's data at some point when he repented and gave up the power granted him by the Devas. This could have even occured back in the Digital World when he allowed himself to be nearly deleted by those digimon that attacked him - using the Fist of the Beast King on the kernel may have been the last few vestiges of strength he had gained from absorbing the Champion. Or it had something to do with Ai and Mako obtaining a D-Arc - in season one, the Chosen could use their digivices to expel unwanted data from a digimon (like the Dark Rings), so he may have gotten them to do something similar before they were forced back to the digital world. As for why he didn't inform Jeri - when they got back, he was more interested in finding his own Tamers first, and when he heard the news, was too shocked to think of much else - plus Jeri was being so cruel he may have been too upset with her to let her own her own partner was okay. Then, when Bakemon showed up, he just let it go, deciding that if she could replace Leomon so easily, she didn't need to know the truth...
I don't know if they could be the same Terriermon and Lopmon, since they seemed honestly surprised at the sight of each other when they met... But anything is possible.
Wait - is Talley that woman sitting with Riley in that huge elevated chair in the center of Hypnos? Oh...you said she wasn't canon... never mind.
Suzie may have become a Tamer because of her own will (she pulled herself into the digital world when she saw Terriermon in the sky, and established a bond with Lopmon all on her own). As for Ai and Mako, so little is known about Impmon's first arrival, but it seems odd that it took so long for them to get a D-Arc... Perhaps it was a case of where a naive, inexperianced Impmon simply chose the first human he saw upon bio-emerging, which happened to be one of the twins, and the connection simply wasn't there until the end, when it was really a bit too late for them to spend much time developing the newly created bond.
Geez... sounds like Takato and Guilmon really need to go into anger management classes... Well, mostly just Takato, but what in the world would you do with Guilmon while they were being held?
 Reviewed By: Pistoffveemon [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 05, 2002 22:36 CDT
Janyu didn't really have much of a choice. He was still feeling guilty over what happened before (and of course Henry played that like a Hellfire card against Sakuyamon) and Henry had highlighted the other possibilities.
As for his knowledge of Henry's "Hobbies" he didn't have a reason to bring it up previously, or a time when Suzie was out of the room. He mentioned it very subtly at this point because Suzie was there, but he wasn't about to let it go unsaid.
The grudge was obvious, reasonable, and the reason Janyu was being a "nice guy" over Henry's collection.
Ashley... I don't need to say anything. And somehow Henry's "reassurance" didn't seem too comforting either. (that was deliberate)
I don't know, all I know is that Takato was going off on all kinds of tangents in his explanation and was about to mention things he knew very little about. Therefore I conveniently cut it off.
First, I have never seen Yamaki do anything with that lighter except flick it as a stress reliever. Second, I don't know what made me decide that Yamaki should be allowed to breed. (j/k, Yamaki fans don't flame) And third, Congratulations, Anonymous. You've passed the "Can you outsmart a Numemon" test.
Ashley wanted to make Rika suffer emotionally before she suffered physically (if you remember, the rules implicitly said that after the digimon was deleted the tamer was next).
Yep, alleys are nothing but trouble, especially on TV.
Jeri stopped being anything resembling innocent after her "encounter" with the D-Reaper.
You'll see how that one plays out. I'm definitely going to have at least one very serious episode in here at some point.
I have never lowered myself to watch Big Brother. I feel that it probably has George Orwell rolling in his grave. However, I retract my comment on replayed scenes.I made the attribute change cards, I intend to use them until you're sick of them.
What Bakemon actually did was hitting Leomon with the right force. If he had used his more powerful move, Leomon would have been deleted along with the control. I'm surprised you didn't question how he got out of Beelzemon, since Jeri designed the Data Release card.
Wallace (or "Willis" for those unfamilliar with the Japanese third movie) not only had two partners, but Terriermon and Lopmon, none the less. Am I pathetic enough to make them the same ones (Thus establishing a Tamers-Adventure connection)? That's irrelevant for now, but I've done some pretty cheap things so far...
I needed another attack which embodied evil, I chose a couple. Your reaction was exactly what I was going for.
Very few people would know. Somehow her name becomes lost in the shuffle because she's [editorial comment, not canon] not screwing the boss. [end editorial]. I needed someone relatively important to die, but I wasn't going to drop Riley, so Talley became the victim.
Indeed, the twist is WITH WHO? I'm not even sure how I'm doing that one yet (although that second idea seems like a good one, although I would have to account for Suzie, Ai and Mako).
Shadowdevimon is fast approaching his Waterloo, but it will take a lot (You may notice that Shadowdevimon isn't mentioned specifically in the commercial when Takato's anger takes over), and absolutely nothing says that Megidramon won't go wild after the fight. And here's a free hint as to the twist there, the sixth episode is tenatively titled "His Own Worst Enemy".
 Reviewed By: So...  On: August 05, 2002 21:13 CDT
Once again, thanks for responding to my previous review.
I wondered if Janyu would stand for this... and it's extremely interesting that he was fully aware of Henry's hobby, and hasn't said anything prior to this.
Henry still holds a grudge about that, I see... It's perfectly understandable. If my father did something like that, no matter what his motivations, I doubt I could forgive him either for robbing me of my best friend, destined partner and such...
Poor Ashley... I'd be nervous too after hearing that.
If your parents don't really want to hear everything that's happened to you, then why ask?
A father who smokes, works hard, carries a lighter, and doesn't know how to respond when his daughter angrily asks if he saves the world for a living... oh crud... Not Yamaki...?
I can see why Ashley would target Rika if she bullied her. If I had the chance to get back at some of the people that hurt me when I was younger... But still, how would killing Renamon help the situation? Better to target the source directly...
Never, never, never use an alleyway for a shortcut. That always seems to invite trouble.
Jeri swearing... Guess she's not the oh-so-sweet puppet girl anymore...
Another overdramatic commerical revealing a situation that might be overplayed, but knowing the tone of your series, might not... Looks like Takato's going over to the dark side again...
Hmm... I always thought doing a retread of the previous few seconds was meant to add a semblance of drama to the situation and further extend the amount of time you have to wait to find out what happens. You want something that really retreads previous scenes, try watching that Big Brother 3 thing: they spend forever showing the same clips again and again and again at the beginning of the show, I guess thinking you'll forget the so-called 'important' highlights in the short space of time between each clip. Blech...
Again the type change card makes a reappearance. Very useful card, that one...
How did Bakemon know where to hit Leomon to reform him into his data and take out whatever was controlling him?
Wallace had two digimon. However, this situation is much more interesting... Nice touch to make that little boy a potiential tamer.
That poor couple... Falling prey to that monster...
I wouldn't know who Talley is without your little note. As is, I can safely say that this just got even worse...
So the good news is that Leomon's back, and there's another Tamer waiting to be paired up. The twist is, with who? My first thought would be that the newer digimon, Bakemon, is supposed to be paired up with Jeri's brother; however, knowing your penchant for twists, it's just as likely that Leomon is supposed to be his, but got stuck with Jeri because of her brother's youth and the fact that she was the sibling availible when Leomon desperately needed a Tamer's assistance. The only way to know for certain is to wait and see...
Also, you're planning to off Shadowdevimon in the nest part? I imagine that if it takes the reappearance of a certain twisted viral Mega gone wrong, it won't be easy... and what's to keep him from going wild after the fight? Plus, recalling what happened to the digital world during his previous awakening... Nope, this is just not good, not at all...
 Reviewed By: Pistoffveemon [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 29, 2002 20:44 CDT
The short first scene wasn't a deliberate move. I could have been subconciously mocking Fox though...
Henry didn't quite realise Kazu would do something like that.
Takato wan't actually picking on Henry, he was just saying something out loud that he had meant to think.
Ashley understands deletion, but she doesn't yet understand the deep connection between Digimon and Tamer.
Ashley was trying to gain the advantage in the fight without understanding how it affects the Digimon. She's not new to cards, but new to a partner.
Yes, Satamon is a fan digivolution. Impmon's Champion and Ultimate forms are unknown, so I made them up (Yes, this means that you will eventually see Satamon digivolve).
You will be surprised what happens with Leomon in the next chapter. I guarantee it.
Yes, Beelzemon did have guns, but they were different than the ones mounted in Satamon's chest. This is why he was able to hit Kyubimon on the first shot, but only with one.
The attribute changing cards seemed a necessity to me. Therefore I made them.
The next issue has been solved already, so there's no need to address it.
Ashley knows Digimon from the card game and the anime, so she doesn't know that there is no coming back if a Digimon isn't loaded. (There's the Data Release card being hinted at again...)
Rika did what she did for the good of the team, definitely not for Ashley.
Here's where the "R" rating's gonna come into it. Given everything known about Henry from the last chapter and his crush on Ashley from this one this will make for interesting, fun to write situations.
 Reviewed By: Well...  On: July 29, 2002 11:41 CDT
First off, thanks for responding to my last review of your previous chapter. Your comments have given me a lot more to speculate on...
...That was a short first part. Making fun of how Fox sometimes cuts off the episode very early on after starting?
...Is Henry just dense or did he honestly not think at first that Kazu was devious enough to do something like that to him?
Okay, Henry's rep is being shot to heck in this, if even Takato's picking on him.
Deletion? Does Ashley even know what that means for a digimon - or doesn't she even care?
Ashley is swiping a lot of cards in a short period of time. Is this supposed to reflect her inexperiance, or does she have a strategy?
...Is that a fan digivolution? Not that I'm complaining, mind you... just curious.
Nice commerical break. More huge spoilers, and yet I'm now really wanting to see what happens even if I've got a better idea than I should have of the plot.
They're forgetting that Impmon has handled guns before in his Mega stage. Since his Champion form here is using somewhat similar weapons, that gives him a bit of an advantage over having to learn completely different styles of attack.
Attribute changing cards... Nice touch.
Okay, that's not good...
...Why is Ashley insisting on attacking Renamon even if it means deletion for both Impmon and Renamon? Is she that obsessed with vengeance for whatever Rika did... or is she mad at Renamon for some reason...?
After all that, Rika is still willing to help Ashley - or maybe just Impmon - out.
So Ashley's moving in with Henry and Suzie for the time being. If Henry is crushing on her, this should get real interesting real quick. I wonder if Suzie will attempt to latch onto her as a sort of older sister...
 Reviewed By: Pistoffveemon [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 17, 2002 19:02 CDT
Yes, while Rika has changed a lot I couldn't see her seeing eye-to-eye with her mother on that. Therefore I wrote in that scene.
I'm glad you appreciate the challenge Takato faced there. I hoped that someone would understand what I was doing.
As for Mr. Katou's trusting of Bakemon... Jeri's previous partner was a six-foot lion holding a sword. Enough said.
The second I saw the scene I knew that several people would catch the implication and that someone would write a lemon for it. I was right on both counts.
The uploading idea came to me as I was listening to Shibumi ask how much difference there was between DNA and data.
Ahsley will eventually end up with the team (and normal) but... let's just say she's got a pretty full wardrobe of issues (including a last name anagrammed from her real... no... giving away too much)
Yes, Kazu is showing a nasty streak, but there's a side of this you don't see yet.
Morons do Fox Kids' commercials. End of story.
That is something I'm not giving away... yet. Soon the first hints will start to slip through but until then... your guess is all you have. But it's not crossbreeding.
 Reviewed By: Interesting...  On: July 10, 2002 15:42 CDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Like how you handled Ruki's viewpoint on her mother's warning, as well as their differing thoughts on the subject. For all that's changed in Ruki, it seems she can't yet see eye to eye with her on this issue...yet.
Poor Takato, having to explain that to Guilmon. Even with Impmon's help, it's not an easy task... Thankfully, Guilmon doesn't seem like the type to discriminate, so even if he ever figures it out it shouldn't change anything...
Mr. Katou sure seems accepting of this new partner. Considering that it looks like a fanged ghost, you would think he'd be more wary, but...
...Ouch. I thought that was a bit implied in the series, but since it's supposedly only for little kids, they couldn't confirm anything...
Okay, so now they can upload... this isn't good.
There's something about Ashley that doesn't seem right... How did she know Ruki was a tamer, and that she had Renamon, if all 'fireboid' told her was that she had to replace the twins?
Ouch... Kazu had better keep his mouth shut, or Henry could get grounded for life...
...Kazu has no heart. That's one heck of a mean streak he's showing.
You notice that they do that too, huh? I wish they'd learn to be more careful when they advertise...
Hmm... either Ashley with Ryo, or Ashley with Henry, unless she's got some sort of psycho twisted crush on Ruki... or you plan on pairing digimon like Impmon with humans...
 Reviewed By: zzz333 [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 30, 2002 23:08 CDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10

Great story!! Hope you update soon, it was pretty funny too!
 Reviewed By: Depressing...  On: June 22, 2002 10:46 CDT
Style of Writing: 8 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 9 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
I like the way this is developing, although a few of the plot twists were pretty cruel to certain characters. Still, this has some interesting ideas: I had thought you were foreshadowing that a certain now-tamerless digimon would become partners with a digimon-less tamer, but judging from the ending that won't happen - or, at least, not quite yet...
I'm also interested in how you plan to make your intended couplings develop, and whether or not you will attempt to pair up any of the digimon at all. This is certainly a Tamers continuation to keep an eye on...
 Reviewed By: I still like coconuts  On: August 14, 2002 14:39 CDT
who would win ? impmon or coconutmon? and do you like sonic the hedgehog? thanks!
 Reviewed By: the coconut guy  On: August 14, 2002 14:57 CDT
do you think hero chao and calamon reladed? and whare is mittinmon!?
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