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"Identity Crisis" Reviews/Comments [ 37 ]
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 Reviewed By: psyco_chick32 [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 12, 2009 19:56 CDT
It's so easy to see why you did so well when it came to Sango's characterization. The decisions and discoveries (pride versus solving problems, how pride had gotten her there) she makes and deals with are absolutely top-notch and fit her to a T. So many people are unable to balance how Sango is several people at once: a warrior, a daughter, a sister, a woman (most especially a woman of her time)... you use all of these at various times to shape her and truly make her the person she is. I feel kind of bad for Miroku; poor guy even gets chastised by Kirara for his efforts, but I get the feeling things will get better as she relies on him to help confront the others, as well.
 Reviewed By: Knittingknots [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 06, 2009 15:24 CDT
Congratulations! Your fiction has won an award from the Feudal Association for the September 2008 term! Founded in 2005 by author/artist, Dark Avenger, and currently owned by artist/author, Inuyashloverr and author, KnittingKnots, the Feudal Association consists of writers, artists, and enthusiasts of the InuYasha fandom. But aside from that, we are also proud to say that we are an awards guild that recognizes fan-fiction and artwork. Several times a year we nominate, vote, and hand out honors to some of the best creations in the fandom. Our official website can be found here: http://feudal-pulpfiction.net/fa/ Our Yahoo Group, where the nominating and voting occurs, can be found here: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FeudalAssociation/ Links to all of the awards for 2009 can be found here: http://feudal-pulpfiction.net/fa/pickup.html First place awards will be on permanent display here: http://feudal-pulpfiction.net/fa/2009art.html Congratulations and feel free to join and/or help us spread the word about our group! Please pick up your award here: http://s286.photobucket.com/albums/ll109/FeudalAssociation/Fiction_March09/ ~ Inuyashloverr & KnittingKnots Owners of the Feudal Association
 Reviewed By: doggieearlover [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 22, 2009 16:17 CDT
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
You can't leave it there!!! I was so glad to see Sango overcome her self doubts and find her strength again. And, she has come to realize what Miroku means to her and she doesn't want to live without him. It looks like the vine took on the wrong opponent and the wrong tactics - for hurting Miroku only infuriated her into action, causing her to act without hesitation to save him. Great chapter, and you can't leave us hanging! I look forward to the next update to see what happens next.
 Title: Chapter 12
Reviewed By: LuxKen27 [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 22, 2009 16:00 CDT
AUGH! How did you do that, write out (and resolve!) a battle scene and still leave us hanging in dread and terror?! Absolutely masterful! It was great to see Sango make good on her promise from the last chapter: to fight instead of die. I like that, in spite of the evidence before her, she chose to put aside her own turmoil and go after the demon, even if, in the end, the vision of Miroku was all too real and not just another nasty illusion. Hrm, do I sense a little reunion scene, now that she has put herself on the line for him? Alive but unconscious is a state I'll take at this point, LOL :) As for Midori - hm. Good or evil? I don't know, this story has taken so many different twists its hard to know who to trust anymore. Ah, well. I can't wait to see what else you have up your sleeve! :)
 Reviewed By: Knittingknots [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 21, 2009 16:08 CDT
This piece has been nominated at the Feudal Association! Founded in 2005 by author/artist, Dark Avenger, and currently owned by authors/artist, Inuyashaloverr and KnittingKnots, the Feudal Association consists of writers, artists, and enthusiasts of the InuYasha fandom. But aside from that, we are also proud to say that we are an awards guild that recognizes fan-fiction and artwork. Several times a year we nominate, vote, and hand out honors to some of the best creations in the fandom. Our official website can be found here: http://feudal-pulpfiction.net/fa/ The current nominations pages are here: http://feudal-pulpfiction.net/fa/nommedfics.html (Fiction) http://feudal-pulpfiction.net/fa/nommedart.html (Fanart) Check them out to see what you were nominated for! Our Yahoo Group, where the nominations and voting occurs, can be found here: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FeudalAssociation/ Congratulations and feel free to join and/or help us spread the word about our group! ~ Inuyashaloverr & KnittingKnots Owners/Administrators of the Feudal Association ***Please Note: You may receive this notice more than once if you've been nominated for several awards. They will appear as reviews on your nominated works.
 Title: Chapter 11
Reviewed By: LuxKen27 [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 23, 2009 08:15 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
WOW!! This chapter is amazing!! So much going on, I don't know where to start! :) I guess I should get the Inu/Kag storyline out of the way first, as it was the shorter of the two: I think you're doing a really nice job with them and their dynamic as they search for their friends. Kagome does have a tendency to blame herself, doesn't she? :) And it was nice to see Inuyasha comforting her in his own gruff way. You write them very nicely! Now, on to the main thrust of story in this chapter - Sango. I bow to you in your characterization here, because it's absolutely flawless IMO. Her thoughts - guilty, for leaving Miroku behind in her inital search, foolish and angry at being caught in the demon's trap again - were imbued with just the right sense of personal anguish. I could feel what she felt, and it felt horrible. However - the light at the end of the tunnel - not wanting to die when she had the chance to live - that was also a nice little twist. I think its obvious the demon didn't want to kill her if it could just continue sucking up her despair and self-hatred, but it seems like it might have made a mistake in letting her go while she was still in its clutches. She had time to think, yes, about everything she's done wrong lately - but she also had time to realize that she's not ready to give up just yet. I like it! :) I'm pretty confident that Miroku can take care of himself if/when he and Kirara make it to the demon's lair, so it will be interesting to see if Sango can do the same. This was definitely worth the wait, and I am on the edge of my seat for the next installment!!
 Reviewed By: kmoaton [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 23, 2009 07:15 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
What an interesting update! Sango's determination to handle this herself has landed her in serious trouble. Seeing Miroku seriously angry is so rare and actually refreshing. He is usually always the calm one no matter what. We know his anger is out of love and concern for Sango. I can't wait to see what caused the retreat for the demon and just who was that calling out to Sango? Enjoyed this as always and great work!
 Title: Chapter 10
Reviewed By: LuxKen27 [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 11, 2009 13:14 CST
Augh! The angst! I really feel for Sango in this chapter - she's so confused about Miroku. It has to be doubly frustrating for her as it is for us readers, to see them vacillating between their emotions on the one hand, and 'propriety' or 'logic' or the like on the other. I can't believe Miroku actually apologized for hugging her! I'd say that alone is enough to show he really is trying to change, LOL. Also, how much do I love that last line? It really harkens back to her introduction in the manga, and how she admitted even then that she had the capacity to betray her friends if she felt it truly and impossibly necessary. I sense nothing but trouble for her here as she attempts to spare Miroku's life and make this all her battle. I guess one can only hope he has such control over his temper when he discovers she's gone! Also - just had to mention your side story - a nice way to wrap up the Inu/Kag angst, and sooooo awkward to hear about "The Conversation", even if we didn't witness it firsthand. I can only imagine Kagome's turmoil in trying to speak with her mother in hypotheticals when she's already done the deed! Youch! But now they're headed to Sango's village in search of them? And when they don't find them...then what? So many twists and turns!! I'm looking forward to the next chapters :D
 Reviewed By: kmoaton [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 08, 2009 17:09 CST
Sango just doesn't know what to do. She is so conflicted about her feelings. Miroku was a hentai and she didn't like it but when he stopped she wasn't sure of his intentions. I can understand Miroku's frustrations and hopefully, it can be settled. I just hope Sango doesn't regret her decision to go alone.
 Title: Chapter 9
Reviewed By: LuxKen27 [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 26, 2009 15:49 CST
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
o.O Oh, lordy, "We need to talk" is never good!! LOL, nice cliffhanger :P So, we get to spend this chapter in Miroku's head ~ definitely a nice change of pace. From his point of view, the dancing around they're doing is frustrating, but its nice to see he's being patient about it while Sango sorts herself out. Can he really be sweet enough long enough to win her over? The hug in the cave was really intense! I look forward to seeing what other ways he will use to convince Sango she's the only one for him. Looking forward to the next installment! :)
 Title: Chapter 8
Reviewed By: LuxKen27 [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 26, 2009 15:33 CST
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Can it be, I'm catching up on my backlog? This fic was, of course, at the top of my list :) I can see why the Inu/Kag fans were bursting at the seams after reading the first part of this chapter - it's so lovely! You do vulnerable Inuyasha *very* well. Though I'm not sure I like him blaming his woman troubles on Miroku, haha. As for the main storyline - nicely done, with Sango's sudden "day"mare coming so close on the heels of some other heated memories. I really liked that passage, the sudden onslaught, the feeling of loss of control and shame and confusion. Also, these lines: She told herself that it might not have had anything to do with her. She wanted it to have everything to do with her. were very strong, a nice delineation of her confusion - what her heart demands, what her head says in logical. You do her inner turmoil such justice, I can only bow in deference.
 Reviewed By: kmoaton [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 26, 2009 12:26 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
This was a great update. I'm glad Sango and Miroku were able to have a chance to get some of their feelings out in the open. I thought it was cute that Sango was flustered by Miroku being a gentleman for a change. Keep up the good work and until next update.
 Reviewed By: kmoaton [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 08, 2009 19:51 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
It's good to see Inu and Kagome at least starting to open back up. What is really going on with Sango. I can't help but wonder is she dreaming or recalling. I can see how the memories/dreams are disconcerting. Imagine being the wanton woman she recalls and not even knowing if she really did those things or not. I can't wait until the next update and thanks for the early treat!
 Reviewed By: ThisIsMeSmiling [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 29, 2008 11:48 CST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Wonderful! You're doing a great job writing Sango and Miroku. I usually find them to be the "boring" ones in fiction, but you've written them in a way thats entertaining and refreshing to read. Sango's insecurities, Miroku's fustrations...its all done so beautifully. I look forward to reading more ;) ~Amber
 Reviewed By: LuxKen27 [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 29, 2008 11:14 CST
Ahh, finally, a chance to catch up on this fic! :) This is absolutely breathtaking! I loved the premise of the original demon, using humans and their desires to trap them - quite original, and yet still close enough to Naraku's intentions to leave us wondering if they are related...? I think you've done a wonderful job with Sango's personal instability. This last chapter was just brilliant - I kept waiting and waiting for Miroku to reach out to her, and it was so satisfying that he finally did so in the end :) Even though I'm enjoying your secondary storyline with Inuyasha & Kagome, I'm glad Miroku & Sango have split off from them, and very much look forward to the explorations you have planned for them!!
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