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"She Who the Prophecy Foretold" Reviews/Comments [ 489 ]
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 Title: cuteness
Reviewed By: Arry  On: December 26, 2007 00:59 EST
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Twas awesome love I loved the doubles alot the sesshy worry times and interagations by everyone just hilarious. Can't wait for 66 the story getting HOTT! hehe update soon and MERRY CHIRSTMAS!!!! Loves Arry
 Title: Aggghhh!!!!!
Reviewed By: InuPriestess  On: December 25, 2007 23:38 EST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
cliffhanger!!!!!! agghhh!!! *chokes sunsetmiko* (JK) all I have to say is that all of this dragging is like when you are watching your favourite tv show and are waiting for your it to go to commercial so you can go pee. *groans and slaps forehead at the visual* But... I have to say..... "Thou art the matriarch of irony and subterfuge. without thy knowledge and pretense, we wouldn'st be stuck to thy quill and grandure".... Sorry, I let shakespeare grab the computer there for a second.. *pokes Willie back into his tickle trunk with a switch*... basically... good job.. you've got me hooked, line and sinker.. Can't wait till the next chapter... Oh and please no more cliffhangers.. I have yet to pee.. (just kidding on the pee joke... ^.^)happy writings... Merry Christmas. InuPriestess *and Willy!* Ahem.... anyway...(Willy grins at Inu through the trunk's keyhole)
Reviewed By: imanewme [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 25, 2007 18:58 EST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Geyse! Can we say "cliffie"? All together now, reviewers... "Cliffie!" I like what Souta said to Sess a lot. Sessy's too good for video games (dramatic sigh and hair flip) LOL. Although I have the severe temptation to slap my monitor in total frustration at the cliffie, I have to again say good job. I await with baited breath to see what happens next. Merry Christmas!
 Reviewed By: brainshake [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 25, 2007 11:43 EST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
What the...? That was a mean place to end the chapter! :) *throws snowballs at* I don't think he'd be denied to court Kagome, but I really want to hear that complete sentence. I think she's just being mean to Sesshoumaru. Mischievous. :)
 Reviewed By: rosymouse [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 25, 2007 04:00 EST
Thankyou Thankyou Thankyou Thankyou Thankyou two lovely chapters for Christmas day. And you are evil, leaving us on a cliffie like that, espescially(sp) since I may have to wait for two or more days now. On another note MERRY CHRISTMAS to one and all, from the southern latitude
 Reviewed By: redroseonblacksatin [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 25, 2007 03:30 EST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
AWWWWWW....come on. LOL. You have got to be the biggest tease ive met well at least this week. Hahahaha. I could so cry you leaving it there like that. Your breaking my heart. Devious imp. Hope you get the next chapter up soon. Or i might just have to throw a compleat tantrum. LOL good job.
 Reviewed By: Ethereal Siren [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 25, 2007 02:53 EST
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I am sooooooo happy that you posted two chapters!!!! yay!!!! They were awesome and I can't wait for the next ones to be posted! ...And if looks could kill I would need a new monitor (well I do anyway, but it would be a more immediate need) and if they could pass through the internet I shudder to think of the destructive path to you that would have been taken upon my reading of that cliffhanger you made!!! Poor Sesshy! I appreciate that they probably have to remind him of some things, but I am such an empathetic person that I was feeling his pain! Save the pain for Jaken and the wolf! OK... enough ranting... I can't wait to see Momoko make a fool of herself again. I hope that she doesn't succeed in embarrassing Kagome in any way... well I hope your holidays go well and I will be looking forward to the next chapter!
 Reviewed By: Tionephisoda [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 25, 2007 01:04 EST
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Wowowowowow! Christmas Eve and not one, but TWO awesome surprises!! This is the best gift EVAAAAAAAHHHHHH!! Wow, you're really torturing Sesshiles with the courting, aren't you? LOL. Awesome cliffie, btw. I loved the 'freak out' moment when they sensed Inuyasha come through the well. Sesshomaru went into total PPM,(aka Panicked Parent Mode). Anyway, this probably has all been very random, I'm living off just a few hours sleep, but just couldn't turn down a tasty chapter or two before bedtime. Thanks again for writing this amazing fic. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!
 Title: syoze
Reviewed By: syoze [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 23, 2007 14:59 EST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
great chapter, its 4:51 am monday in tokyo, yes im back in the city. i guess its still sunday in the states. u r probably wondering y am i up still? well, we desided to do much need clubin & we are just getting in. im about to go to sleep, but i had to read this chapter. hojo got what he deserved. he pissed his pants ha. im glad, that wacko, im suprised that sessy didnt go all feral on him, but then again sessy always has such great control. anyway i hope that things are good in the states, havent been watching too much tv,wait i have been watching tv, anime. i sware if i never see another it would be too soon. they have like 50 or so networks that show anime all damn day. i also have been reading 1 of my faoite mangas, inuyasha. yes i have been keeping up with the story even though it is in japanese. cant wait til next chapter, i hope its open season on the wolfs one love syoze
 Reviewed By: brainshake [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 23, 2007 12:17 EST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I started by checking out your LJ, and the calendar there was very useful! I can't believe so little time has passed. I can't help but wonder how long this story is going to be... :) This was also a very good chapter. I didn't want it to end. I wanna know what he talks about with her mother. And I love how he scared the shit (or piss) out of Hojo! XD And I sooo want to see exactly what evil plan the kids and Inuyasha has made up! I know it's a hectic time right now, but pleeeeease update soon!
 Title: 2 reviews in one
Reviewed By: Arry  On: December 23, 2007 03:52 EST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
That was awesome I loved the shopping and the hojo scene was too funny. and the Q&A with kags friends twas hilarious. Well I have been so busy couldn't read anything I've been work to the bone lol. Update soon I can't wait for more limes with two hands!!!! and maybe some touches on sesshy oh and the discussion that I hope explains kagome's beast next chappie I think I sure hope so hehe well see you soon Loves Arry
 Title: great
Reviewed By: Monk-Miko  On: December 23, 2007 02:05 EST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I just read the chapter that you had posted and I must say that it was great. Especially the part where you made Hojo pee in his pants. At least Sesshoumaru didn't kill him though you could tell that he was close to it. Hojo should have know better then to talk like that even if he though he was a thug or in a gang. Thugs do hurt people and everything. I wonder what would happen now that Sesshoumaru showed Hojo some of his powers. Though like Sesshoumaru said, they may not believe him cause they might thinks he's crazy. I can't wait to find out next. Ohh and the shopping trip to the store. Sesshoumaru should know that Kagome would love him either way even if he eats raw meat. Though you did have me there when Kagome cleaned off his face I had though she might lick it off or something. Though that is kind of gross since she is not a youki. Then her friends get all flustered when around him. I would to since he has a body like a god. LOL. Just playing. I wonder what Sesshoumaru will say to Kagome's mom about the mating thing. I know she would support them but Sesshoumaru doesn't know yet. I can't wait to see what happens in the next chapter. Ohh and Inuyasha and the children are getting some pretty great ideas about the prank. Can't wait to see how it turns out. I really can't wait for the next chapter. This is just getting to good. Ohh I'm in suspense just thinking of what could happen next chapter. Hope to see another update soon and have a Merry Christmas.
 Title: *smile* Thank you!
Reviewed By: imanewme [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 23, 2007 00:01 EST
I like this chapter a lot. Sesshoumaru's comment that it didn't matter if he showed his beastly side to Hojo becasue he's so nutters that no one would believe him anyay... LOL.. ROTFL... spittake on the keyboard..OH oH... I can't breathe... LOL. Hojo wet his panties! Hojo wet his panties! ROTFL... (gasp for air) (holding breath) (gasping for air and laughing again.) Nice touch having Inuyasha plan on going back to the future to get a camera so Kouga can get owned on film. Very nice touch. I hope he doesn't interrupt Sesshomaru's talking to Kagome's family, though. Poor guy just doesn't get any slack at all, does he? (snickering) I also look forward to seeing Kagome's beast again. Speaking on Inuyasha... it will be neat to see how you get his "tribal tatoos" on him. (Scratching head) I'm still scratching my head about Sesshoumaru's mark on Kagome not being in a normal place, as Sango pointed out WAAAYYYY back ago. I wonder just where, exactly, it should be? Just add it to the list of things to look forward to. That list is delightfully long, and it makes me happy because that means we have a lot left to this story. I agree with whoever it was earlier that said they would read it over and over when it's finished. I think I will, too. Thank you so much for sharing this awsome story. The suspense is half the fun. The other half is the relief... LOL.. but all in all, it's the journey and that has brought a spot of fun into my otherwise not so fun at the moment trials of life. (Ahem) Thank you. Did you ever expect groupies when you started writing this? (Grin) Merry Christmas... and may the snow faries send you a few inches before spring. Hey, the weather is wicked freaky this year... it could happen! Peace!
 Reviewed By: FayeMegan [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 22, 2007 23:33 EST
Personally, I don't think Sesshoumaru would really be that self-conscious about his eating preferences, and Kagome and Sesshoumaru seem to hang on each other a little too much while her friends are around. I understand a bit is okay to show their affections, but it would probably make her friends uncomfortable.
 Title: AWESOME!!
Reviewed By: cassandralynn30 [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 22, 2007 20:41 EST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
AWESOME GIRL!!!!!!! I always look forward to your updates and let me say this chapter doesn't disappoint. Poor Hojo. Sesshomaru scared him so bad he pee'd his pants. I couldn't stop laughing at that one. Hopefully he will get a clue now, but I doubt it...I can't wait until the next chapter. Keep up all the great work... Merry Christmas and a happy Yule to you and your family.
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