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"She Who the Prophecy Foretold" Reviews/Comments [ 489 ]
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 Title: yummy review
Reviewed By: Arry  On: December 13, 2007 01:18 EST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Phew!!! and WOW!!! that was hott and the angsty-ness to the wishing his arm back is interesting, how would it work when she doesn't have a jewel or anything like that? and yes of course I want you to coninue with new stuff hehehe I'd help you with the old stuff but I suck at catching typos as it is lol well update again soon you do know I love it when you do spoil me! *smiles* Loves Arry
 Reviewed By: BluEyedTigress [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 13, 2007 01:15 EST
Aaawwwwwww!!!! Poor Fluffy!!!! He shouldn't be so sad and depressed... it makes *me* sad, and I'm not even in the story!!! (not really, anyway, lol) Hmm... I wonder... with all of her unconscious-miko-blips.... could she? I mean, she wishes it to make *him* feel better... and she unconsciously erected the sound-proof barrier (HAHAHAHAHA!!!! btw)... so, it is highly plausible. XD ...Hojo... the creepy stalker-guy. Pictures of her on his ceiling?!?! YIKES! o.0 The dude is seriously disturbed. ... As usual, loverly, loverly, loverly, me-dear! I never tire of reading a new chapter! YAY!!!! *thick, heavy accent...possibly of Irish or some such origin...:D* Yeis... tis a greate` juiy tah be reedin' dah stirries ya be'n wri' -tin! ("Yes, it is a great joy to be reading the stories you've been writing!" lol) An' I won't be forgettin ya anytime soon neider! Warms da cockles of me dear 'eart!
 Reviewed By: missy71 [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 13, 2007 00:04 EST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I have really enjoyed your story so far, I think that you are quite a gifted writer. Thank you for the wonderful story. Keep up the great work and hope to see updates soon, I wish you and your family a very Happy Holiday.
 Reviewed By: imanewme [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 12, 2007 23:16 EST
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
OMG OMG Dear God how did you do that? The whole "Sessy feels like less of a man because of the arm" thing totally hit a chord with me as I used to date a blind man who obsessed in such a way. All I gotta say is he better damn well better get over it soon because Kagome just might flip her lid and bitch slap him... every pun intended. (smile) I don't know how you're going to give him an arm, though (refer to Treetop's comment about finding it in a cereal box... LOL!). The suspense is killing me, but no complaints there. Isn't that why we keep reading? Come on, other reviewers, back me up on this one... give this girl a prize for having the most natural suspense writing skills ever! (grin) Sorry I'm so blunt. Can I make a comment on Hojo, though? Are there really people out there who are that stupid? He really takes the lovesick cake. LOL. Loving ever minute of that piece of the plot, too. Is the whole "Kagome looks for her dad" thing coming up soon? I'm still intrigued by the arrow she hasn't used yet. Also, I got a sneaky suspicion that the Rin Scroll will be in Kagome's present day. . . but don't tell me if I'm right. Yep, that's it. I'm addicted to this story. (Grin) I can't think of a better way to pass a cold damp night with nothing on TV than to read and ahem... re-read some of your passages. (Grin) Sesshy's such a BA in the Anime, which is why I love him, but it's really cool to see a different view of him. Refreshing. Thank you for bringing this vision to others, and I await the next chapter (and shower scene... ahhh... ahem...) patiently. (Grin)
 Reviewed By: TreetopScout [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 12, 2007 22:37 EST
Whoa! Shower scene? Six pages?! Make it so! Uh...right. I was wondering when Kagome and Sesshomaru would address the arm situation. I thought you handled it well. BUT, are you going to give him his arm back? Is it going to appear overnight like a miracle? Is it going to slowly grow back? Is he going to find it in a box of cereal? These questions need answers! And NO, thankfully my power did not go off. Which certainly kept my lizards and cat happy. And me. (I'm pretty sure I'm cold-blooded) Gah! Back to the chapter... Curious as to where this Hojo thing is going. If he decides to bum rush Kagome again he's going to lose valuable body parts. Especially if it is during the six-page shower scene...
 Reviewed By: janomaru [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 12, 2007 22:32 EST
glad i could help
 Title: Wow
Reviewed By: imanewme [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 12, 2007 14:12 EST
Style of Writing: 9 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 8 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 9 of 10
It's interesting to watch this story line develop as well as your writing style develop along with it. I've only been here for a couple of days, spending a generous amount of time reading this. You did a fine job preparing folks for Kagome's beast. Anyone who didn't get that needs to pay more attention. (Smile) I like the development. I was a bit disturbed at her "freezing" him, I guess uneasy about her changes as apparently he is. Calling herself "bitch" was a little shattering, too, and if you meant to jar your readers to say, "WTF" well, you succeeded and bravo for it. You're building the sexual tension, too. Whenever our favorite Demon Lord finally gets laid, I think I'm going to cheer for him out loud. I mean, the poor guy just gets teased and teased without getting his prize. It's almost no fair she's getting most of the fun. LOL Anyway, that's my attempt at a review. I love your work and will continue reading. It just didn't seem right to pop up on here, jumping into this little community of friends you have here, and saying, "Hey, love your stuff" and not saying why. Have a great week. Imanewme
 Reviewed By: Seggoge  On: December 12, 2007 14:08 EST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Hi! I love this fan fic and have been following it on singl sparks, I just wanted to tell you that I saw a new fan fic on the site today. Decmber 12, that means that they must of fixed the wieard thing thats been going on on the singl sparks website. YEAAAA!!!!!!!! Hope to see your fic on there agine soon.
 Reviewed By: Maddie50 [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 12, 2007 02:24 EST
Kagome seems to already have a little demon in her instead of her intended mate Sesshoumaru. Ha! I loved the frisky bits. I was wondering if Kagome's friends would notice that Sesshoumaru was missing an arm since he is in modern form fitting clothes. I'm sure they were distracted by his hair, body, face, eyes, movements, etc.
 Title: 58
Reviewed By: Arry  On: December 11, 2007 23:43 EST
Style of Writing: 9 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 9 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Hey hey hon see how much I love you I hate this site but I review for you anyways since your going a a slower rate on AFF. I loved this chappie the pizza lime starter is ingenious and I can't wait to see what happens will Kags venture alittle lower on sesshy this time hmmm ahh the suspense and teaseing. well I must say I haven't a clue what you'll do next and thats exciting see you soon on your next update and don't worry I'll badgeryo to update sooner hehe Loves Arry
 Title: syoze
Reviewed By: syoze [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 11, 2007 20:17 EST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
this was a great chpater, pizza i knew sessy would love it. any other foods? tricks on koga suggestions 1. inuyasha should sneak to kagome house & get crazy glue & well u can use your imagination with that one. 2. the whip cream classic. 3. have shippo transform into kagome & play games with koga. 4. im sure u can up with something. 5. hair dye, which color, u choose & something semi-perminate, but koga doesnt need to know. 6. xlax prank. 7. have thekids put gum all on kogas fur. oh inuyasha should ha souta help him with this cause kagome would never approve of anything like that. inuyasha shoud also have a camera. cant wiat til next chapter one love, syoze p.s. if your wondering about the pranks, me & my friends had fun on senoir class trip. & i would live to help u out but I'm going to visit my friend in japan for christmas & new years. i'm leaving on friday & i dont know if my wireless will work over there so im hoping i can use the net. if not ill use my friend computer even though the letters are in japanese ill make it work. but i know when i go to hokkaido, i dont think ill have any net or cell phone access cause we are going into the country with 'some' neccessities (bummer). its gonna kill me for a few weeks, but i know it will be fun, well it better be fun for $2700 tickets & me cursing out the passport ppl cause the kept spelling my name wrong. anyway i gotta go.
 Reviewed By: bettychan  On: December 11, 2007 20:04 EST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Sesshoumaru with pizza on his chest? Hell, I'd love to lick that off too. Kouga as a target for the kids to practice on? love that idea. Already chortling. Does Hojo get a clue soon? Would love to see Sesshoumaru give him a big clue. Can't wait for the next chapter.
 Reviewed By: child_of_the_moon [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 11, 2007 17:51 EST
You really are a tease. ;_; Is that your deviantart? This chapter is really good. I was freaking out for a moment, "What the hell has gotten into Kags?!?" But then I think I figured it out... I won't say though. It may spoil it for other ppls who don't know.
 Reviewed By: Ethereal Siren [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 11, 2007 16:53 EST
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
That was really scary that Kagome kind of lost herself there. But if I found Sesshoumaru spread out on my bed like that I think I might loose it a little myself. Sesshy is going to get himself in trouble if he doesn't spill the whole truth about her "transformation" real fast! I know that I could hang around Seshoumaru for days, weeks even and not notice his missing arm, but only if he was wearing his regular cloths. It would be a lot more obvious when wearing modern clothing. I do think that it would be difficult for him to use a video game controller with one hand though... I'm shocked that Kagome's friends didn't melt into a worthless pile of ogling girly hormones at being in such close proximity to Sesshoumaru's perfection. I would have trouble not being reduced to drooling if I ever got that close. **forcible redirects mental pathways** I'm sure that Sesshoumaru will be pleased that he doesn't need to try to tech those kids to meditate. If they keep it up, they will be better trained than Kagome when she gets back. I just got a really interesting visual of Inuyasha doing miko things... **sigh** the demons are turning into Mikos and the Miko is turning into a demoness. Now that stupid "Pure/Impure" song from the Mt. Hakurei episodes is plaguing me... I never liked that diddy... and it has to be so catchy, like chickenpox... My brain is obviously scattered, but I must say that I did enjoy the chapter and you can post that new one as soon as you like and I will be happy to read it! ... hmmm maybe the kids can practice purification on a nearby wolf prince... yes, that sounds good, he needs to be reincarnated into hojo anyway...
 Title: !
Reviewed By: InuAtashi [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 11, 2007 12:48 EST
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
ok! first off, it surprises me than not many people picked up on that voice being her 'beast'. Like, DUH?! Secondly, I found it very humorous picturing Sesshy trying to master the video game with Souta, but i laughed my ass off when he dribbled pizza on himself!! PRICELESS!! Im so going to have to draw some pics of those scenes for you, but it will take me a while....keep up the great work! my walls appreciate it! =)
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