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"Purity 9: Subterfuge" Reviews/Comments [ 2359 ]
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 Reviewed By: Lynzi18 [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 18, 2011 01:43 PST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Your stories brighten up my day, when I see that you've posted a new chapter I'm excited to read it. I love the characters in your stories and your writing is amazing.I loved the part when Evan is on the phone with Gin.. I love her she's awesome. Keep up the fabulous work and don't let anyone get you down. I can't wait to read more about Evan and Valerie.:D
 Reviewed By: monkeyseemonkeynodo [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 17, 2011 22:28 PST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Hm... After reading your A/N, I got to thinking. First off, I ADORE this story. I love this one more than any of the other purity series stories. I love the development, the character insight...everything about it just draws me in and makes me never want to let go. And to that end, I feel that my criticism of V (Even though I'm not the user you're addressing) was a tad bit harsh because as the reader I did forget that I know everything, the whole picture, whereas her character only knows what she's been shown to by Evan. Also, I think my irritation with her cautious nature stems solely from me because, in my eyes, Evan is darn near close to the perfect guy; The perfect guy that every female out there dreams for, Myself being one of them. I can relate to V's wariness in jumping head first into something that she won't be grounded in, something where there is no concreteness. I'm like that, I wish many a time that I could just let loose for a day and be free spirited but in a way I know I won't let go of the control that I have to do so. I think seeing it in another person frustrates me because it's something that I wish I could learn to overcome and seeing that she has the chance to and that she isn't taking it ruffles my feathers. However, I do want to point out that my roasting of your characters is not meant to harm or damage your feelings. It's me relating deeply to everything you have to say. I have to say that you are an amazing writer. I absolutely love your work and dedication to the stories. Please don't get discouraged by others bane comments. Your fan and dutiful reader, MSMND.
 Title: A little support
Reviewed By: DNSora [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 17, 2011 22:21 PST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Sorry if you've been getting hassled Sue. I love your work. Evan is quite possibly my favorite character of yours and I love V too. I happen to like how real she is, I mean really, they both did need to change a lot before they were ready for each other and still have a way to go. I always looks forward to your chapters and have a tendency to drop everything else when I see that you've updated. Thank you for sharing your stories with us. *Eagerly waiting for the next chapter*
 Reviewed By: renomaru [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 17, 2011 18:33 PST
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I am just so engrossed in this story! Everytime I read a chapter, It's like I can see the characters in my head, and hear their voices. WOW, that sounds a bit crazy but hey, I have a big imagination, lolz. I feel soooooo bad for Evan...It seems like he's just about reached his limit! I don't hate V. she and Evan's situation is actually a lot similar to that of two of my close friends! Their's was resolved some time ago though. I'm so sorry that you are being bashed!!!! I think that you are an awesome writer and I wish that I was as great as you are!! I check my email everyday and am always soooo delighted when I get an updat notification! I hope that their comments don't discourage you and make you decide to stop writing...Thanks for the update, I'll wait as long as it takes for the next one! :)
 Reviewed By: Dark Inu Fan [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 17, 2011 17:29 PST
Well, there's really nothing I can say that hasn't already been said, but I love all your characters and how their stories are so deep and emotion-filled. Evan and Valerie are both trying to find themselves in this strange world of someone who genuinely cares for them as who they are, and not what they represent themselves to be. Yes, there will be weak moments, just as much as there will be strong ones. Just as there will be mistakes and redemption. I hope that I was not one that ended up upsetting you, but if I am, I truly apologize and I will keep my opinions to myself... though that will make it a bit harder for me to figure out where I am in the story if I accidentally skip a few chapters like this last time. Keep up the good work, dark
 Title: Chapter 133 /Chapter 134
Reviewed By: badgirl093 [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 17, 2011 14:50 PST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Dear Sue, I'm sorry if my last review hurt your feelings I didn't mean it to. I don't hate V or do I think Evan is "pathetic and weak". (sigh)I'm just frustrated with her (V). I think in my last review (Chapter 133) I should have worded my review of V character different I said I didn't like her. What I should have said that Valerie's insecurities (sp?) seem to be holding her back. Have you ever heard the say you can't go forward if you keep looking back. Look V character is confusing sometimes. I mean she's kissing the daylights out of Evan then the next minute she saying it was a mistake "lets be friends". Believe you me that hurts and I can understand Evan's feelings, I think he not pathetic or weak just hurt. Again I'm sorry and please don't feel hurt. I'm in Chicago and I stay up late to see if you posted a new chapter for this story I really do love it. Chapter 134 review: I love this chapter because I understand V's insecurities and confusion towards Evan and I can see the hurt Evan feels. I sorta got misty when Evan told Gin that he and V broke up.That hurt me some. I guess (sigh) I want V to take the blinders off and see Evan just for a minute ..he is a great guy and just perfect for her. They say opposites attract right her being a the pragmatic and Evan being the dreamer. Like you say before we still have a long way to go with story. I will be with you every step of the way. I may not have said this earlier but you are one HELL OF A WRITER.
 Reviewed By: Ryguy5387 [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 17, 2011 14:41 PST
Overall Rating: 1 of 10
Hi Sue, Belated Happy Birthday! Imagine my surprise when I checked my e-mail before and saw that I missed three chapters! I couldn't believe it--I check my e-mail every day, and the first thing I look for is Purity updates. My mind is completely boggled on that regard. But that's more for me now, so I guess I can't complain. I know I'm a lazy reader, rarely ever taking time to review and tell you what a great job you're doing, but after reading your note at the end of "Just Friends", I feel as though I should chime in. First, I can't BELIEVE we're on Chapter 134 of this story! You're eclipsing every Purity to date, but it doesn't feel so long. Then again, taking back time to reflect on everything that's gone on so far, it's easy to see where all that time went. Valerie and Evan have changed so much throughout the story, and the little character moments continue to shine over and over. Some of the length, of course, has to deal with the split narrative you use--the frequent POV shifts. While I've seen that go wrong, (horribly, horribly wrong) the switches have become integral to this story. It allows the characters to breathe in a completely effortless way. As to the way our protagonists are acting in these chapters, it makes perfect sense from a literary standpoint as well as a relationship standpoint. It boggles my mind to consider how people can dislike the story at this moment, not to mention Evan or Valerie. Valerie especially shines right now. Her manipulation of Evan is brilliant--it may be driving him nuts, and she may not even realize, to a full extent, that she's doing it, but it's fantastic to read. She doesn't know what she wants. 134 knocks this out of the park, and reflecting on your comments, maybe you only included it to make what's going on more apparent, but it was fairly obvious what was going on. Valerie may not want to lead him on, but she is, whether she realizes it or not. She's leaps and bounds a different character than she was in the beginning, and she's absolutely flourishing at this point in the story. I'm rambling incoherently, and for that I apologize. But let me assure you that for Subterfuge's style, it's firing on all cylinders and you're managing it magnificently. Thank you for the wonderful fiction. I eagerly anticipate the next chapter, whenever you're able to write it!
 Title: First Review Ever I think
Reviewed By: buggy6565 [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 17, 2011 13:58 PST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
So I've read all of your purity series and I think all of your other stories and I've never commented, mostly because I figured I'd just be another one of those "OH MY GOSH I LOVE THIS" kind of reviews so it didn't make much difference. Reading your author note at the end of the last chapter really made me sad though, I mean really? How dare people have the balls to try to mess with your writing process, they all need to take their trolling else where. Also, when you said Valerie is the one character you know the best I have to say it really touched me because she is so much like myself its uncanny and I think you're doing her justice writing her just the way you are. So in the end I have to say don't let anyone tell you that you aren't doing things right.
 Title: You're Amazing.
Reviewed By: iheartinuyasha426 [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 17, 2011 13:47 PST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I was so upset with the note you left at the end of this chapter. I just can't seem to understand why people constantly put down you and your characters. They're like real people to me. You're amazing and your writing technique is something to be admired. I've never, ever seen anything wrong with any of your stories. I love them dearly. The way you develop a character has me envious of your abilities. It's like you've lived the story with them. Don't listen to the people who put you down and say bad things about your characters. Most of the ignorant comments you receive are from people who couldn't write a haiku (Heh, I tried to think of something that a even a simpleton could do...), let alone a decent review for a story as high caliber as this one. Ignore them. Ignore that nagging thought that says those comments mean anything. I wake up every morning hoping that you've updated this story. Evan and Ryo are my two favorites out of this entire series, and I'm excited for what's to come in Evan's story. Valerie has so much to learn about him and I'm excited for when that time comes. But, I also appreciate the dedication to detail. Love isn't something that just happens. It's a progression that's different for everyone. Keep going. Don't give up. Those of us who love you dearly would be heartbroken if you decided not to continue your stories.
 Reviewed By: Darkflameangel [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 17, 2011 13:30 PST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I've been following you through all Purity fics and your others and I can honestly say that I agree with your characterization of both the original InuYasha characters and the new(yours)...They all have evolved logically given their relative experiances and I applaud you for that. I can see both Valerie and Evans side of things-- He doesnt want to get hurt worse and Valerie-- I totally get that "why even bother reaching for something you know (or think in most cases) thats out of your reach." been there and still do that. You are a great writer hun and dont let those morons who cant grasp character evolution or havent been in either of the characters shoes in a romantic sense. Keep up the good work. Seeing a new chapter alert in my inbox always brightens my day!
 Reviewed By: sheastarr334 [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 17, 2011 13:22 PST
Hello Sue! First I have to say that I've been catching up on the story and must admit I am very happy with the progress. I have to say that this is my favorite story arc so far. After Sam's story, I need a bit of light fun, though I didn't expect Even to be this complex, I should have, so forgive me. I completely understand your need to develop these two completely, in real life the road to ever after isn't paved and there are a lot of back roads you must traverse. I love Val! Being a broken girl myself, I can get her hesitation. And I love how much she changed since the beginning. As for Evan, he is my favorite character, after Mikio, of course. I am willing to wait however long you decide these character need to get to their ever after. Isn't that the joy of reading? Working your way to ever after? ^_^ Shea* P.S. I can't wait for the PDF version so I can put it on my Kindle with the rest of Purity!
 Reviewed By: floopyloopyoopy [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 17, 2011 13:06 PST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I have to say that I love your writing and style and character development. Although it is frustrating that the story is moving slowly, it's only because I wish that all the chapters were already written and I could follow the storyline to the end. The suspense is dreadful, but it makes it that much more exciting every time I get a notification that there's a new chapter up. I think this story is one of your most relate-able, with the pain and angst that comes with every day life. While it is painful as a reader to sit here and wonder why the characters can't see what's right in front of them, real people are never that clairvoyant. There are always the doubts and second guesses that something is going to go wrong. Again. I just wanted to let you know that I enjoy your work and appreciate the time and effort you put into your stories, they are one of my few guilty pleasures left! I hope you continue to write (otherwise the cliff-hangers would just kill me!) and I will continue to be a faithful reader. Thank you!
 Reviewed By: lilswtheart9811 [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 17, 2011 12:21 PST
Well oblivion bringr literally wrote everything I was going to say. Props OB! That was beautifully written :D. Su, no matter what I may say towards Valerie...ultimately I love the two of them together. I think that after NINE purity stories we all know that eventually they will have their happy ending!! No one has lost faith in you!! Please continue to update because there are many many many of us who would be heartbroken if you stopped! Especially me. Take care Su!
 Reviewed By: theablackthorn [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 17, 2011 11:58 PST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Hey Hun, I'm sorry if it came across that I wasn't enjoying the story or that I didn't like V. I definitly didn't mean it that way. In truth I am enjoying this part of the story because it's frustrating, your inspiring a lot of emotional response from me and I love that! It makes me want to know were there headed next and how they'll get past it and grow closer. My apologies again for upsetting you, it wasn't my intention at all. Thea
 Reviewed By: oblivion-bringr [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 17, 2011 11:48 PST
Dear Sue, I'll admit that I'm not Valerie's biggest fan I'm Evan's. It's like having that little brother who in your eyes can do no wrong. Because you adore him so much and when he's hurting everyone is the enemy. I hope that I'm not one of the reviewers who have hurt you with my comments because that has never been my intention. When I am writing a response to a chapter I try to convey what I felt when reading that chapter and even if it was negatively toward Valerie I do not think I have ever bashed you, your writing or the direction you are taking them. If anything it is quite the opposite. I continue to read these chapters whenever they are posted because I DO implicitly trust that you will give them the happy ending they deserve. I have no doubt in your writing abilities. There are people who are just reading and not taking in the visuals. I have been entranced by your fanfics and original stories since I first discovered Purity so many years ago. And I have read all of the stories multiple times. It may be silly but sometimes I fear you may just stop posting like so many other authors have done with great fanfics over the years. But because I know what goes into your stories I stay a faithful reader even when posts don't come as frequently or you have to take breaks because of personal situations. I am not a selfish reader wanting a happy ending without the character development. I will continue to support you as a writer and read your stories regardless of how a character may cause me to feel in a particular chapter. I hope that you know who the people who truly enjoy your stories are. Do not ever let people discourage you from your craft because they dislike something. Please don't stop posting. Those people may not care but there are those of us who look forward to your chapters no matter what. I hope that this letter (which I guess doesn't count as a review) has lifted your spirits and given you understanding that you and your writing are truly cherished. You portray such vivid and accurate emotions in each chapter without being repetitive, which is rare. The character who I relate to and understand the most be it man or woman in the purity series is this one: Evan. So please don't stop writing his story. And since I'm a bitch and don't give a damn about offending other readers, I'll give them the middle finger for you *wink* lol. Hope to be reading tomorrow, God Bless. ~Sincerely, OB
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