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"A Whole New Life: The Return of the Black Moon Family" Reviews/Comments [ 3 ]
 Reviewed By: Devi [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 20, 2002 20:44 CST
(juding by the name of Devi, I'm pretty sure you can tell who I am...) O.O 58 pages??! Fricken God! I suppose I'll have to read some of these sometime. Eh heh, we haven't talked since our "fight," 'cause you never wrote me back. Ha ha! Wow, which is always fun! Ah hah! Anyway! I was just curious as to whether or not you had anything posted here (*can hear her friend/ex-friend mutter "bitch, leave me the fuck alone." under her breath* *kind of smirks*) Anyway, I'll have to check these out, I'm curious as to how one or two of them will turn out. Oh! I'm still going to send you "A New Victim" whenever I finish it, whether we're talking or not. Have fun with Lee and all that. I'm out! Ah hah hah, heh heh, haaa...
 Reviewed By: Chibi Washu from Hell [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 15, 2002 18:54 CDT
Ohhhhh me love!!
 Reviewed By: Eo  On: July 10, 2002 20:28 CDT
Very very good i tried to read the whole thing straight through but it was so long and i had to got to sleep and so now i finished all the stories. I must say they are really good and i think that u should keep writing u have a talent well raw n e way but a talent none the less. Well g2g i'll be checking for more of your work. Eo

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