"Shadows Of A Past" Reviews/Comments [ 44 ] |
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Reviewed By: purp1ebabe [MediaMiner Member] On: December 18, 2008 04:11 EST Comment/Review: o i'm sorry about your husband but happy for you that he's better now... thanks for the updates! i really love your story and you can't find another one like it anywhere else. im looking forward to the next chapter!!
Reviewed By: yusukekuramasgirl [MediaMiner Member] On: December 18, 2008 01:50 EST Comment/Review: you did it to me again. just when the chapter was getting ready for a fight scene, the chapter ends. i think i know what marissa saw when she met kagome, after all she is the daughter of a dark-hunter and a sorcress. i didn't expect her to met kyrian yet, but when you wrote he was taking her where he stay at when he is in new orleans that is when it dawned on me. i hope your husband is doing well and have a great holiday. update when you get a chance, sounds like you are going to be busy though. looking for a new chapter when you get a moment.
Title: A little disheartened. Reviewed By: KawaiiGirl [MediaMiner Member] On: December 17, 2008 01:53 EST Rating(s):Style of Writing: 8 of 10 Spelling & Grammar: 8 of 10 Enjoyment Factor: 7 of 10
Comment/Review: I like this story so far. I've never read a Inuyasha/Dark Hunters crossover before (actually, I've never heard of the latter series), but you writing Kagome into their world makes the transition a bit easier. I do hope that you are going to give more insight into the Dark Hunters' world (illustrate/describe life within and around the bar more). The story has very, perhaps too, much to do with Kagome's new life, but we only get brief flashes of her in the bar from afar, talking to its patrons and then you go right into Ash and Kagome. It's strange. Even when talking about this so-called budding relationship, you give little information outside what each character, or more so, what Ash sees (which apparently is very little considering he's almost never in the bar - at least up until this point). The interaction between the characters is a little cliche and fast (as far as the progression of Kagome's "relationship" with Ash; I mean, they know little to nothing about each other and there is a "she felt as if she knew so much about him" bit already) though. I think you can definitely develop the characters more. Maybe focusing a little less on the details and the movement of the story and more about the character's personal development. Especially the side characters. There isn't much input from the were bears or Damions, though you give the impression that these should be important pieces to the story. ...I don't know. The idea is a good one, and there are so many direction you can take this story in, but I think you have to widen your field of view. Not only that, but it feels/reads like you might be rushing to get this story over with. If so, that's unfortunate. This fic has a lot of potential.
Reviewed By: kiara73 On: December 16, 2008 22:41 EST Comment/Review: YAY!!!!! you finally updated. love this chapter, please update soon, so want to know what is going to happen next
Reviewed By: purp1ebabe [MediaMiner Member] On: December 16, 2008 18:38 EST Comment/Review: yay update!!! lol so happy that you updated already. once again another great chapter. so i guess kagome and ash are getting closer... i'm happy about that. i can't wait until your next update!
Reviewed By: yusukekuramasgirl [MediaMiner Member] On: December 16, 2008 08:30 EST Comment/Review: i love the new chapter. although i thought it was funny that ash was caught off guard that kagome could tell from his eyes that he was older that he looks. i agree with kagome, ash's eyes are beautiful. update soon. i really want to know where ash is taking her. i know to where he stay when he is in new orleans. i also can't wait to see kagome's reaction to simi and simi's reaction to her. udpate again soon.
Reviewed By: purp1ebabe [MediaMiner Member] On: December 16, 2008 03:46 EST Comment/Review: omg i love this story i havent read anyone doing this kind of crossover and i am soooo happy that you are. i'm really enjoying this fic so i really hope you update soon!
Reviewed By: yusukekuramasgirl [MediaMiner Member] On: December 15, 2008 20:23 EST Comment/Review: i was hoping for a new chapter before christmas. update soon. i want to know if ash is going to teach kagome control over powers. that is one hell of attraction between her and ash. i also like that dev is protective of her. udpate soon.
Reviewed By: Cheri On: December 03, 2008 09:28 EST Rating(s):Style of Writing: 10 of 10 Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10 Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10 Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10 Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: Yay that was awesome I like how you didn't turn Kagome mary sueish and have her show them her powers, let them be more surprised when she is threatened and awe them that way.
Reviewed By: yusukekuramasgirl [MediaMiner Member] On: December 03, 2008 03:14 EST Comment/Review: hey long time. i hope your little one is doing better. okay ash now knows that kagome is a priestess, is he going to help her gain control of her powers? i love this story. update soon
Reviewed By: SacredHime On: September 26, 2008 21:26 EDT Comment/Review: me and mine are praying for you, I hope he gets better soon.
Reviewed By: yusukekuramasgirl [MediaMiner Member] On: September 11, 2008 01:14 EDT Comment/Review: poor kagome. she is going to have her hands full i can feel it. update soon. i love this story.
Reviewed By: yusukekuramasgirl [MediaMiner Member] On: September 04, 2008 23:16 EDT Comment/Review: poor shippo, he didn't deserve that. kagome always did feel someone's pain. but she knows what ash is going through because she has been whipped too. update soon.
Reviewed By: SacredHime On: September 04, 2008 21:37 EDT Rating(s):Style of Writing: 10 of 10 Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10 Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10 Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10 Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: Holy heck that was awesome thank you for this chapter but poor Kagome and AHH you killed Shippo! But keep it up looking forward to the next chapter!!!!
Reviewed By: yusukekuramasgirl [MediaMiner Member] On: September 01, 2008 02:02 EDT Comment/Review: poor ash. he was realy enjoying himself until the pain of his wounds from artemis hit him. just like kagome to offer to treat his wounds. i thought it was kind of funny that kagome compared ash to sesshomaru and miroku. update soon. i want to read some more.
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