Title: Wow Reviewed By: komotumushi [MediaMiner Member] On: September 22, 2008 17:30 CDT Rating(s):Style of Writing: 10 of 10 Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10 Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10 Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10 Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: Wow. One word can explain this entire series. Wow. I am a BIG Pet Shop of Horrors fan and was shocked to see someone writing liek this. At first I thought it was just a short term story after finishing off Tea Time, I was hell bent on reading the rest of the story. I congradulate you on making interested in such a story. Most of all the Pet Shop of Horrors FanFictions I have read have been hot and romatic lust, nothing more. You put depth to your story as well as characters. Your the first person that has ever caused me to try to break my father's internet block on the computer because I didn't finish a chapter in time. Each time I read i get hyper and sit on the edge of my seat for more. The lust is cancled out by the romance and the evil with the good. You are an EXCELLENT writer and I do comend you on such a great peace. However, I will admit, I could NEVER put this much into just oen story. My favorite line out of this Long-term 'short story', as my brother so interestingly put it(thanks to me he has just stared reading) is "Hmmm....cherry flavored". Kinda an odd mix of things. Sometimes I could not stop laughing at what I read, ont time my father actually came here and yanked my computer cord from the wall so I couldn't finish reading. The only part I love is when Leon cuffs D's hands to the bed and lost is keys. It still makes me laugh and I have started reading the story for a 6th time in this past week. Even at school I can't stop reading this story and I have failed miserably at trying to hide it during tests. I had my laptop taking up one time because I was actually trying to draw a picture in class during a test and my teacher caught me, even when I was int he back of the class. But, as I say again and again to all those who actually keep me interested this long.....I ABSOLUTLY LOVE YOR STORY!