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"Faded Scars" Reviews/Comments [ 26 ]
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 Reviewed By: jenna  On: November 02, 2003 16:13 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
*to stunned four words*
 Title: Dooooooooood
Reviewed By: Lucky Bug  On: October 05, 2003 00:19 CDT
I think I need some glasses....I'm tired as hell, It's like 12:08 A.M. o.o That is the longest fugin fic I ever did read...(lmmfao @-->'fugin') omg...I think i went cenile....lmmfao....heh..fugin XD!!!!!! I make up the stupidest shiz when i'm half asleep...anyways...nice fic....LMMFAO XD!! FUGIN!! XD!!!!
 Reviewed By: ----------------  On: August 03, 2003 01:10 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
my. god. this story is great i... words cant describe it
 Reviewed By: cosmic teapot  On: July 22, 2003 01:54 CDT
This has ben one of the best stories I've ever read! A lemon WITH a plot is something that I very rarely see out there! Someday I hope I can have 1/16th the skill you have when it comes to writing fanfics! Someone flamed you? I sense a little jealousy!
 Reviewed By: tkfav20 [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 18, 2003 20:33 CDT
Style of Writing: 6 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 4 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 2 of 10
Overall Rating: 3 of 10
Your fic was kind of boring, and I found it hard to pay much attention to it. Try putting in some more action.
 Reviewed By: sikora  On: April 10, 2003 11:05 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
i've rated your fanfic because it was a really
good story, and that was the best taiora i've
ever read.
 Reviewed By: Total Chaos  On: April 24, 2003 19:00 CDT
Dear God in heaven!! What a story!! OK, so technically I'm not even allowed to read NC17 stories, but bah on that. Maturity is not related to age.

Anyhoo, great story, loved it through and through. It's the only one of your's I've read, but I intend to remedy that situation ASAP. The repeated use of the triple-dot things annoyed me a little (very, very little), but they seem to give the story a certain mood.

I now join my voice with the multitudes of others who praise your work. Praise Logan, for He is Good!!
 Reviewed By: me  On: March 06, 2003 17:47 CST
well done.
 Reviewed By: Darkone6  On: February 05, 2003 06:58 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
good jod. you are a true Dreamweaver

(an auther with unbeluvable talent)
 Reviewed By: asha  On: December 28, 2002 03:31 CST
OMG!!! That was so incredibly good!!! I've read a lot of fanfics but that was the by far the best!! Damn your good!! ;)
 Reviewed By: Toa(Find me in 24 hrs@fanfic.net at this story)  On: December 23, 2002 21:04 CST
It is terrific!(even the sex scene was poetic)Will Shakespeare would have been proud!No need to rise from the grave!*goes into a seizure*Taiora vs. Sorato:Taiora knocks......1,2,3!Sorato loses.
*wakes*Oy!not agin!
 Reviewed By: ein@carolina.rr.com  On: December 09, 2002 23:18 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 9 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
this was. without any exageration. the most beautifuly written, crafted, and presented things I have ever read. Angst, rage, fear, love; seamlessly combined to fill twenty pages of perfection. Indescribably wonderful. --you sir, have made my day.
 Reviewed By: review relocation  On: October 02, 2002 23:11 CDT

That was beautiful Logan...really amazing! Spectacular (now that's a word I don't use to often, so you should be flattered!) The beginning was perfect (but kinda long), the middle was amazing, and even though I don't usually read lemons because of the vulgarity and language that the authors use, but yours was different. They didn't ou of pure love, not a one night stand. And may I just say, that the ending was so moving I almost cried?! Anywayz...great story! You are way inspiring!
 Reviewed By: Allie Minamoto  On: September 23, 2002 17:36 CDT
That was definetely the best Taiora I ever read, with and without the lemon. It was so wonderfully written, and I admit that I cried at one part... great job. For quite a while I have seeked the perfect Taiora, and I have found it.
 Reviewed By: review relocator  On: September 17, 2002 08:56 CDT
fanfiction net's trend for censorship will delte the reviews for this fic. i am relocating them here so they will not be lost.

Reviews for Faded Scars

As Posted on Fanfiction.net from 2/11/2001 to 9/3/2002
Organized from 9/3/02 to 2/11/02


IC-Chan aka.Imagination Child

You are probably tired of seeing my name pop-up in all your reviews, but what can I say, I am a fan of logan. And I have to read everything you write, would you believe I missed this one. I know I was SHOCKED o.O too!
I like this fic because it gives new meaning to NC-17. For once I have come across an NC that is within good taste. All too often I come across NC's that are just plain horrible. Too many people take NC's as a way of just being vulgar, and that is actually very boring. I love the way you were able to maintain some dignity to romance while including a sex scene. The only thing that stuck out was the final scene when Sora found the letters. The transition seems so awkward, and it seemed to be added on in the last minutes. Honestly, I had forgotten all about the letters. Maybe that's why it felt awkward when they issue came up in the story.
Uh, anyway I did enjoy this fic... just like I enjoy ALL your fics. BTW, I love the idea of Taichi an a motorcycle!


Turtle turtle

its a good fanfic good job the best i'v ever read



That has got to be one of the best storys I've ever read. It was dark but it was real, and I've thought that Tai must have felt that way on more then one ocasion.
All I can say is wow, and I hope to oneday have a tenth of your skill. My hat is off to you



Whoa, what a looooong story. But it was good very goooooood infact. I enjoyed it.


Sayo (Sayofire@anime-chat.net)

I loved this story, actually. I am not in favor of love, for I believe it doesn't exist, but I thought that you made it quite realistic. Anyway, since my favorite characters have always been Sora and Taichi, and I love the idea of them together, your story made me kinda happy. So, keep up the work, nai?


Jennie (AKA CheerAngel3586) (CheerAngel3586@aol.com)

Logan, you are THE most amazing writer I've ever read a story from! If all guys thought the way that you do, I'd be in heaven! All of the guys I know are drooling horny losers who don't even stop to think what the girls they do these things with think or feel, all that matters to them is their own pleasure. I was reading down the lists of stories and found this one, I was like, "Great...another lemon..." but then I read your description, how it wasn't all about sex. So I got curious and clicked the link. That story was beautiful. It was the first story about that kind of thing that wasn't "Allright let's F*ck and forget about eachother the next day" It was the first story that had true love and what it's supposed to be like your first time. You're supposed to be in love when you decide to take that step. Keep up the awesome work, much luv, ~*~*~JennieŽ~*~*~



great story. it was very moving and showed just how important another's life can be. Look forward to anymore stories.


Laura's Poetry Corner

Your stories pour out so much soul effort! I love all of them! This happens to be one of my favorites. My goal is not to write like you but to find a way to write all my own and have others cherish my stories as much as they do yours! Sora and Tai have always been my favorite digipair. ;)






Nice story. Nothin i could really find wrong about it.



wow!!!!! great story... u are truly an amazing writer :)



That is the best romance fanfic ive ever read!!! Amazing! Fantastic! Terrific! Superb! Unreal! It almost made me cry... (im a boy you know!) That was so well written! Please Write a sequel!!!!


allison (49timber@comcast.net)

wow. that was really good. i thought NC 17's didnt have a plot? it was really good!



Dude this was...dude. I've read other NC-17(thought I shouldn't, as I'm not old enough), but those were all...nasty? This was just good. The power of your words...the vivid imagery...the believable pain...man. You are my all-time favorite author in existance and now I like you even more! Keep writing man!



My goodness... This has got to be the Taiora equivalent of an atom bomb. It blew me away and left me speechless. GOOD JOB!!! I'm ashamed of my own attempts at romantic writing after reading this.



beutiful... just beutiful... (exuse me i think i've got something in my eye)


CharmedFanatic3 (charmedFanatic3@cs.com)

*takes a deep breath* woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow


Hopeful Writer (not signed in)

Okay, I know I reviewed already, but I want to say something to Person who is sick of this crap. If you don't like sappy, don't read this! If you like action, look for something in that genre. But don't read Logan's work just to flame him for writing how he feels. Do you want to know why he gets admirers? Because he writes from the heart, something that is difficult for people to do. If you absolutely feel the need to flame someone go get a lighter and some gasoline and pour it on yourself. If you don't like the poetry at the end, don't read it. And maybe Logan says he was upset about a story because he was, oh, I don't know, upset about the story! I don't even know Logan, so I can't say this from a personal standpoint, but he looks like the most honest guy I know, and he writes extremely well. If you want action, go write a story. If you don't want to, then don't complain about those people who have the nerve to post a story and listen to what others have to say. As a writer, I understand how hurtful it is to get a flame. You oughta be careful what you say, 'cause someday you'll get it back. And to MadVeemon, maybe you don't understand the point of an NC-17 rating, but that's to keep immature people out. If they read the story, they have to be prepared for description. If they can't handle it, they shouldn't read it. It's not his fault if they do. And there's absolutely no problem with having fans. In fact, there are many people who admire Logan, not because he's just a good writer, but because every story is from the heart. And, Logan, maybe you could read some of my stories sometime. I guess I'm a fan, but I really admire your writing style and I hope to someday be a writer, so maybe you could give me some pointers? I'd really appreciate it. Sorry about using a your name to yell at those flamers; I'll do it again under mine. I just felt they deserved it.


Hopeful Writer

If any moron flames you for this, don't listen to them. This was one of the most amazing stories I've ever read. I could not pull away. I nearly got grounded because I wouldn't stop reading the story to eat dinner. You sucked me in, then held me there. I found the ending very interesting. You should do this again, no matter what anyone says. If writing a good lemon proves how good a writer you are, then you are a better writer than many of the published authors I've read.



Oh dear God, that was incredible, for I'm in tears of lust and hatred. I must admit I hate Sora and couldn't finish the ending, but do you have any idea how much I am longing to be in that position with Tai? Oh, I couldn't imagen a better way to lose my virginity. Anyways, I just wish you'd write something like that about me and him.
Oh but life shall go on as so many poets have said in the far past. I just hope that you continue writing the great stories I know you can and have. God, if only we could meet, I mean you and I would hit it off great.
Ta Ta....for the time being anyway,
IceFoxx (Jessica)



It was a really good story. It is very good that it had a plot and the plot was very good. Also the lemony part was nice and not perverse.
Good job.
ps. jedi rulez



I Like your POVs on sex. u r very honest and a good writer. thank you.



that was soooooooooooooooo romantic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Taiora for ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Fallen Angel (fallen_angel_2012@hotmail.com)

ah, that was so sweet. remember, taiora fans not to ever give up even when *damn* the future looks bleak. wonderful taiora fanfics like this will keep us going.



This is a very great story. Good job.


Michelle Miller (small_lady85@lunap.com)

Hey logan, great story. i love it. write more ok. email me if you feel like it.



gods this is one of my fav storys this must have been like that 6th time i've read it and it just keeps getting better


raven Otako

God...that was beutiful! Praise goes to you! totaly!!!! *bows down to him* you are th ultimate lemon writer! i compair nothing!!



this fic was so... WOW! thats all i can say it was deep and wasn't one of those sex-fics were all they do is sex it actually had a plot. wow!



This is an amazing story! Keep up the good work.


Steve Jester

good story, this is real good!!!



This is not a story. This. Is. Art. I am completly in awe right now, I can bearly type out this review. This was the most intense story I have ever had the emense pleasure of reading. The detail of the emotions were exquisit. Nothing I have read so far has ever given me such an emotional high as this. The deep sadness I felt for Tai, the fear for Sora's life and the elation of both of them finding true love with each other. The skill of this author to bring out the shear intensity of the acts is poetic to a level I have not even dreamed possible. This is by far the best story I have seen. ~Jack


Judsino (Judsonian317@netscape.net)

Awesome fic! I thought it was the best I've seen thus far...
keep up the good work.....



OMG !! You sound Taichi sound so fine!! WAHHH! You should have used someone more older. I couldn't help it...but I kept laughing because I got this mental image of Tai being a serious guy and knowing all these big words. Hahhaha. That's just my opinion. :P I loved your fanfic though!! It was well thought out and well written!! I loved it !! Keep writing!! You might become a writer one day.....who knows? ^_____^ Bai bai!!



you're sappy. and you never use commas. i like pie, but i dont like you. you're kind of irritating. all this "oh, love the world and yourself and let peace and harmony spread the butter on your bread" crap is kind of annoying. thats why most people dont like you, i believe. you're like the big starbucks corporation taking over everyone else's little coffee shops. that makes me sad. very, very sad. i just want to take this fic and wring all the sap out of it. it would drip and ooze onto the floor. good-bye.



This was amazing. I can't wait to read your other works!



You're one of the best authors, Logan


Taiora Love

Wow! U do a great job on giving details on what Tai was going thorough



One of the few, if any, fanfics to bring a tear to my eye. Keep writing!



Logen, this fic, is a fanfiction MASTERPIECE great job, no wonderful job!! A+!



That Was Beautiful, Never read A NC-17 Story Like This Before


knell poter

You are like the best aurthor on this site! Man, you really blew my mind with this one. Taiora Rule!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)



OMGooshness! That was a good fic once agan ^-^ Tai0ra Fw0eva!



THAT ROCKED!My god you rule!that was the best lemon i've ever read(even though i've read little =^^=)And to all those flamers out there who dissed Logan ,You guys and girls are mean,jealous,and have no sense of knowing what is a good fic.If your such crappy peeps that can't take lemons then i have something to say to you ,DON'T READ THE DAMN FIC THEN! People learn how to click the no button once it says that it is rated paste your damn age(even though im not 17+)So people out there that flame Logan's work and say its sappy,GET A LIFE LOSERS!Heh heh Logan keep on going you rule and never give up cause ya know all your fans are waiting to read and review your really good fics.Oh yeah and to Kari,YOU GO GIRL! You really hade a really good speech there ^_^



I'm a MAJOR Taiora fan and this is one of THE best Taiora fics i've ever read..
Bravo and I hope you come out with more of these!!!!
Cudos to you!


Braeden Keys

Sniff, the part up to when Tai saved Sora,was kind of like my life. Me being Tai, and Rayna being Sora...Except she moved away,before I got to tell her, because Ben was like Matt,I couldnt...... .....ah hell with it! BRAEDEN KEYS LOVES RAYNA HARRISON!!!!!!! (im sorry,I needed to tell somebody...)



This was great! Consider writing more!~


TC (UnicornTC@cs.com)

I love this story!!! TAIORA 4 ever!


Shane69 (shane@Digimon4Digifans.zzn.com)

In-freakin-credible man,Logan,you're gotta a be a freakin genius. I even cried when Tai was going to kill himself you gotta keep writting these. I hope you write more fics like these because even though I'm just a beginner I know amazing when I read it you are now officialy my favorite author.
Your fan Shane69.
P.S:E-mail me if you can I left you my E-mail adress.Ciao.






just one word: WOW!!! you call it hentai? I don't . and honestly, that whole fic is one if not THE best I've read all my life nad I read tons of fic everyday. Continue your work, you're really, REALLY good. Now, you've got a new fan


Lightning (Lightning_Strike13@yahoo.com)

wow i was crying at the end of this fic that was just so beautiful you have a wonderfully intense way of writing that can't help but rip the heart out of the reader and drive them to insanty this was great



That was the most amazing and romantic fanfic I've ever read



OMG! That was so sweet. (=^^=)


knell poter

That was so good. I wish I could write like that. Taiora rules!! :) :) :) :) :)



i think this is a very sweet story.


No clue

Oh my lord! That was a fic that actually had somewhat of a plot to it. I loved that fic. Just yesterday I reviewed a different lemon and I said hat it was the best one I've ever read... Now I wanna take it back and say," Logan stole yer spot when he stole me heart with his fic." For all u flamers out there.. You keep complaining about the fact that its an NC-17-Hentai bull blah-blah-blah?! Well if u can't handle the rating.. Don't read it. If u can't handle what YOU think is the plot.. Don't read it. If you're too big of a baby to know what some of the expressions and love-filled manners in this particular peice of art.. DONT READ IT! Anyways.. I've spoken my part and I loved the fic man. Keep writing cause you've got a talent beyond any of the flamers and they're just jealous. Bravo! ^_^



WOW! Oh my god! This is the best TAIORA I've ever read!!!! SO romantic and poetic!


WarFia (web_surfer_17@hotmail.com)

I can't believe someone actually flamed you!!! I don't recall reading a story better than this. The work you put into this is amazing. And to have this as the final product, the reward must be indescribable. Not to mention all the reviews you must get.


Quatre Raberba Winner

This is such a good story, good plotline, good everything. Don't think there's one even half as good as this.



Logan my friend, you are the master when it comes to Taiora. These are stories that would make Toei Animation blush in embarassement. Don't ever stop writing these beautiful stories. You have inspired me to write myself. Thank you.



wow... maybe a tiny bit overwordy, but I wouldn't really change it. This was really an excellent read. I mean, wow!



too cool!!!!
agast, dark but cool



how beautiful...


Tai Kamiya

Very sweet and romantic. It feels like a part of the show-without the lemon part, though. That means that all Sora has to do is figure out which boy's been there for her the most-coughs-Tai!-and she'll realize where her heart truly belongs.


Lilac Kamiya

I loved this it had a great plot to it.



Okay... here goes!! (Get ready for a REALLY long review here... -_-') Okay, first to Logan: OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do you have any idea how good that was? Wow... You are SO sweet... you even gave the youngun's the chance to back out of the lemon part! ^_~ hehe! Your fics just keep getting better and better and better and... *eep* well, you get the point. I can't believe I have the privilege of knowing somebody like you... as well as I do. Whenever something goes wrong, and there's more that goes wrong than shouldI can always count on you to be there for me to talk to, cry to, complain to, whatever. And I can't thank you enough for that. Just like in the fic... how someone you love can save your life... well, you know. And it's true, with love, scars do fade... emotional ones, anyway. When a heart is broken, one can find someone (like you!) to mend it back together piece by piece, and in more ways than one, that's what you've done for me. I don't know if you get tired of hearing this or not, but THIS WAS SO GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^_^ Okay, that's enough for you... sort of. At least that's all I can say right now. NOW.... Flamers, cower in corners, because you have gotten me PRETTY DANG TICKED OFF!!!!!! *takes deep breaths* Now I'm going to try and at least be POLITE... b/c I know that Logan doesn't like people putting down others in his name... unless he does it, which Logan, btw, I think you were in perfect rights to do... bout time you defended yourself like that, sweetie! ^_^ But anyway, back to YOU people... FIRST of all, I think I'll just repeat what's already been said... IF ALL YOU PLAN ON DOING IS FLAMING HIM, DON'T EVEN BOTHER CLICKING THE DAMN LINK! *breathes* Calming down, calming down... Anyway, we are NOT Logan-maniacs or lovers or whatever... well, some of us anyway... But that doesn't mean we're reading and reviewing his stories just because he's our friend. We review his stories because he is an incredible author! You admitted it yourselves... you can see that he has an amazing, undescribable way with words. And I laughed out loud, literally, when one of you asked if Logan was gay. That doesn't even SOUND right. Logan? Gay? HA! He is the complete opposite. I can't believe you even thought that. And if you think that sappy means gay, you must be one of those guys (or girls even) that think that a person can't be intimate with anyone or else you're a fruit. He's being romantic, damnit! If you can tell me what's wrong with that, be my guest. But trust me... he gets more admirers that way. Anyway, if you flamers feel the need to do it again, be my guest... but you'd better keep one eye out for me and Aushie and TK and Angel and all of us other friends of Logan's... because when you mess with him, you deal with us. And we *try* to be civil, but sometimes... *sigh* it's hard. So watch out. If you don't like it, don't review. It's that simple. Constructive criticism is good. And I have to admit, Logan does have some flaws in his writing... the little spelling mistakes, whatever... do you really have to flame him for it? Let me tell you something, you're not perfect either. If you're focusing on the misspellings, you have some problems... I get so wrapped up into his fics that I hardly even notice them! A story is not made good or bad by grammar and spelling and usage... it's made by the combination of the feelings of the author and the reader when they read/write the fic. AND another thing... Have you ever written anything? Do you feel totally happy with it when you post it, if you post it, and wait for the opinions of your readers? Do you know how nervewracking that is? Apparently not... because if you did, you wouldn't say Logan is fishing for compliments when he says he's not happy with one of his fics. I say that, and I am DEFINITELY not fishing for compliments. That drives me crazy. When Logan says he's not happy with something, he truly isn't! He could care less if you agree with him or not! (Well, he may care a little, but it doesn't rule his life.) But when you mercilessly shoot him down and rip his works to shreds with your heartless words... that just doesn't sit right with any of us. Do it again, see what happens! But just know that you'll have many more people that aren't happy with you when you do. I apologize for the, uh... rudeness of this rant, but I HAD to get that off my chest. Hm... I feel a lot better now. Anyway, enough of you flamers *shudders* and back to the person that this review is really for. Logan, this was incredible, as I said before, and I think I've rambled enough now, so I'll talk to you later! ^_^
Karissa :)


Michael (bughunters@yahoo.com)

I'd really like to say that this was the best fanfic of its type I have ever read. Like Tai and Sora planned, it wasn't just another teenage sex story, but one that doesn't seem to happen any more. The ending was perfect, but I am wondering if Tai, Sora and Matt are still friends after all this. I know it would be a different friendship, but a friendship none the less.


~Heaven~Sent~ (crazychick_134@Hotmail.com)

this is the billionth time i've read this story and it makes me cry every time...How do you do it? It's amazing






Hi Logan. WOW, awesome work. OK I'm gonna admit something here: I am old enough to read this, I have been for awhile now. Anyway that's not important. What is important is your work. Truthfully it is a lil' sappy, but who cares. Your only showing the readers how you percieve Tai & Sora's romance. If it's in a lemon who cares. I don't. If 13 & 14 year olds write one because of you so-be-it. They should be old enough to distinguish the differences between love & lust. Those that criticized/flamed you are the ones who can't tell the difference. If I'm sounding indifferent I'm sorry, but flames are from people who probably don't understand your story or just don't care. I've loved your work for the longest time. I don't care if they are sappy, wait let me rephrase that, dripping with sappiness, because you put a lot effort into creating them. I appreciate the time you put into writing your stories. They seem so much more realistic. If someone flames you, it's because they are jealous of your amazing talent. You put a warning for this fic for a reason, emphasizing the content that lies within it. Okay I think I babbled long enough. Sorry about that*_* Anyway, I love this story. It was so sweet, sappiness and all. Please keep writing. I look forward to more of your works. Bye. (P.S Sorry that this is soooo long. I got carried away)



I rarely read lemons, but this was unlike any lemon I've ever read, it was full of romance and drama while other lemons are just based on sex and using filthy words, on a scale of 1-10 this is definately a 10



Logan I would like to apologize about my first review of this story. I was just not a very happy person that day but your story brought a smile to my face and for that THANK YOU! This was so well written everything was described perfectly I LOVED IT!!!



YOU are the best,all your story are great but this one is my favorite.
Usually I speak french so I had difficulty to tell you how I loved your story, so lets just say WONDERFULL,AMAZING,GREAT. That's all I can say. Keep your goo work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Willy Hu (alakazam123@hotmail.com)

This is one of the best fanfics I have ever read... and I've read more than 3/4 of them. Really Descriptive,etc. Send this to all your friends!


Ai no Hoshi

Hey! Logan, I *love* your writing! You said you are proud of this one and you should be, it's great! The people who are flamming this fic cuz it's "sappy" or because of the NC-17 rating, grow up! Person who is sick of this crap(very creative name */sarcasm*)Obviously, if you have read all of Logan's fics and then say you hate his writing _you_ _have_ _problems_ Mad Veemon, I am 13 years old and I can handle NC-17 stuff. Am I going to think 'This is cool! Now I'm gonna write about sex too!'? Of course not. Get real. Well anyway, keep writing Logan! I look forward to reading your next fic! ^_^v



that was one of the best fics ive ever read



whoa man cool story


raine (aerynsunn@hotmail.com)

Okay, logan - you've made me speechless. ^_^ Seriously, I can't say anything that hasn't all ready been said so I will just say that I commend you on your first (hopefully not last) lemon. And I hardly ever read these kind of fics (honest!) Very nice job and very maturely written....raine



first.. i would like to appologize to the guy who flamed me earlier.. i spoke out of anger, which is almost always a bad move.. now as for mad veemon... i am not speaking in anger when i say this to you now.. you just don't get it.. i would hope you are just a young kid who is to young to comprehend the difference between making love and hentai. give it time, you'll learn. and if i inspired someone to write a lemon.. good.. i only hope they understand the difference between hentai and non-hentai better then you... later veemon ^_^


Mad Veemon

That was so cheesy that I think I'm going to hurl just from reading it. How can even a hentai fic be so completely sappy as this one was? You're not a hentai writer... Well technically, this fic had hentai. You wrote it. Duh, you are a hentai writer now. "Lemons are either praised heavily or flamed to ash.." You were praised heavily. You don't suck at writing. So stop saying it to try and win people's pity! We all already feel bad enough about our writing because authors like you have to say all this crap. I don't understand how you get all these hordes of fans who worship the ground you walk on and think you're the greatest writer in existence. You know if you weren't the one who wrote this fic, people would be 'flaming it to ash' just because it had hentai. You even got 13 and 14 year old kids to read this! It seems to me some people look up to you because of your writing skills (though I don't know why, you're not *that* great), and now they're probably going to try and write lemon fics. Sure you warned them. Like they'd listen? You've got as many fans as *NSYNC and all those stupid boy bands. And then when you get ONE person who insults your fics, you have to get all pissy. Do you really expect everyone to love your fics? Well I'm glad that person flamed you to show you that not everyone does. And I'm with them. After all, everyone's got to have a supporting flame.



WoW! That was the best Taiora I have ever read! seriously! I can't comment about the lemon part because I didn't read it (only 13, not old enough), but the rest was very good! And it's not sappy, it's *romance*. heh heh. ne way, that was so cool, I think I'll go read another one of your fics now.


Hikari no Tenshi

Loved the fic, Logan. It's not often that I find many good Sora/Taichi fics and this one was great...then again, I like all your Sora/Taichi fics that I've read so far. I love your writing skills and I can't wait to read more of your work. Keep up te fantastic job, Hikari


ZER0 (zerospitfire@ureach.com)

I think you did one hell of a job on this story its the best story Ive heard.



Holy crow!!!!!!!! I didn't think you could write anything better than "The Princess and the Skeleton" but you proved me wrong! Way to go! YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Blue Phantom

wow... very well done, Logan, and even lemony-good. I like lemons (the fruit...) ... kinda freaky, even for you. *grins* no offence. loved it--



Da-amn, this is the BEST Taiora story I have ever read, hands down! Oh my god, you bet I'm gonna go read your other Taiora fics now!! *runs off*



AWESOME. I agree totally on your view in the beginning. Also i have a few objections to make to a little butt-hole called Person that's sick of this crap, first a question. If you are sick of it why do you keep reading it? Also i happen to LIKE THE SAPPY STUFF, it's realistic, that's what counts to me. And if i ever find out who you are you will hear more than a few angry squeaks from a very pissed mouse.



Logan this is another good story i liked it aloat, You r such a good writer!! Love Ya! :-)



Again a wonderful piece of fanfiction! In my opinion you should be proud of all your works. They're incredible. And this was one of the most beautiful and tasteful Lemons I have ever read. (I just wish I could write like that).



that was to much for words to describe...


ll love j

Romance like this displays that tai and sora are practically the best cuple on digimon,at least to me,anyway no other cuple of friends share such intimacy as tai and sora.They say the best cuples start out as bestfriends.So it most likely these two are to be together,no dout 'bout it!I am every into fanfics by logan.



*sniffs* that was so beautiful...I can't believe that you can write like this, logan...it's incredible. thank you.


Digital DragonLord

Sneak sneak, i know that i probably shouldn't have gotten in here, since i'm 14,but hey, the censor intrigued me, anyway man, i agree with U about what U discussed in the authors note, great job. Not to graphic, not to little discription, great job, and i hate Yaoi, Yuri, stories, and if they classify as hentai, than i greatly dislike that too. anyway good job and keep up the good work.


Ash aka Aushie

OK, I'M TICKED!!!!! (Believe me, ya better be cowering if you know what's good for you.) What IS it with you people who keep dissing Logan?! What the heck did he ever do to you?! I can answer that for you, allow me. NOTHING!!! N-O-T-H-I-N-G!!!!! He writes what he feels, it's what he does! If you have a problem with it or don't like it, there's a REALLY simple solution.


Lovable Beauty

that was so good...i don't know what to say but this...were you at this time? are you a virgin? and damnit, WHERE DID YOU LEARN TO WRITE LIKE THAT!!!!!


that person (Taitheman@Aol.com)

Hey, you asked for what people think of your work. I Like your wrting and think you have a talent, I was just say that you need to just cut out a little of the sappyness. Sappyness is good, but you saterate the fic. And, also, you've never got a negative reviwe before, there's always a first for everything. I was just sick of hearing all the logan lovers swoom all over you, while other writers never get any reviews and if they do there usually negative. So I was just ruening your perfect review record for the poor authors that never get credit for the hard work they put into there fics.



*Grabs a baseball bat and glares at the little creep who dissed Logans work* Hmm.. Nuff said you little , jealous, punk!


Rainbow Bright

Loved it Logan! Don't stop writing!



This is an awsome fic. Person that is sick of this crap can go kiss his A** I swear I love all of your fics. They Rule.


The Silver Ranger

That was a very nice taiora fanfic. You my friend, have some skills. nicely done.


rascal45 Death's Seraphim

*walks over to Logan and drops on his knees* Oh my! That was great! Perfect! Stupendous! Perfect description of romance and the sex scene wasn't no 'wham,bam,thank you ma'am' scene. Great job! 15/10!


Kindness and Care

Care: Yo logan!! Great job...well duh. I actully want to say something to that friggin creep who dissed this so...ahem, Excuse me but if you think this is sappy, drippy crap then don't read it!! I agree with what TK said. If you like action stories then don't read a romance one. It's really not that hard. logan has a gift. And I doubt that you can write half as good as he does. And...DON'T YOU EVER DISS ANOTHER ONE OF HIS STORIES AGAIN!! Okay, I'm done with my rant. logan, you're the best author I ever known and ever will know. Keep it up!! ^_^


Artarshi Hiko (Pegasmon426@aol.com)

OMG LOGAN!!! THAT WAS SOOOO GOOD! You are like an original Mark Twain! (he used very descriptive detail) Although this fic had lemon in it, I think it was so sugoi. I'm hoping one day you could probably write a whole book on love!! ^^ ~Artarshi Hiko



That was the most beautiful story i have ever read. You are truley amazing Logan hun ;) God.. you had me sobbing all over my keyboard by the 5th line. *sniff* Awesome job. and i hope you write more stories like this in the future. Love, Shrimp. ;)


TK aka Lil' Chiriko

Logan, first thing I'm saying is that your a wonderful author, and your ideas and your descriptions and your plots fit together so well, it's what makes you you. It's how we distinguish your stories from others. It's how we know what an amazing author you are, because you have your own style, and no matter what, STICK to it. It's what your best at, it's your art, your talent. And you're WONDERFUL. Those who can't see that don't even deserve to read your fics -looks pointedly downward at a certain flamer- Anyway, Logan, there are a lot of us who love to read and picture, which is what you help us do with all your descriptions. For right now, I'm done reviewing, and onto something else..... Now, I'm speaking to the idiot named "Person who is sick of this crap" WHY THE HELL ARE YOU READING THIS "CRAP" THEN? Seriously man, if you are sick, go to a shrink, don't take your mental illness for action-packed stories out on Logan. He doesn't deserve. So he doesn't want to praise himself on his work, he's just modest. All really good authors are, and he DOESN'T say he's horrible. You should learn how to spell. And if you've read Logan's stories before, then you should know that sappy is his specialty. If you don't like it, don't read it. It's not that hard. Don't click on the little link for his story, is this grade-scool stuff or what? And, dude, DON'T try to change him, he doesn't like to write "action" ok? If you want action, sweetheart, look somehwere else. Don't flame someone who likes to express himself through poetry, which he does VERY well. So please just crawl back into your little hole full of action-packed stories. Wow, I can't get enough of saying that, huh? ;)


someguyy2k (someguyy2k@aol.com)

(sniff sniff)How the hell do you do it,you bastered? How come your fics kick so much ass?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!? every fic you make is like...some superfic.This one nearly made me cry...srache that,(starts sobbing)How do these idias pop into your head? For years ive bine trying to cook up a deceint romance fic,but you always seem to find some sorta magical way to make the best fic in the history of fics. Romance just isent my style. Ive put some speactaculair fics on other stites,and they've always bine action fics. I'm really good at action fics. Some were digimon. Ok, so all 3 were digimon! Tell ya what...e-mail me, il Instent Message you(only on aol. Its like ICQ,only on the web.)We'l cook up some great idias, trade em',make the fic on the ideas we made,vola,were instent genuises! so what do ya say? If i could make a great fic like this, id try and publish it! This is so now on my favrot list!!!! Dude, you are the man!!!!(so we got a deal or what?we dont have to,just a switch from our ordinary gendre of fics. Then we can look like originals!logan, friend, we need to make a bisnuess on great fics!!!!)


logan (logan91235@aol.com)

hey... this has nothing to do with the fic... this is to the person who hates my writing.. well i know it seems petty.. but this is addressed to you.. if you don't like my stories.. fine.. you don't like me... alright.. if you think i am waisting my time.. your descision... but i have no respect for a little creep who is childish enough to rip into something someone worked hard to write.. you want to insult me... fine... leave your e-mail address next time you little punk.. i rarely get mad at critisism.. but for little mean spireted insignifigant people like you i make an exception.. you do this to me, you may do it to anouther author.. so feel free to e-mail i would truly love hearing from you...


Person who is sick of this crap

Are you some kind of romance nut? you are like the king of sappy drippy crap! every fic ends with a little blabling. " life is a thing of mixed joys and sorrows. We touch upon them both through our trek down the rode of life and bla bla bla!" I mean do you worship Taiora? do you have a shrine or something? I mean your a great authors but I'm sick of this sappy drippy crap. how about some action instead of this too discriptive crap I'm reading? what are you going to do with your life when that show is over? and whats with this " Oh, I think my writeing is horrable and wwa wa wa!" SHEASH! its sickening. so any way. you've got a good talent , just stop wth your crappy nonces, give it a plot! and stop with your mindless dribble at the end!


Tracey (crazychick_134@Hotmail.com)

I have but one word... Amazing. I have never read anything so amazing in my entire life. You have a gift for writing. Keep writing... any one who could write like this should never stop. This story was most amazing.


Joe Shmoe (aka aZn5h0rTi3)

great fic as usual! Lookin foward 2 Genesis 5...



First of all, this was a very good fic. You're a talented writer, and you have quite an extensive vocabulary. And you're definitely one of the best here. All of your writing has a very pretty feel to it. Having said that, all of your talent just seems...wasted in something like this. I personally love taioras, and I think that they are the best couple ever. However, the whole plot just seems so contrived, with Tai, on the verge of suicide, and Sora suddenly realizing that she needs to leave Matt. There doesn't seem a part to the fic that's at all natural. It may just be me personally, but the suicide notes seemed like such an artificial plot device. I personally find suicides very overused in trying to get a tear out of the reader, or making a point. The thought, 'with love, scars fade' is a nice one, but it doesn't have to be repeated, or else it seems even more cliched. And while your writing is beautiful, and sophisticated, it sometimes verges on wordy, especially with the......And while phrases such as 'the art of love', 'you have completed me', 'yet as observed by Sora' are pretty, and very poetic sounding, they become wordy when you read them in every line. Try varying the style of your sentences. Try showing the reader how Tai and Sora feel, instead of repeating that they love each other. And even though there is drama with the scars and the suicide, and you make a nice connection (inside/outside) between the two, I wish everything didn't seem so perfect. Leave a little mystery to your fic. Don't take this too harshly, because if I thought you were a bad writer I wouldn't have wasted the time with a long review. You just have the potential to be so much better.



If that's any indication... you stand near the top of the heap. Great fic. The only flaw was that you misspelled "proportioned", but otherwise, it's flawless.


Fire Spirit

This was really awsome. Tai?Sora Queen (tai_soraqueen@hotmail.com)


Ryo Miyashiro

whoa, that was soo good!!!!! and soo adorable!!! You should take your time to write the stories if they turn out this good in the end they'd be worth the wait but your other stories are good too...=)I like how your stories have the moral like things at the end and it totally matches with the story...=)



that wuz really good!



awww very cute and very sweet. nice take on the little video clip thing. if realplayer would have let me see it... i would know more about it i suppose... but regardless it was good... and god...if i would have read up to that part in school....my teacher would have killed me...then given me like 5 saturday school detentions... *sigh* ah well. hurry up with part 5 k? ok? good.... ^-^ ttyl love always, Angel





gez (getstuffed@btinternet.com)

Once again you have proved yourself to be a great writer!
I have read all you fanfic and you always seem to surprize me with each one.
This fic was great,as you have done something that all writer try to do.
You have shown true love threw words so that anybody can expericence this love.
You are truly talented and you have proved it over and over again.
Don't stop writing as people would be missing out on something too fantastic to miss.So keep on writing,good luck!



Oh god, Taiora lemon! Very good, I like the fic, the plot was well-made, but I didn't read the lemon part itself. (Good job in keeping it out.) Keep writin!



well i don't usually read nc-17 stuff, but i know you're really good so i thought i'd give it shot. i must say i liked it. it was really well written and stuff, and how you made it completely visible that they were in love and 'it' was a thing of romance, just not some teen sex story. anyhow, very good.


knell poter

Powerful story man. Good, real good. And in some parts it was so deep, man. I never read a story like this before, so thought out and true. You get a 10++++.



Your Genesis stories are amazing but are nothing compared to this!!! This may sound corny but - how the hell can you put something into words like that? You are a very talented writer obviously. And as well as describing the 'lemon part' beautifully, the plot was really good and wasn't just coincidental to the 'lemon part' but the 'lemon part' was part of the plot which made the whole thing far better than any other stories you read. I can't think of anything anyone could flame you for (wow - I am getting quite deep!) Please continue to write more like this!



As always, great fic with lots of pure emotion. Your punctuation and capitalization still needs some work, but I love it nevertheless. :) Oh and--for us Taiora lovers, there is still hope. During that episode where Sora goes to give Matt a gift, there is no denying the sadness in Tai's eyes when he turns her around and tells her to go on and give it to him. Don't go give up hope, not even if Sorato's proclaimed as the official couple. After all, hope can move mountains, y'know. :)



Wonderful! Fantastic! Wow! I really liked it! (can you tell?) I have always believed that it doesn't matter what you write about, just how you write about it... And this story definitely reaffirms my philosophy! I kind of feel bad for Matt, but then again, things never go right for him. Also I have always felt Sora belongs with Tai (and vis-versa) anyhow. Very Nice!!!



gosh...youre a great writer...this is such a sweet fic...i loved it...most taiora are really cheesy but this was really well written...


Digital Penman

That's the best story I've read on FF.N Sorry Bloodraven, you've been beaten.
Logan, write more!!! you're really good. I almost cried at the end.



ok, so I skipped the lemon part, I read like the last paragraph and all the stuff before the divider, it was still sweet, and really sad... but I liked it, logan, you are the best author I know of. Keep up the good work, I hope to see lots more from you soon.



I READ IT WITHOUT BEING CAUGHT!!! GO ME!!!! ^_^ Anyway, beautifully and tastefully written. Lemons usually send up a red flag with me, but I read it anyway just becuase YOU wrote it. Don't you feel special? ^_^ Ack, I'm blushing. Gr. I hate it when I do that. -_-* Took me a while to read it, I was shocked at points beyond words, but I like it. It wasn't mindless or perverted, but I did jump back a few times. :) As for one of the paragraphs near the beginning, something about Tai belonging to the fiction section and that he was a lie, that he wasn't really meant to be here, I HOPE that's not how you see yourself..... when I read that, it just screamed "LOGAN!!!" and I got worried.... Man, I'm paraniod tonight. Must be the adrenaline from my concert earlier. :) Anyway,beautiful story, one of your best. GET GENESIS 5 OUT BEFORE NEXT WEEKEND!!!! YOU SO CANNOT MAKE US WAIT THAT MUCH LONGER!!!!! ^_^ Love, Aushie. :)


Soraslove (Soraslove@hotmail.com)

Wow, that was so amazing, you know your writing tells alot bout the person you are, this fic is really, good........kind of explains how i see my boyfriend. Well, keep writing cause your fans like me are counting on it, later!



wow!!! this is one of the most heart-touching stories that i´ve ever read, i`m breathless and the lemmon part was so so sweet



Wow. That was really sweet. I loved it. This was just what I needed after realizing Japan was all for Sorato (those lunatics. Don't even get me started). I totally agree with your views on sex. It was meant to be something special shared between two people who are in love (seems right out of your parents/teachers mouths doesn't it) and i don't find anything shameful about it either. I loved how it touched so many bases, what with suicide, and the obvious sex thing. It was deep and innocent at the same time. You are definetely a talented writer (but we all know I think that from other reviews, don't we?) and you can definetly write a tasteful lemon. Excellent job, logan, as always. I shouldn't even have to review anymore, your stories' excellence always speaks for itself. (Now hurry up with the rest of Genesis. God knows I want to see where your going with that one)





Diodesa-Sakura-Li -Xaio-Lang-Ying-Fa-Duo-Windy-Haruka-Tenhou-Hikaru-Yuy



Vitani FyreWolf

I have never declined to read one of your fics and I never intend to. I trusted that you would be able to write this in a way that would not be in any way 'disturbing' and I was right. This was absolutely beautiful, it shows love in all depths. I personally liked the finding of the suicide notes, I think that was the perfect ending to a perfect fic. Write what you like, logan, I guarantee I'll read it!


Artisan of the Written Word

Okay, Logan... I read the whole thing. I've got to say I'm a little... surprised (I bet you're asking yourself "what did she expect?"). I can say it was well written. I will say it was well written, because it was. You said you were going to get flamed; maybe that's true, but you can count my review as the opposite. It was a good story at the beginning... how you described Tai's suffering. It was a good story at the end, too. Your description was perfect to the last detail. Great story, Logan. Don't ever doubt your work, however. We may be our own greatest critics, but not all stories deserved to be criticized. Love ya-Whit



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