"A New Life, Naruto" Reviews/Comments [ 6 ] | Reviewed By: laicee On: June 04, 2009 11:57 CDT Comment/Review: hey i think it should be naruXino but thats just me ^^ really good story! i can't wait for the next chapter.
| Title: Nice! Reviewed By: TailsPrower (unlogged) On: May 24, 2009 23:05 CDT Rating(s):Style of Writing: 10 of 10 Spelling & Grammar: 7 of 10 Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10 Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10 Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: Not too bad! You've done a good job so far. Keep it up!
| Reviewed By: ReadingError1 [MediaMiner Member] On: May 17, 2009 13:05 CDT Comment/Review: I like the general idea that you have here though i think your style could use some work and the chapters would draw people in more if the length was better i personally love when i can come on and read for a bit not just 5 minutes and the go oh well what else was updated today >,
| Title: keep going Reviewed By: Aylese1989 [MediaMiner Member] On: December 05, 2008 00:16 CST Rating(s):Style of Writing: 6 of 10 Spelling & Grammar: 5 of 10 Originality/Creativity: 8 of 10 Enjoyment Factor: 9 of 10 Overall Rating: 7 of 10 Comment/Review: you did a good story line just need a bit more detail and spacing then your made and by the by i like were this story is going i am a big fan of naruto and hinata parrings so i want to see more plaese continue.
| Reviewed By: narufreak1 [MediaMiner Member] On: November 02, 2008 15:46 CST Comment/Review: wow i cant wait for the next chapter.
| Title: I smell Sulpher, and the snow has snuffed out my lake of fire Reviewed By: GoblinKing2112 [MediaMiner Member] On: October 21, 2008 00:07 CDT Comment/Review: The title references the general dislike many have for Hiashi and the Hyuuga clan in general (except Hinata and Neji), and unusual rarity of Naruto being adopted. The first chapter was a bit short and succinct, and you misspelled shushin (I will let it pass solely because of people rarely using the word, prefering teleport instead). Perhaps a beta would be a good choice (I am not a good choice, since I would wind up using spell check once then saying I'm done, so no I am not volunteering). Otherwise, this story seems to be good and I would like to see more. Also, part of the first chapter was uploaded as chapter 2, and I am guessing was a computer error. Goodluck, young padowan, though... Naruto and Hinata being raised together would likely result in a brother-sister relationship like she has with Neji. But, it just gives you a challenge that can improve your skills as an author. Ja ne. The Goliath's Commandment - Our name is Goliath, and we are Legion