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"Just a Joke, Right?" Reviews/Comments [ 56 ]
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 Title: I'm an idiot
Reviewed By: Destenyne [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 09, 2009 17:22 EDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Hilarious but it took me forever to get the crazyFANlady thing. TOO many dead braincells
 Reviewed By: Sonicrider14  On: March 02, 2009 15:08 EST
this chapter was a bit short and the whole sai and ino thing...works for them!!!!!!!! anyways i beat the song on expert 100% and my cousin had to give me his ipod touch (he has 2 of them) and he was not very happy but i am ^_^ anyways cant wait for next chapter
 Reviewed By: SakuraSasuke 4 ever [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 02, 2009 14:48 EST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Well you know me I'll ALWAYS review your chapters if and when I have the time. AND THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR MENTIONING MY FIC. it seems to be getting more reviews on ff.net and I'll write review replies in the third chapter as well as include must reads and in the next chapter I will be announcing that I need more reviews I mean I finished it and all but my computer went all wacko on me and I can't do anything on it, well thats my life but all in all your sixth chapter ROCKED the pms thing was HILARIOUS and I still want to know what the txt said TELL ME!!!!! I can't live without knowing, ok maybe I can but the curiousity is killing me and I'm really glad you put a time limit of when your going to update and if you ever want to txt me or something send me an email giving me your number or one so that I can give it to you that way we can talk and I really would like to smack the Uchiha's smirk right off his face how dare he say... say..say MEAN THINGS ABOUT RAMEN!!!!! Its the best and I'm glad you have one couple down it just means were getting closer to Sasu Saku *does happy dance* I think you should have like a scene were neji calls Sakura a boy os something since she never really does her hair or dress like one then they make a bet to see if she could get a bf in two or one weeks so then Ino volunteers to give her a makeover that catches Sasuke's attention and stuff like that that would really be interesting and about the texting thing I'll send you my number in a message on ff.net hope to get a txt or something I guess though if you think its jinda wierd to txt someone you don't know I don't blame you but hopefully you don't cuz who knows we might become good friends Your Loyal reviewer ~*Mrs. Satu Uzumaki*~
 Reviewed By: Sonicrider14  On: February 26, 2009 15:34 EST
 Title: *smacks head against wall*
Reviewed By: Destenyne [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 24, 2009 17:35 EST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Sorry! I didn't find the email about this till a few minutes ago. Great chapter as usual. Hilarious can't wait for the next one.
 Reviewed By: SakuraSasuke 4 ever [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 11, 2009 14:02 EST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Yeah it really was a long review response so thx for that, I know what you mean about life getting complicated, and just so you know I'm rewriting it, yes a I know again, but I'm going to add more detail so if you mant to see the more updated version go to this web page its really good if I say so myself, http://www.fanfiction.net/~mrssatuuzumaki *dodges books* but that one only has the first chapter so yeah but its really good, I had the second one but my computer broke down sucks so much, and if your wondering I'm using the school's computer, and what sucks more is that I haven't checked my email so what a pain, sorry it took me do long to leave a review, I didn't find put you posted it until it had been like a week or to after. but YAY!!!!! you updated I was wondering if you were going to continue. I might stop mine don't get enough reviews, if you view you will see that I have deleted most of the chapters, hey but if you like maybe you should post the 'link' so others can read it, and I'm glad that YOU take the time to read my super long reviews. Its just that you give me alot to talk about so yeah, well hopefully you check it out.
 Reviewed By: Sonicrider14  On: February 02, 2009 17:28 EST
Nice chapter. Im gonna do a dare you might not be able to do. My cousin is daring me to play Guitar Hero 3, the song is called Through the Fire and Flames on expert 100% and if I beat it he will do what ever i say and i cant pass that up. Anyways see ya next chapter!
 Reviewed By: Sonicrider14  On: January 20, 2009 15:13 EST
wow...when did you update again...tsunade, sakura called you old tsunade: *chucks same text book at sakura*
 Reviewed By: xxToKi0drifTxx [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 19, 2009 12:52 EST
love it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! pleases write more
 Reviewed By: livelaughlover4ever21 [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 01, 2009 17:29 EST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
hahaha this is funny please continue :P
 Title: Bwahahahaha!
Reviewed By: Destenyne [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 30, 2008 13:24 EST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
That was great! Gaara is a panda Naruto has a concussion and Shikamaru doesn't care what you have in your pants! HAHAHAHA!!! Only one problem with this chapter, There are only TWO reasons for not dating Gaara? You're a crazy people! Tuna I want a tuna sandwich
 Reviewed By: Sonicrider14  On: December 27, 2008 14:37 EST
"I mean Shika doesn't care whats in your pants." ROFL that was funny this story is more funnier then your last story i cant wait until the next chapter is up!
 Title: Sorry
Reviewed By: Vospader21 [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 23, 2008 21:43 EST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Sorry I diddn't discover this sooner. I just finished the first chapter, and I like it. I must say you chose the right teacher for each subject. You'll be seeing more of ny reviews from now and on.
 Reviewed By: SakuraSasuke 4 ever [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 23, 2008 20:54 EST
omg you finally updated *shocked face* i've been waiting forever so that you could update this fic.So far you are tied with volition cuz dang i like the that you are able to keep my attention on the fic instead of just the quotes. About my fic if its really messy sry but ya its the first one im writing without the help of my cousin which is really cool and but hey i need people to help out you know. So yah im planning on rewriting all the chapters to make it a we bit neater. The name of it is New Twins In Konoha, and it is definitely sasu/saku all the way, hence my name. As for the football thing i think you should still go for it, i mean you are the author of the story you can always just have them practice on diferent days so it won't interfere with her and volley ball. I mean just imagine the uchiha's face when he gets showed up by a girl that has got to hurt someones pride and ego, especially if its the girl that annoys you the most. *kinda laughs*. That would so be an audience grabber. Its almst as funny as naruto blackmailing sasuke an 'UCHIHA'. And dang i can't stop laughing over the temari thing i was just cracking up like sakura *inserts laughin hesterically* and if you make them swimmers during the spring that would also rock. Almost forgot when you read my fanfic don' forget to review. PLZ and THX and definitley THX for writing this fic its the bomb
 Title: Bwahahahaha!
Reviewed By: Destenyne [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 17, 2008 18:12 EST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Do not let your youthful minds be tainted...heehee...DEAR SWEET AUNT PETUNIA...HAHAHA!!! PANTS...PANTS!!! *Falls over dead* Oh and sorry I didn't review sooner.
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