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"Metamorphosis: Genesis" Reviews/Comments [ 24 ]
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 Reviewed By: LoriTini  On: January 12, 2011 11:43 EST
I thought you had given up on the story since it took six months for the last update...but I'm so glad that you didn't! It was a great surprise to see that you updated and now I can't wait for the next chapter. Update soon, k?
 Reviewed By: FrancisA  On: January 12, 2011 11:41 EST
Please update soon! I spent the morning reading this and I really want to know what happens!
 Reviewed By: VanillaFrosting [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 09, 2011 20:41 EST
I believe the theme song for this chapter should be "Cannibal" by Ke$sha since I think it really fits what Sano was doing to the Brotherhood and intended to do to Alex and Kaya. I thought the way you portrayed the deaths of the Brotherhood to be good without being too gory/descriptive. You left enough to our imagination without throwing it in our faces. I really wonder what will happen to Alex, Sano, and Kaya--are they going to survive and make it back to Lyrial, or are Kaya and Alex going to do die in the snow? And speaking about Sano, is he going to be okay? That sudden change was really freaky, and scary. Hopefully he'll be okay... How is Lyrial taking this? She seems like such a nice girl, and with her friends missing...After last chapter too. I really want to see what her thoughts are on the situation. And as always, I would like to see more Chris/Lyrial relationship stuff--I think they are so sweet together and he is such a good balance to Sano and his...ah...advances? Please update soon!
 Reviewed By: Enon  On: August 11, 2010 03:00 EDT
Just started reading this story today, and finished it all in one sitting. The last chapter was a bit of a trip--Lyrial sure has an overactive imagination, doesn't she? Does that mean all of this--the story--is in her head and it's a psych thing rather than reality? Either way, I really liked the chapters and hope that fourteen comes out soon. I want some answers! Please update.
 Reviewed By: VanillaFrosting [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 07, 2010 07:28 EDT
Style of Writing: 9 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 9 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
This chapter was definitely worth the wait; the tensions between the characters and the increasing hints of real dangers between Sano and Kaya is so artfully danced around and creates an illusion of civility between them. Until, at least, she tries to burn him up. But poor Lyrial, I do hope that Sano's over-possessiveness doesn't frighten her away from Chris. He was so playful and sweet with her, it would be a shame if she didn't pursue that relationships because of her undead roommate. The way you wrote the torture scene was...all I can say is, I feel for Alex. That poor young man, and as Kaya wonders: why Hunters go after Witches, when they look so much like humans, and can pass for them? I find myself wondering the same. Why are Witches hunted? Kaya seems to be less dangerous to the average person than Sano is. But I got shivers when you wrote the mirror magick scene, something about it just seemed to be too much. I hope that the next chapter comes out soon, I really hope that Kaya is able to rescue Alex, though I don't know if her asking Sano is the best thing. He hates her! I hope he can put that aside.
 Reviewed By: Tiaq  On: June 07, 2010 03:16 EDT
Yay another update! Absolutely loved this chapter! Even if I was frowning at Sano the entire time; tsk tsk to him scaring Lyrial. Loved Lyrial's thoughts and squealing about her date with Chris, it was so cute. And Alex! Poor boy... The description of him being tortured was very well done, and dare I say it even made me wince a few times? Oh! And Kaya's use of magick! Again, very good description for that, very vivid for me. Want. More! Can't wait for the next update!
 Reviewed By: Ancient Spirit [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 26, 2010 13:54 EDT
I enjoy this story so much that I don't mind the wait. I get really giddy and I literally squeal when I see you have the next chapter up......my friends thought I was pretty weird....um.....I know it takes a long time to write and with a busy schedule, it's almost impossible. Take your time.
 Reviewed By: VanillaFrosting [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 26, 2010 00:25 EDT
Another wonderful chapter that ends on a cute but sad moment. I love the contrasts in how Lyrial interacts with her new roommates and with Chris, it's good to see that you keep in prospective how two humans would interact different than a Witch/Human, or a Vampire/Human. It just makes me a little sad that in the end, Lyrial couldn't help but compare the two men in her life at the moment. I loved the entire scene between the hobo and Kaya, and will forever remember her as "Lil' Red's yellow kayak" from now on--is that a hint at how her name sounds to the human ear? And what exactly happened to Alex? Or was it really just a figment of the man's delusions? I hope you update soon, and we learn more about Chris, Lyrial, Sano and Kaya. (Also, what did Sano say to get Kaya angry enough to try and strangle him? Not that I think it takes much, but the reader's want to know!) Please update soon, and good luck with your schoolwork!
 Reviewed By: Tiaq  On: April 26, 2010 00:22 EDT
Another awesome chapter! The dialogue was great, loved Kaya & Sano's bantering especially - definitely made me giggle. I repeat previous review: I want to know more about Chris! I have my sneaking suspicion, but I'm not 100% just yet. So yay on keeping me on the edge of my seat with wanting to know more about the guy.
 Reviewed By: Susan3490  On: March 22, 2010 12:58 EDT
Kaya was so kick ass it was awesome, I loved her with the thugs. I agree with Tiaq I want to know more about Chris.
 Reviewed By: Autumn8009  On: March 19, 2010 03:31 EDT
Is disappointed by the lack of Sano in this chapter. He makes me laugh, but it was kinda cool seeing Kaya by herself. Though my favorite characters have to be Lyrial and Sano. Those two are so funny together. They're gonna be together right?
 Reviewed By: Tiaq  On: March 10, 2010 02:10 EST
Yay more! I liked this new chapter & agree with VanillaFrosting it never feels like enough when you update. I always read through it so fast, excited to see what happens next. Ah the curses of finding a good story. But I want to know more about this Chris person! And about this Alex guy too! Can't wait to read more! More arts for you for more chapters!
 Title: Update soon!
Reviewed By: VanillaFrosting [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 10, 2010 01:44 EST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 9 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Gah! It never feels like enough when you update, you should write more, or faster. The story is so interesting and I really want to know what is happening, even when you don't end in a cliff-hanger it feels as if you do. I liked seeing the hint of normalcy in Lyrial's life; the girl needs some relaxation in her life!And that Chris guy seems so sweet, I hope they can be happy together. I was sad by the lack of Sano in the chapter, but I thought it was cool to see Kaya be a Witch. But why does magick tire her out so much? Is that normal? Even if she does say she hasn't used magick very much lately, shouldn't she be able to handle it? Hopefully you'll update soon, because I wand my questions answered. Damnit!
 Reviewed By: Tiaq  On: February 18, 2010 02:43 EST
Excuse me while I flail and laugh. I want mooooore! Nooow! This is seriously such a good read. It's been so long since I've read something that has actually made me giggle out loud. Let alone laugh. I keep alternating between wanting to smack Sano, and feel sorry for him. Love all the character development that's going on, not only with Sano but Kaya and Lyrial. I'll definitely be keeping an eye out for new updates soon. *hint!*
 Reviewed By: brownsugar [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 30, 2010 18:48 EST
Spelling & Grammar: 8 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 9 of 10
You should just spend the next few months finishing this because waiting for just ONE chapter at a time is painful. [haha] Seriously cannot wait until the next one is posted up. I think Lyrial is going to drive Kaya and Sano crazy because they both probably going to fall for her.
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