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"Unexplainables Explained" Reviews/Comments [ 19 ]
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 Reviewed By: vampkestrel [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 24, 2003 01:21 CST
argg so confused..... urp...... @_@ ororooro good story though can't wait for more to come up. i'd be happy to be on your update list

 Reviewed By: Moonshine587 [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 17, 2002 14:58 CST
Ahhh, don't leave me hanging!! Update SOON. I hope Vegeta gets to fight in the Gladiator tournament... But why is Bulma in so much pain from the mental connection? I guess I'll just have to wait and see (hopefully the wait won't be too long, hint hint)!
 Reviewed By: Susan (suenami927@yahoo.com)  On: December 11, 2002 03:08 CST
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
OMG So I was right?! Dear Kami, how did he become so diseased? And why is Bulma getting killer headaches when she gets flashbacks? At least Goku and family are well and I hope Ayamari leaves B/V alone so they can continue on their journey. Btw, if it hadn't been for JB I never would've know that this fic was updated. It never came up on the new fics page (this also happened with AD). Anyway, great chap K ^_^. Can't wait to read what happens in the next one.
 Reviewed By: KangaKilla [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 21, 2002 06:45 CDT
ahhhhhhhh you cant stop there...LLP?????ehh whats that???? oh im in such need of chocolate at the moment you have noooooo idea, woohooo i cant wait until the next update KEEEEP WRITING AHHHHHHHH *coughs* ok im going now :D
 Reviewed By: Jadedbest [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 06, 2002 21:20 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Okay here's the problem. I didn't get the email and I've been out of town but the problem with the other reviewers here at mm.org is that about a week ago the site lost all the stories in the anime section Dragonball Z. To fix the problem all you have to do is go back to each story and relist them in the DBZ section. It took me forever to do all mine. Anyway with that out of the way...

Great update! I think Vegeta and Naku are the same person and you just put that last part in there to confuse us. Then again I'm probably wrong because I always am.

Okay, okay, I do have my Kakarot moments but you don't have to rub my nose in it. I got the whole Complicated thing like the day after I reviewed but was too lazy to go back and fix it with another review (can you blame me after the length of the other?). Actually every song in My Friend has a purpose. I think of it as one of those teen movies where the soundtrack is always ten times better than the actual movie. You're the first person to get that so I really wasn't thinking about it when I read your review. Anyway it still wasn't nice to call me Kakarot! I would never say such a thing to you. *sniffs*

Oh so that's a drow...*blinks* I'm not even going to pretend that I'm going to check it out because I have enough sick obsessions as it is. Are you trying to polute me more?

Hint? Who me hint at something? Update S:WW!!!!!!!!!! Was that a hint? *blinks innocently*

Well I've been gone for almost week so I think I should go spend sometime with some of my own fics. Til your next update.-JB
 Reviewed By: Susan  On: July 31, 2002 03:52 CDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Great update! This Naku dude doesn't seem so bad after all, and I hope he can help Bulma get away. She, in turn, could maybe help him battle the disease that he has. I see Veggie's back and waiting for that bitch to show up. You know for a moment I thought Naku was Veggie. His conversation with Bulma and her reaction to him started making me think along those lines. Anyway, too much coffee and I'm letting my imagination run wild. Needless to say, I can't wait for the next chap. Oh yeah, I hope you haven't forgotten about DOY. That's a great fic! TTYL-Sue
 Reviewed By: ssjprincess [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 24, 2002 19:50 CDT
ssjprincess: *x.O* I would like to add that this Naku reminds me of Veggie. Could it be? Hmmm...
Vegeta: No, it's the bump on the head, Onna.
ssjprincess: *rubs her head* She sucker punched me!
Vegeta: Sure she did. *rolls his eyes*
ssjprincess: All right let's go review Little Pleasure Prince now.
 Reviewed By: ssjprincess [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 24, 2002 19:41 CDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Hi! Sorry it took so long to drag my bum over here. That will teach me to get on the internet more often. I decided to come here for this update before I find out what exactly you *raises an eyebrow* did to me on your update of Little Pleasure Prince. Should I be frightened?
Vegeta: Or should I? Hold on... did you say she is married to the Prince of All Saiyans? *looks up to the sky* That's it Kami! *points at ssjprincess* Is she the punishment for all of my past sins? *drops to his knees* I wasn't that bad... was I?
ssjprincess: *blink blink* Hey, buddy boy, your no joy yourself sometimes!
Vegeta: *stands up as if nothing ever happened* You should be overjoyed everytime I grace you with my presence.
ssjprincess: O.o Ah. Yeah. Anyhow, let's get on with this review...
This was an excellent chapter. Poor Bulma. She's to be sold like a cow at auction. *looks arounds quickly*
Bulma: Who you calling a cow?!
ssjprincess: O.o;; Oh *beep*! *runs away from the enraged Bulma*
Vegeta: *chuckles* If the woman wasn't... busy, I'm sure she would tell you that she can't wait for the next chapter. I on the other hand would like to say, Where in Kami's name am I?
*ssjprincess runs by with a crazed Bulma at her heels* Help! They've released the hound of hell, and she chasing me! Oh by the way, *avoids the swinging fist intended for her head* I'm going to go check out Little Pleasure Prince now. *smack*
Bulma: Call me a cow, will you!
ssjprincess: X.X
Vegeta: *chuckles while picking up ssjprincess and flinging her over his shoulder* See you at the next review...
 Reviewed By: KangaKilla [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 20, 2002 23:33 CDT
ok, ill take you with me, the more the merrier i reckon. ok well mwhahahah oh i cant wait for the next chapter and do u know what i was thinking? well your joso, then put a t in front toso, then tosa hahahah as in your such a tossa! and then youve got the whole girl guy thing so its a toss up between what it is! hahah ok and i love the way youve made veggie do that whole i wish that the never knew me! that was fantastical hahahah fantestical hahahah ok woah i think ive stolen SOME of your brain! ok well keep up the good work or maybe just stay up until you fall asleep, that might work...right bye
 Reviewed By: Susan  On: July 20, 2002 22:47 CDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Oh no, so Bulma and her friends have been separated for good, at least for now. That Joso jerk wants to sell her to that oozing galatical thing and I get the feeling that he's gonna wanna buy. I hope she doesn't have to...you know, do him any "favors". I mean just thinking about it makes me wanna puke. I'll be waiting for the next update ^_^.
 Reviewed By: KangaKilla [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 20, 2002 01:06 CDT
oh see, i knew you couldnt stop at where you did in unexplainables! oh and if you had of i would of had to come into the computer and steal you brain that way i could pretend to be you and write the next part! even if it wasnt the same it would still be there mwhahaha, hmm im thinking of seeking mental help, maybe i should drag a couple of people along with me *stares pointedly at everyone reading this*... what? its true. ok well ttfn ta ta for now!!!
 Reviewed By: Jadedbest [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 19, 2002 04:17 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Excellent, excellent start! This story is going to be awesome. That Vegeta is really something else, but his wish really doesn't surprise me in the least. He just never does things the easy and happily ever after way. It really pisses me off sometimes. But you've gotta love him anyway.

So Bulma's going to be seperated from the group, huh? That sucks. Well, I'm sure she'll be all right. She always is. Wait... this is a Kahlan Nightwing story so I better not speak to quickly when it comes to everyone being okay in the end.

Great start and since you seem to have the next chapter already typed why don't you go ahead and post them tomorrow? Really, go ahead. I won't mind a bit. ^_^-JB
 Reviewed By: Susan  On: July 19, 2002 00:42 CDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Oh my Kami! I can't believe that Veggie would wish to be forgotten by everyone. But why? Bulma 's mind seems to be telling her that something is amiss. How sad. Now Ayami is looking for Vegeta and the earth has been invaded by a bunch of hormonally charge bastards and Bulma's gonna be sold. Shit! I don't even want to know what the hell you ingested to bring this about. Ok, I'm thoroughly depressed now...I hope you're happy -_-.
 Reviewed By: Masamune  On: July 18, 2002 19:39 CDT
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
spicy! i LOVE that word! i agree, bulma is spicy, well, her temper, that is!! yay! i love thsi story already. bulma forgot veggie. ha ha.
and you better not end the story there!!!! (please...)
 Reviewed By: ssjprincess [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 18, 2002 11:24 CDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I feel so honored, I'm the first to review this. :)
Wow! This is an excellent beginning. I love reading and trying to figure things out. :) No one seems to remember Vegeta. Though, Bulma's subconscious seems to be trying to remind her. that leads me to wonder, did Vegeta wish for everyone to forget about him?
Now for this Joso character, he/she seems quite evil, as well as freakish. :)
I can't wait for the next update. Is Bulma really going to be sold? What happens to the rest of the Z fighters?
Vegeta: More importantly, Where the hell am I?
ssjprincess: Yeah, that too. :) Anyhow, don't take too long. Oh, one more thing, *jumps up and down* I can't wait for you to post the next chapter of DOY! I don't care if it's 50 pages long, I'm just ready for a new chapter. :)
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