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"Off Again, On Again" Reviews/Comments [ 50 ]
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 Reviewed By: ThisIsMeSmiling [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 07, 2010 13:30 EST
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I gotta admit...I was a little iffy about this story when I first started reading. Its definitely out there, and it touched upon a few of my squicks, but the story grew on me. Its more than the average PWP because I find myself cheering and wanting to punch some of the characters...thankfully, however, Naraku was more than punched ;) And Sesshomaru/InuYasha's devotion to Kagome is very sweet. They're pretty dysfunctional for a family, but this is IY we're talking about...and I can't wait to read how you wrap things up! I wonder how they'll react when they find out their sex-therapist is mostly just a lecher, lol. I loved the latest chapter and can't wait to read more! ~Amber :D
 Reviewed By: FarAwayEyes [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 06, 2010 16:54 EST
I've been quietly following this story as you've been posting it. I must say that it's probably your most daring yet. Isn't it funny how a story that started as a silly PWP could turn into something else? I don't think that it was one, though. I can see why some readers might be off-put by the content of this story. A lot of the sexual themes in it are rather intense and shocking. I think it would be easy to dismiss this story as a shock value story, but I think it's so much more than that. The psychological aspects of this story runs like a current underneath the surface. Each character has a warped sense of love, sex, and intimacy. Both Sesshomaru and Kagome have no concept of what sex is truly about, considering it to only be a physical pleasure outlet. They've both been so damaged at such an early age that it's no wonder that they can't grasp the concept that one partner can be and should be enough---and that sex is an expression of love. Kagome shows that she can make self-sacrifices for Inuyasha in the name of love, and it shows that she can perhaps grow to understand it, but I think it started so she could explore and feed her addiction. Inuyasha's been warped in the opposite direction. He has such an unhealthy view on sex, believing it to be dirty due to Kikyo's abuse. And yet, the curiosity and need to see his brother sleep with his wife---and later animals---reveals that he has a very rich and perverse sex fantasy life. And then there's Miroku. My goodness, why anyone visits this "doctor" is beyond me. He's the last sex therapist I'd look up. I'm glad to see that he has enough sense to test his employees and keep everything "clean" so to speak, but at the same time he's just indulging his own sex addiction. I must admit, that as the story went along, however, that he does tend to show that he's also sensitive. Naraku is probably the most twisted of the group, however. He has abused and corrupted his step-daughter for his own pleasure and enjoyment. It's a wonderment how he hid it from Kagome's mother for all these years---considering how often he used Kagome. Unlike the others, who have twisted views on sex and intimacy, he has none. He simply wants to get his rocks off any way he can and from whomever will let him use them to do so. He isn't above being violent or forceful---as his rape of Kagome shows. He objectifies women without impunity and doesn't care as long as they'll spread their legs for him. I found his ending both bittersweet and fitting. It was bittersweet because I almost wanted to see the build up to a confrontation between Inuyasha, Sesshomaru, Miroku, and Naraku over his crimes. It was so fitting, however, because he walked right into a trap targeted at his perverse nature. He saw a hot, beautiful woman who was willing to let him fuck her, only to get drugged and tricked by the same woman. I will admit that I do feel sorry for Kagome's mother, even if we've never really seen her in the actual story. She's going to believe that he died in a horrible accident all the while he was receiving his just desserts. I'll be curious to see how you tackle the wrap up on this perverted little tale---and just how much the characters will change from the beginning of this experiment. It's had both its hot moments, its awkward moments, and its revealing moments. For a PWP that spiraled out of your control, you've managed to keep a good grip on it, actually. It's a nice psychological look at some pretty damaged and rather disgusting people that you can't help but root for.
 Reviewed By: SplendentGoddess [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 02, 2010 01:59 EST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I hate to tell you this, but your PWP definitely has a plot...*wink*. Keep up the good work!
 Reviewed By: Ethril Dragon [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 02, 2010 01:57 EST
Oh I do hope that's not the end. You said in an earlier chapter that this story is porn with no plot. Well as an english major, I saw plot in the early chapters. Very well written and I do believe you might want to consider writing actual porn books one day. All you really need to do is develop your writing style so that there's more "showing" instead of "telling" as my wonderful creative writing professor says. Add more description so that people aren't coming up with everything themselves. It's easy to not worry about heavy description when working with fanfictions because EVERYONE knows what the main characters look like. Try to look at your story from the point of view of someone who has never read or seen InuYasha. I don't think you ever really described InuYasha or Sesshomaru. Just a little description of Kagome. Sorry for the long rant I suppose, but you have talent and I would love to see you develop it!
 Reviewed By: unistar [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 01, 2010 13:08 EST
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
great update... seems that sesshoumaru's plans are starting... nice that he's helping inuyasha & kagome... and now naraku is dead... so souta knew what happened to kagome at lease he's able to talk to sesshoumaru about it... what's next... update when you can... please and thank you!
 Reviewed By: Snowfall [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 01, 2010 00:23 EST
WooHoo! The bastard is dead! I assume that Muso is as well? Nice chapter. I really like that you have Inu and Sess working together. And, oooh, I'd love to see the boys suck each other off too! Yummy! ^_^ Sorry, I haven't been reviewing like I should, but I've read every chapter as soon as it came out. I hope you have more in store! ^_^
 Reviewed By: yashandkag4ever (not logged-in)  On: January 25, 2010 03:44 EST
ok, i have a question. are there really clinics like that? cuz that's insane! and i have a suggestion. you said she was pregnant, so what if she was pregnant with twins and one was Yash's and the other was Sessh's? i recently learned in biology that's possible in a very short time period, so i'm sure it could happen in your fic. just an idea. keep writing, i keep coming back for more
 Title: um ok
Reviewed By: inuskyeYash [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 24, 2010 04:41 EST
Doggieearlover , Ive been a fan of ur work for a LONG time. But as a member of the GLBT community i really find it offensive . I'm a lesbian , but gay men don't do it with animals only sickos do. Even though this is a work of fiction and its your creativity alone ... i really think you could be more sensitive when it comes to degradation of the gay communtity that loves reading your work so much .
 Reviewed By: SplendentGoddess [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 22, 2010 20:34 EST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Oh man...I know the drama of disloyal and greedy Trustees all too well. I wish I would have had Sesshoumaru in my corner! What a busy day he had today, getting all of his ducks in a row. I like how you revealed that he'd had all of this stuff in the works for some time now, patiently gathering information, secretly buying back his own stock... You definitely can't charge into that kind of a situation without a plan, either situation. I also like how you name-dropped random minor characters from the Canon, like Shiori and Satoru, rather than just completely making up original characters. Those names are already there, may as well use them, right? Ugh...but did you have to say that Jaken looked a little green? I was trying to take the whole thing seriously and then that went and made me laugh, *wink*. I also really liked the brief bit with Kagome waking up and her reaction to everything. I think you kept her reaction, and Inuyasha stumbling through his responses to her, completely in-character for what you have developed as their personalities in this particular universe. I am really looking forward to the next installment.
 Reviewed By: ThisIsMeSmiling [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 20, 2010 07:09 EST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
"Sesshomaru was back." :O I love it! Very exciting turn of events! ~Amber :)
 Reviewed By: ObsessedInuyashaFan [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 18, 2010 23:12 EST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
you never cease to amaze. everytime i think, hm maybe she'll stop the story here.. nope. another great chappie. one of the best fics ive read in awhile. definatly the best hentai one hehe
 Reviewed By: dreamer789 [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 18, 2010 00:16 EST
GAH!!! who else is he going to kill!!!! oh i cant wait for the next chapter! keep up the great work!!!!
 Reviewed By: SplendentGoddess [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 17, 2010 02:05 EST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Wonderful new chapter. I liked seeing them back at home, just the three of them. Not that I'm getting sick of the clinic, but a change of scenary every once in a while is a good thing. Wasn't expecting the bit with Naraku, but I loved how you handled things. I'm waiting just like the guys to see how Kagome will react to them once she wakes up. I really loved the final line, "Sesshoumaru was back". Oh boy...watch out world!
 Reviewed By: unistar [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 15, 2010 21:17 EST
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
great update... nice that kagome & inuyasha are spending time together along with sesshoumaru... glad that inuyasha & sesshoumaru were there before naraku did anything else to kagome... liked how inuyasha & sesshoumaru are handling the situation... hope they do get naraku out of the picture... kagome's break down wasn't something they wanted to see... what's next... update when you can... please and thank you!
 Reviewed By: youkaineko [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 10, 2010 00:50 EST
I have to say I'm really glad to see them heading to a bedroom by themselves. Not that I'm squiked by the animals or the gangbangs, just that it has been stated over and over that they are deeply in love with each other. So far I haven't really seen the evidence for that in this story. Which is why I am happy that they are headed alone to a bedroom. I'm hoping that they will take their time and make love not just fuck. I'm also really glad you had Miroku mention that certain activities would have to cease as her pregnancy progresses. I would imagine that it would be devastating if not relationship destroying for a miscarriage to be caused by a mini horse or being tied to one of the dogs. And lastly I really hope that the baby is Inuyasha's even though I know they would love it just the same if it was Sesshomaru's.
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