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"Our Kitten" Reviews/Comments [ 16 ]
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 Reviewed By: CodyT the Lazy  On: November 28, 2011 00:31 EST
awwww SO close! Yohji, I love you, I do, you can do it!!! I'm so glad to see an update to this, I missed it!
 Reviewed By: Cody Thomas the lazy  On: July 28, 2011 06:57 EDT
he'll find it, I know he will. Although it will take some true looking. He can't have it TOO easy, torturing him is fun.
 Reviewed By: F5Bobcat  On: December 17, 2010 21:40 EST
Yay!!! An update!!! I love hungover Aya! This is such a great story. I love the slow path to enlightenment that you have going. Poor Aya always takes things exactly the wrong way. And I love little Meli! I can almost see her indignant kitten expressions.
 Reviewed By: Caitlebug [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 08, 2010 11:58 EST
I'm really liking this. I like that Aya is shy and unsure of himself. It's a good look on him :) But what I really wanted to say was, "more please!"
 Reviewed By: Cody Thomas being lazy  On: November 25, 2010 12:33 EST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
ok so for some bizarre reason my laptop and this website have declared themselves mortal enemies who are not on speaking terms with each other. I do not know WHY this is, but it just is. anyways, Love the chappie and I feel sorry for Aya, with the flower refence paling thing. I can't wait to see what happens next!
 Reviewed By: Viridian5 [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 08, 2010 01:54 EDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
I really hope you come back to this. I'm dying to know what happens next! I also really appreciate it when a rambling drunken confession doesn't reveal everything to the other person and show an easy way out.
 Reviewed By: Cody Thomas The Sleepy  On: June 08, 2010 09:10 EDT
awwww Aya WANTS Yohji to keep him! Yohji I truly hope you become fluent in aya speak very soon, especially since a majority of that seems to be body language. ooooh I loved the pretty!
 Reviewed By: Degenerate (of the Social variety)  On: June 07, 2010 20:09 EDT
Yay, I thought this fic may have fallen by the wayside and was destined to not move again. In short, I love it!
 Reviewed By: Cody Thomas [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 13, 2010 22:29 EDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I love you FOREVER!!! *Cody grabs the kitten and runs away from Aya with it, not REALLY expecting to get very far. Almost immediately gets caught by Aya, who just now realizes the catnapping was merely a clever ruse as Cody grabs hold of Aya and wraps around him in the Immobilizing Fangirl Arm Pin and Uke Leg Spread and starts brushing his hair.* ^_^ "He he! You fell for it!! Like I would ever hurt a kitten! Oh stop glaring, Miko said I could pet you, and I'm sure you'd prefer this to OTHER ways I could interpret that." *sees Yohji looking pitiful* "no puppy dog eyes! you can put the ribbons in his hair, and besides, I'm only borrowing him, I'll give him back soon enough." *Aya huggles Meli close to protect her from the evil fangirl* Seriously Miko, this made my day, Thanks!
 Reviewed By: Cody Thomas [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 03, 2010 09:46 EDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I don't know WHY he picked it, but I think it's cute nonetheless, and he isn't trying to kill me because Aya knows it was just a complitment, and that I haven't swung that way for years *huggles wifey* Besides he already knows he can kick my ass six ways till Sunday without breaking a sweat. Whipped cream goes best on the nipples, chest, stomach and neck, around the cock can also be fun, as long as your dessert waxes or shaves first!
 Reviewed By: Cody Thomas [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 01, 2010 13:02 EDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
XD Fetish! Oh that's perfect! I love it to pieces. They certainly have an exotic Fetish, as all bishie boys should. oooh this is so cute I'm going to huggle it to pieces!
 Reviewed By: Cody Thomas being lazy  On: March 21, 2010 05:31 EDT
he he he Yes Yohji your ass looks fanTAStic in those jeans, and I love how Aya is all '¬_¬ ... what is he up to?' I love it to pieces! and hooray for them getting slightly closer and Aya starting to drop his guard, even if it WAS completely due to exhaustion and not trust. thanks for updates, they make me happy!
 Reviewed By: glinwulf  On: February 27, 2010 00:12 EST
looking forward to more
 Reviewed By: Cody Thomas [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 19, 2010 13:35 EST
Wow, Yohji's right, rather exotic with the red around the eyes. She is quite the prissy lady, hissing at Yohji like that. All of my kittens, if you had the food, even just once, then you were officially god in their cute little eyes, even if god was then horribly cruel and gave them baths. ^_^ I am DYING to find out what he named her. Naughty AND Aya won't kill him for it? I am deeply curious. Heh heh heh Snowball. XD and WHOOT for Aya Yohji snuggles!
 Reviewed By: Cody Thomas [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 16, 2010 00:12 EST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
He he he! Sooo cute, I love that kitten to pieces! Yes she definitely needs a name, she's too young for her eyes to be anything but blue yet, maybe they will change later? You said she's mostly dark...but what's the other color/s, is she a dark calico maybe? I knew right away why Aya left, I've bottle raised kittens before, sometimes even voluntarily, those cute little furballs need a LOT of feeding. Lucky stiff only has one, I had a litter of 5 once, now THAT'S hard work. Your kitten reminds me of one of them, a dark calico with a white star on her head and little orange patches all over, I'd named her Starfire.
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