"Midnight Blood" Reviews/Comments [ 74 ] | Pages (5): [ 1 2 3 4 5 ›  » ] | Reviewed By: SplendentGoddess [MediaMiner Member] On: December 30, 2022 07:40 PST Comment/Review:
I'M ALIVE!!! Which is more than I can say for some of the family
members. Yikes! Sorry I disappeared for so bloody long. If it's any
consolation, it wasn't personal, because I stopped reading a LOT of
fics for a while there. Just had no time whatsoever to sit down and
read. And then I got more active on Tumblr and AO3, and started
reading again but NEW fics posted there, and I always kept
meaning to come back here to finish reading this gem, but it became
"why do today what you can put off till tomorrow" in perpetuity. So
I FINALLY made myself! Over the last couple of days I just plowed
through the last few remaining chapters from where I'd left off.
LOVED IT! I know you were just kinda rushing things along to hurry
up and fucking finish it already, LOL. Believe me, I get it. BEEN
there, done that. You get so sick of a giant monster of a
continuation and you just want it to be over!!! But I do love the
way you decided to wrap things up here. I especially loved Naraku
being physically ripped apart by Inuyasha in giant dog form, LOL.
So I say all's well that ends well, and you managed to put a nice
bow on top of this story universe. Good job!
| Title: Awesome! Reviewed By: gahaynes [MediaMiner Member] On: June 29, 2021 11:47 PDT Rating(s):Style of Writing: 10 of 10 Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10 Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10 Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10 Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review:
I enjoyed reading Midnight Blood. I love the ending and also how
the characters grew throughout the story.
| Title: Is this an Inuyasha fanfic or an original story? Reviewed By: INUfan4ev On: February 22, 2020 22:09 PST Comment/Review:
Not that I dont enjoy the characters you've made, but I'm on an
fanfiction sight on the inuyasha side of it. I'm getting confused
on original inu characters being written out, and the importance of
inuyasha and kagomes relationship waning. And Lillian and narek
becoming more important. I'm getting bored waiting for something
meaningful to happen to the supposed main characters that I'm just
skipping over all Lillian scenes because I'm so disappointed of the
lack of progress in the "main characters" Your story so cant make
you change it, but it started as: an Inuyasha story and why Kagome
had a secret special meaning, to Narek's story and Lillian's
special meaning. It's so flip floppy.
| Reviewed By: Angel-Up-Above-Heaven2 [MediaMiner Member] On: September 03, 2019 05:00 PDT Comment/Review:
After all these years, I've forgotten my password and the email
that my old account was attached too but I remember my username
LOL. But I'm all caught up now and my lord there's a lot happening.
I do hope you keep going with this, I'll wait patiently.
| Reviewed By: Wherrstheinukag On: October 08, 2018 03:42 PDT Rating(s):Style of Writing: 4 of 10 Spelling & Grammar: 8 of 10 Originality/Creativity: 4 of 10 Enjoyment Factor: 6 of 10 Overall Rating: 7 of 10 Comment/Review:
I've been following since this was a one shot. And I'm a bit
disappointed. Your skill is stagnant. You leave out key story plot
points as you go. (Why nightwalkers hate the sun, why the stone
chose kagome, naraku original interestin kagome seems pointless) It
seems you've fallen in love with your OCs, as you do, but to be
honest, I only care about the way their story interacts with the
original inuyasha crew. My advice: keep to the point. Write
lilianne her own story, it seems forced now since these characters
were originally plot points. Remember the main characters (inuyasha
and kagome). Developw them. Otherwise their "love" won't be
organic. It already seems rushe'd, they seem like friends right
now. Their "relationship " stagnant because you're focused on your
secondary characters (now main characters, wit better character
progression) and remember your own plot points. I was assuming the
stones reaction to kagome would be a major plot point. I thought
naraku interest in kagome would be important. I was assuming her
being 3rd Gen was important...because you said it was. I was
assuming inuyasha and kagome relationship was the main goal. It
just feels so random now.
| Reviewed By: SplendentGoddess [MediaMiner Member] On: September 20, 2018 10:05 PDT Rating(s):Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review:
Always a pleasant surprise when I see a new update from you! I see
what you mean about Lilliana not really being safe where she is,
but even she acknowledged it's probably better for her to be
with them than off by herself out in the middle of nowhere where
something could snatch her up. Still though, she'd better be
careful! And Narek, as twisted as he is, obviously cares about her,
to the extent that he's capable of caring about someone other than
himself. I'm glad he gave her the stone thing. I bet that'll end up
coming in handy at some point. It's very brave and mature of Sayo
to realize she should stay in the human world for now, and quick
thinking on all of their parts, having Sayo join up with the goth
teens hoping to use them as bait. It got them Tsubaki, at least,
and now Kagome's learned the hard way to be careful whose mind she
reads, although at least Inuyasha and his beast know how to snap
her out of it if someone else's memories ever do that to her again,
LOL, wink wink nudge nudge. And yay, they know where a portal to
Zenith is! Except crap, did Lucy just close it? As always,
looking forward to seeing what happens next! :-)
| Reviewed By: SplendentGoddess [MediaMiner Member] On: March 09, 2018 19:47 PST Rating(s):Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review:
Yay I finally got to read this! I saw it a few days ago and have
been looking forward to it ever since. Whenever I write "LOL" it's
just more my thoughts that came to me as I'm writing my review that
made me chuckle, although the story HAS had some genuine laugh out
loud moments during the initial reading! As for this chapter, I was
glad to see right away that Lilliana is okay now, and that she
wound up with Yoko and Shippo. True those people aren't exactly her
allies, but at least they aren't true enemies. And safety in
numbers so even though they're preparing for war against Naraku
she's probably still safer with them than randomly out all by
herself in the unknown with all the other random unknown things
that could up and kill her. It's ridiculous that Shippo still
'isn't sure' if he believes in the human world, but I can
understand why he's clinging to his denial. It's not humans he
fears. Well it's obvious then, he fears what humans can *become*.
He fears those slave things. But he thinks it was just a horrible
story told to scare children or something or another. So he's
like...not ready to come to terms with the fact that it's real. Oh
well, tough luck kid. Back with Inu/Kag, I can understand Inuyasha
being so preoccupied that he ignored the sun burning him, plus if
transforming into his dog form burns worse then I can also
understand him getting used to the pain. Kagome having the two of
them run off somewhere safe where she could do the memory probe
thing was a good idea, and now she's learned she'd better watch her
own wandering thoughts at that time! Could have been much worse.
Okay sure the nudity reveal pissed Inuyasha off, and Rukiya too
from the look of things, but Kagome could have accidentally let
something MUCH worse slip, theoretically, and especially if she
ever needed to do a forced memory probe to an enemy, then she
REALLY can't let her mind wander. "Oh gee I hope our enemy never
finds out about X" would not be the thoughts to have right before
probing an enemy's mind, LOL. (see, I'm laughing at my thoughts)
Moving on...I agree that time is of the essence, but going back and
telling Sesshoumaru and the others was still a good idea, and
necessary just in case the war *does* breech into the human world.
And Sayo going with to look for Lucy makes sense. And Kagome going
back with Inuyasha makes sense even though so did his reasoning. On
the one hand, yeah, if they don't have that final ingredient, if
they can't get their hands on a 4th generation, that'd be a good
thing. But on the other hand, we all know Inuyasha needs Kagome
with him. She has to go, and they're both just going to have to be
very careful to not get captured. Looking forward to seeing what
happens next! (oh and PS, an unusually high number of typos, so you
might wanna give it another proofread, but I loved it anyway!)
| Reviewed By: SplendentGoddess [MediaMiner Member] On: January 13, 2018 10:51 PST Rating(s):Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review:
Don't know why you're not happy with this chapter. It looked fine
to me! And while sure yeah, there were a few minor typos or missing
words, those were no big deal. Looks like copy/pasting is the way
to go, too, because for once your format wasn't all fubar. Yay! I
can understand being frustrated and a perfectionist, but I think
this chapter moved things along nicely. I was glad to see that
Inuyasha, Kagome and Sayo managed to get back to the family safe
and sound. And way to come full circle with the whole title of your
story being Midnight Blood! I did not see that coming, but
it was awesome! Still waiting for a more thorough explanation of
what midnight blood is, but if Inuyasha's having a harder
time listening to his inner beast then I guess that explanation
will have to wait. I'm glad you mentioned his lack of doggie ears
'cause I'd actually forgotten if you'd said in the previous chapter
that they disappeared, and I was going to go back and look, 'cause
I was all thinking about Sesshoumaru and the others,
like...nobody's noticed the ears? LOL. But ah, so that's only a
Zenith thing. Makes sense then. And I was NOT expecting Lucy to be
THAT old, damn. And of course the stupid bitch stole the Tessaiga,
LOL, because probably just like Inuyasha had realized right at the
end there, he had used it himself to create the opening they fell
through, so determined as he had been in that instant to save them
all. With a little practice he could have probably used the sword
to open a tear back into Zenith, but now that that's
not an option, and all the other tears (that they knew of) are
sealed, just how are Inuyasha, Kagome and Sayo supposed to get
back? Tick tock tick tock! That whole conversation had to have been
at least another half hour, meaning a whole other week has
passed on the other side. But they needn't have feared Narek having
Lilliana. He actually healed her. Of course, they don't know
that, so I can understand Inuyasha's worry. Also, apparently Narek
does not know everything, since he didn't seem to know what
the 'midnight blood' really was. I'm glad he was able to heal that
part of her, too, though. Or at least push it back for now. And now
that Lilliana's all better, he just up and ditches out on her
immediately, LOL, but something tells me he'll probably still be
keeping an eye on her, unless he's run off to try and kill Naraku.
He'd definitely been caught off guard when Lilliana said
that name. I know it'll probably be a while before your next
update again, but I'm definitely looking forward to seeing what
happens next!
| Reviewed By: Aniareliza On: November 28, 2017 07:43 PST Comment/Review:
Ahhh I can't wait! Mostly I need to know how kagome and inuyasha
are connected to this new world. Was inu no tashio evil? Why did
the ring claim kagome as queen? What is inuyasha real familial
past. So many questions. Always love yuyu hakusho crossovers, love
how you placed it seamlessly in the story. Can't wait!
| Reviewed By: SplendentGoddess [MediaMiner Member] On: July 16, 2017 11:11 PDT Rating(s):Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review:
It's always such a delight to see when you've updated this story
again. Sorry real life has been sucky and you're having trouble
finding a decent job. It really does seem to be all about who you
know, or who you blow, LOL. Well hang in there, I'm sure the right
thing will come along. As far as your lovely little story, I was
NOT expecting Inuyasha, Kagome and especially Sayo to fall into a
portal back to the human world! I'm guessing neither were Yura or
Kikyo, LOL, unless Kikyo actually made that portal in a last
ditch effort to rescue them when she saw them falling. Not sure yet
on the logistics of how one goes about creating those portals.
Maybe Inuyasha accidentally created it himself, with Tessaiga? He
had the power to go home all along, like Dorothy with the ruby
slippers, LOL. Either way, good luck convincing Shippo just where
that portal led to, LOL. If there's no such thing as the human
world then where does he think the human souls come from? Oh well
whatever. I'm so done with him, LOL. I'm glad you made the scene
with Narek and Lilliana. See! He could have just rearranged her
memories to his liking, but he didn't. He's an evil bastard
with his own agenda and he doesn't care who gets hurt in the
process...except for her. He really does care for her, in his own,
twisted way of course. At least I know he's not going to kill her,
but I'm sure Inuyasha and Kagome will want to figure out how to get
back into Zenith in order to rescue her, not to mention Sayo needs
to go back home, but at least she's safe from Naraku for the time
being. But Kagome's right. With the time differential there's no
time to rest, because Naraku's attack could come really soon from
their perspective in the human world. Especially if he wants/needs
to get them back, then he'll probably be sending somebody after
them as soon as he realizes where they went, which means for them
in the human world's timeline, that person is probably already
there and looking for them. Hopefully they're not too far away from
the family and Kagome can get the three of them back to Sesshoumaru
and the others. Hopefully Inuyasha's all right. That was really
cool, how she figured out how to force his body to obey her
healing will, but what's up with the black blood at the end there?
Is he infected with something then? Well at least he's still alive,
but judging by the blue sky with a few stars that then became a
dark purple sky from Kagome's POV, it's going to be sunrise soon.
They need to get outta there. Looking forward to seeing what
happens next!
| Reviewed By: SplendentGoddess [MediaMiner Member] On: April 15, 2017 19:13 PDT Rating(s):Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review:
I saw when you first posted this update but real life and all that.
But in my head I was always like 'as soon as you can, go read it!'
and so I did. Finally. Ballroom blitz! *blows raspberries* I
would be even more pissed off than Inuyasha and Kagome are at Myoga
and Shippo for keeping such an important secret, ABOUT me,
from me. Oooohhh, forbidden knowledge? I'm shaking. THEY
know it, freakin' tell! But you did give us a clue right at the end
there. Somehow, the three of them, or more accurately I guess,
Kagome plus either Inuyasha or Lilliana, can somehow or
another create a monster? Or probably, somebody else
(Naraku) can create a monster using them as the ingredients.
That's...interesting. Kagome's blood makes sense, but what
is the weird thing that's different about Inuyasha and subsequently
also Lilliana? Guess we'll find out eventually. Makes sense why
Inuyasha's father wanted him in the human world, at least. Should
have told him why he's special so that he would know not to
create any blood children, but then he turned all evil and probably
didn't think of it, thinking that just getting Inuyasha out of
nightwalker-land was good enough. Although, if the other ingredient
required is the blood of a forth generation, and nobody thinks such
a thing can exist (sounds like a witch's brew that calls for
impossible ingredients, LOL. The blood of a forth generation, the
tears of a unicorn, etc...) then there shouldn't have been such a
sense of urgency to get Inuyasha away from that place, if there
were no forth generations to be had. Was there a prophecy that one
day there would be? It definitely sounds like destiny at work that
the fourth gen is his mate. Oh what a tangled web we weave!
And that's not a Yura pun, LOL, but that was quite unexpected! Yay,
Kikyo to the rescue (never thought I'd say that) but damn,
now we gotta worry about Sayo. And is Lucy one of them or what the
fuck? I don't think normal nightwalkers can just pull out and fuck
around with their souls like that. So she must be one of those soul
manipulating nightwalkers, and one that got banished to the human
world at one point, by the sound of things. How the hell does
Shippo still not even BELIEVE in the human world after all this?
A-doy! Kagome's a forth gen! Remember that forbidden knowledge that
you know about? The ingredients that make a monster? Forth gen
(i.e. was once a human) ringing any bells? I swear, I normally love
Shippo but I wanna bop this one upside the head, LOL. Oh
well, he did hunt them rabbits, and he got Kikyo just now from the
looks of things, so I guesssss *long suffering sigh* the
brat is useful, LOL. Really looking forward to seeing what happens
| Reviewed By: kagome01234567890 [MediaMiner Member] On: January 06, 2017 15:12 PST Comment/Review:
Yay long chapter 😃 love it so far very
interesting wonder what the desert nightwalkers are up to hmm. It
is good for them to close the holes but how are the others going to
get back hmm. It good inuyasha listing to his inner demon it
properly the only way they will have a chance to get back but he
also learning more about himself and power that he can use when
they get back. Love the story so far keep it up
| Reviewed By: SplendentGoddess [MediaMiner Member] On: December 17, 2016 14:36 PST Rating(s):Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review:
Always a pleasure to see a new update from you. You certainly
covered a lot of ground in this chapter! I was wondering when we
were going to see another snippet from the human world. Closing
those black holes does seem like a top priority, so I can't
blame Lucy for not wanting to wait for Sesshoumaru to do something.
I am curious to see what Sesshoumaru's reaction will be, though,
when he finds out just where Inuyasha and Kagome are. Those desert
nightwalkers look fun, LOL. I'm glad Inuyasha's listening to his
inner demon more and more, learning how to do things at will when
necessary to save their asses. I'm not surprised Naraku betrayed
Hiei. I mean that's like duh, it's Naraku, LOL. Looks like the ice
women were doing a good job of defending themselves, though, so
hopefully most of them came out of that crazy ass fight alive. That
was just like, wow. A man in the back said everyone attack and it
turned into a ballroom blitz, LOL. Poor Inuyasha, feeling betrayed
by the way Lilliana went to Narek, but of course that was before he
learned that she and Narek knew each other as humans. Can't blame
her for being a crazy jumbled mess of fear right now. At least we
know Narek won't kill her, so I'd rather have her with Narek for
the time being than still encased in ice like a freakin' trophy.
Now we're in a "Now what?" kind of impasse but something tells me
you've got it all worked out in your head. Looking forward to
seeing what happens next!
| Title: :) Reviewed By: kagome01234567890 [MediaMiner Member] On: November 06, 2016 23:33 PST Rating(s):Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review:
Short chapter but still the cliff hanger you like to leave :) can't
wait for the next chapter
| Reviewed By: RaiRai On: August 23, 2016 23:12 PDT Comment/Review:
Woohoo!! You're back! And the story seems to be moving now,
hopefully we'll meet Nataly soon(or is it?) Anyway, I can't wait.
But I do understand about having sore wrists and hands. I have
carpal tunnel and arthritis as well. Makes it difficult to draw or
play my instruments when I get bad flare ups. So don't hurt
yourself, (really excited for the next chapter though.)
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