"My Dear Death" Reviews/Comments [ 2 ] | Reviewed By: ReesesBallet On: May 19, 2017 20:33 PDT Comment/Review:
Suggestions: If you do continue writing, you could go until Heero
and Duo link their lives together and leave the war as an
unfinished adventure. In the last chapter, Duo is missing at the
very end: write out that Quatre just overreacted and he is just
going to bath in a river or using tree number 3 or something, or
the tracker following them could attack Duo and force Duo to shift
which would show all of his new companions just what he is and give
them an idea of what he did to his 'guardian' Eldon. Again, not
even sure if you are going to read this let alone pick this fic
back up. Just wanted to get the suggestions off my chest, so to
| Reviewed By: ReesesBallet On: May 19, 2017 01:42 PDT Rating(s):Style of Writing: 7 of 10 Spelling & Grammar: 8 of 10 Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10 Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10 Overall Rating: 9 of 10 Comment/Review:
Not sure if you will ever see this since it looks like you stopped
writing this 5 years back, but I would love to see a continuation.
You really left it on a cliff hanger you know... Anyway, thought it
was one of the more original AUs i've seen in a while and i'm
always in love with the Gundam Wing boys!!! Also one of the few
threesomes i've seen. I like it! Anyway, please continue?? (puppy
dog eyes)