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"Of Strings and Kevlar" Reviews/Comments [ 62 ]
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 Reviewed By: SplendentGoddess [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 07, 2016 08:19 PST
Gah! I can't remember how he reacts, damn it! Stupid brain, stupid bad recall powers for a wonderful story I read several years ago. Logic would dictate that since Inuyasha doesn't use logic, he'll flip the fuck out. But Kagome should be able to explain it away fairly easily. Note the previous text about meeting for dinner, and note the lack of reply to said text. She had been planning on completely ignoring him, and obviously had no idea Kouga was going to be sending this new, additional text. Plus there's the very simple, honest truth of the fact that Inuyasha just went way further with Kagome than Kouga ever did. But...unfortunately...knowing Kagome, she won't use logic either, and realize how imperative it is to smooth over this misunderstanding, and instead she'll get super angry that he was looking through her phone, which will just make her look guilty and make him more suspicious. "What's this text from Kouga?!" "What are you doing going through my phone?!" Not the best response, Kagome, but I bet that's what she'll say, *smacks forehead*. Or maybe Inuyasha doesn't blow up at her, and he'll just storm away, totally pissed off, leaving a confused Kagome to wonder WTF until she realizes he must have seen the text, if he leaves her phone on the floor as he storms out of the room. I wish I could remember! But I do remember that ultimately, we'll have a happy Inu/Kag ending, so I can ride the roller coaster until then. One thing is for sure, as out of place as Sango was regarding Kagome being with Inuyasha in and of itself, she was actually right about Kagome needing to settle things with Kouga. She didn't necessarily need to settle them before she started officially dating Inuyasha, so I'm glad Kagome didn't make the poor hanyou wait any longer, but she does need to settle things with Kouga. If it were me, though, I'd do it by text at that point. She already braved the honorable face-to-face. I'd reply to the text with "What part of we're through don't you understand?" or something. Maybe less rude. But I'd reiterate, "I'm sorry, but I don't want to see you anymore" or whatever. Le sigh. Kouga's not done being a thorn in their sides yet. And if memory serves at all, then I'm pretty sure I know who that girl was that called Sesshoumaru. Drama all around! Yay! LOL
 Reviewed By: pretty in punk [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 03, 2016 19:43 PST
Oh no, I can see this not going over so well! Love them both but they are both so stubborn so this could wrong so fast!! Hopefully she can apologize or explain before he rushes into saying something he'll regret. I feel as if Kouga will be stirring up drama soon too! Can't wait for your next chapter! I look forward to it more than I do some of my favorite weekly tv shows!! ;D
 Reviewed By: Starlia  On: February 01, 2016 10:52 PST
Dammit! Kagome is taking her anger out on the wrong person!! Where is that anger when she needs it for Kouga?! Why is poor Inuyasha getting the misdirected anger?! I hope she is honest with him and tells him about the text from Kouga.
 Reviewed By: SplendentGoddess [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 01, 2016 06:06 PST
Good update, as per usual. Looking forward to seeing what happens next!
 Reviewed By: new fan  On: January 31, 2016 20:27 PST
That was a great chapter, I wonder if Inuyasha heard what Kagome said about Koga.
 Reviewed By: SplendentGoddess [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 25, 2016 14:59 PST
Great update, and great accompanying picture, too. I can understand where Sango's coming from in regard to Kouga needing to be set straight for fear the wolf might do something stupid if he thinks Kagome still belongs to him, but I definitely don't consider Kagome and Inuyasha to be moving too quickly, considering how drawn towards each other they've been since what seems like forever already. Sango thinks things with Inuyasha won't work out if they rush things, but the poor hanyou's been getting put off over and over again, Kagome having already previously rejected him more than once, so she had finally said yes, after officially breaking up with Kouga, she could date him. The last thing she should have done was put Inuyasha off even longer, or that just might (in theory) have ruined things between her and the hanyou, if he finally gave up on her (although I really don't think he would've, but it would've been unfair of her to do that to him all the same). And yeah, Kagome still feels a little guilty, but only from thinking she hurt Kouga's feelings, since she doesn't realize he was just screwing with her, and also knowing that Kouga thinks they're still together, but she did break up with him, regardless, and while she's allowed to feel guilty for hurting her ex-boyfriend's feelings she is free and clear to start dating Inuyasha now. I can't really remember what's going to happen, although I know we haven't seen the last of Kouga. I'm definitely looking forward to seeing what happens next!
 Reviewed By: Starlia  On: January 24, 2016 11:11 PST
Damn! So close, yet so far.
 Reviewed By: Starlia  On: January 24, 2016 10:55 PST
Sango is way too hard on Inuyasha. And Kagome did break up with Kouga. If he refuses to accept it, it is not her problem. I just wish she would tell Inuyasha what happened.
 Reviewed By: Starlia  On: January 24, 2016 10:47 PST
Oh my god!! Kouga is such a jackass!! He used the Hojo lines to manipulate Kagome, and that just makes me worry. The wolf is psychotic. Though I am pissed off at Kagome as well. Why, just why would she go alone to see a demon?!
 Reviewed By: pretty in punk [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 22, 2016 19:24 PST
I'm still with Miroku! Haha I think Sango is making it seem more of Kagome's responsibility to clear things up with Kouga when I feel like it's more his deal that he didn't accept what Kagome was telling him. I get that deep down the whole concept of what Sango is saying, is that Kagome will continue to feel guilty unless she clarifies some things....but I don't think Sango is aware how dangerous it probably will be for Kagome to talk to him EVER AGAIN. He's got something planned I feel...and it won't be good.But yay for those sweet Kagome/Inuyasha moments!! I had a smile glued to my face almost the entire time :D Thanks for this chapter! I've been keeping an eye out all week for it ;)
 Reviewed By: StoatsandWeasels [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 22, 2016 13:35 PST
The whole time I was reading I wanted to yell, "SANGO, MIND YA BUSINESS!!!". Lol. Also, I immediately had to google LSU's stadium and see if it really had dorms under it. How bizarre...
 Reviewed By: pretty in punk [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 13, 2016 13:13 PST
Miroku was dead on at the end there! Kagome doesn't owe Kouga anything else in my opinion. If he can't let go, that's on him, not Kagome. Haha I get so wrapped up in your story that I feel like I'm defending real people! That's how amazing you are at creating these characters in this context!
 Reviewed By: SplendentGoddess [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 13, 2016 06:13 PST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
And reading your updates always brings a smile to my face. I'd also forgotten that Sango became suspicious of Inuyasha's true feelings and intentions. I suppose I can understand her uncertainty, from her point of view, all things considered. Of course, we all know Inuyasha would never hurt Kagome, physically or emotionally. I guess, unless you count the stress him admitting his feelings to her put her under, but while her desire to be with Inuyasha was a catalyst in her finally deciding to break up with Kouga, the reality of the situation is she should have broken up with the wolf long ago. Like...after their second or third date two years ago, when she first realized they just weren't clicking. Inuyasha also needs to admit that he knows about Hojo, although Kagome already suspects he might. It was respectful of him, at first, to not bring it up, but now he should let her know that he does understand her mental turmoil. Of course, I'm sure I remember she finds out that he knows eventually, but I can't remember how or when. There are so many smaller details of this story that I can't really recall fully, so I'm thoroughly enjoying rereading it. It's like watching a movie I've only seen once, and several years ago, where I can't really remember it all but I do remember that I loved it. I still love it!
 Reviewed By: random reviewer  On: January 12, 2016 22:04 PST
Glad 3 of my favorite stories have been updated so frequently, I can't wait to see what happens next. I can't really tell when Inuyasha and Kagome's milestones are going to be relationship wise with koga so stuck on her, I hope they can you forward soon
 Reviewed By: SplendentGoddess [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 09, 2016 13:16 PST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Another fabulous update. I remembered just about what was going to happen in this one, except I'd forgotten Kouga actually cut into Kagome's hand with his claws. Don't remember what Inuyasha's reaction to that was, but I imagine it can't be good. I'm looking forward to re-seeing what happens next!
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