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"Anizoid interactive" Reviews/Comments [ 44 ]
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 Reviewed By: Lil' Devil  On: December 02, 2003 15:53 CST
Hey, jus thought I would tell u about my character Zero, so u can use him if u want. Zero is just a 18 yr old Zoid pliot. His Zoid is a Flame Liger 0. Hes like Bit in someways.
 Reviewed By: Chinoumi [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 13, 2003 20:51 CST
Sorry the previous one couldn't be read. Basically it said: I *LOVE* your fic. Most of the fics I've read had very little action. This had tons. It was absolutely entertaining! I can't wait for the next chappie!
 Reviewed By: Chinoumi [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 13, 2003 20:48 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 9 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
That was one of the best fics I've ever read. Most of the fics I read don't have much action, but this one had tons! I *LOVE* it. Keep writing!!!
 Reviewed By: Jaid Skywalker  On: October 08, 2002 13:55 CDT
Wow! Great two chappies! I read 'em yesterday, but didn't get a chance to review. I'm still short on time, so this isn't going to be very long.

I like the way the McBeath Cult is turning out; I was hoping they would be somewhat sadistic. I'll have to admit to that I'm looking forward to more of the "Nerd trio" as they have been dubbed, as well as Beath. He seems pretty cool.

Once again, great job on the Zoid battles; lol, I'm picking up a lot on how to write a good battle scene from you. I really liked the Fuzzy Panda scense again; I think that they really need someone like Ray!

My bro can't wait for his characters to come into the scene and wanted me to make to tell you that Jace's anizoid, Flameboy, has a definate personality, especially when he is hooked up to the Zoid. He's very friendly and affectionate to people he knows (which can be a problem sometimes) and tends to be bad a listening to orders. Flameboy is exceptionally fond of Anhai as well and causes Jace to get into trouble with his brother quite a bit.

Okay, that's it. Can't wait for more!
 Reviewed By: Pyremon Infernos  On: October 06, 2002 14:19 CDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I e-mailed my review, if that's alright.

Nerd Trio. Heh heh.... just like Buffy's Nerd Trio adversaries in season 6, doing evil things thinking they'll get all the girls that way! Great job there!

Keep it up
 Reviewed By: Wolfkcing [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 06, 2002 12:47 CDT
Originality/Creativity: 6 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 6 of 10
Overall Rating: 6 of 10
Thanks for the reviews Guys!

But I really to say to anyone who is reading and not reviewing(but hopefuly reading other peoples reviews I guess) that the story can be found here:


Of course the people who have been reviewing already knew that. :p
 Reviewed By: Argent Inluminai  On: October 06, 2002 04:04 CDT
They're here, they're here, they made it!! ::throws confetti and hums through a kazoo:: Yeah, they kicked big-time... Okay, so they got kicked a bit, and the twins were taken out, but I have great respect for you as an author; you gave us a few good action scenes with just enough hints to the pilots' different personalities. Balancing "happenings" and "development" is pretty hard, but you did very well indeed.

Focusing on the Morningstar/Schneider battle: Wow! Nice mix of actions and dialogue, and I think you nailed my team's personality head-on! Liked the subtle hints at Gabriel's defensiveness of Maverick, and of course the decisive move pulled by the duo was great; a flashy finish, that's Team Morningstar all the way! I just hope that Katrina girl doesn't hold a grudge against Maverick and his flirtations, 'cuz I know what she did to that tattooed idiot from Chapter 5... Add Gabriel and his martial arts and things might get messy... Might be a good sight to see, huh? After all, Maverick does like the occasional brawl...

At any rate, can't wait for the rematch Tir promised! (Well, agreed to, anyway...) ^_^

On to 7... Way more serious with the massacre; guess I can't call the "Nerd Trio" harmless anymore, huh? *sigh* And they had such comic potential... Well, I guess they still do, only not-so-much... Y'know? Anyway, the whole never-shot-someone-not-chained-down was just... ::shudders:: I think if you're gonna shoot someone, at least give 'em the opportunity to run. Otherwise it's like shooting fish in a barrel, as opposed to fish in the stream... Okay, so I've got a weird honor code.

The battle was cool though, and Bit and Leena's banter was pleasently familiar. Kudos to Brinks for not overly freaking at Goji's opening statement, and I thought Kagami's easy-going reaction to losing was funny. ^_^ ALso funny was what Ray did to her poor, clothes-less, "guy" teamates; one more blow to the remaining pride of the "Fuzzy Pandas." -_-;;

There's a bit more, but this review's long enough, so I'll e-mail you the rest; suffice it to say that I''m waiting for the next chapter!
 Reviewed By: Angel Sugar Princess [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 06, 2002 02:36 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10

COOLIES~! Beath is gonna undermine the authority of the elders...this is sure interesting...what're his true motives?
Though Ori is still treated like property (*sigh* such is the life of a spy...*shrugs*)
Since it's pretty obvious Ori wouldn't go for anyone in the sadistic "Nerd Trio," I'll stand by my "Call Ori a skank and find yourself in a world of pain" statement.
Been flipping through the bios, and it looks like quite a few chars are into martial arts. Looks like Ori will have alot of people to play (or practice) with...yay *evil laugh*
Anyhoo, the highlight of this chappie for me (other than the Ori bit) was the Team Morningstar/Team Schneider battle. You had a really great balance between action and character insight going there...bravo. ^_^
 Reviewed By: Shizumi  On: October 04, 2002 06:09 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Ummmm.....It was wierder than usual...OK!I just hope you don't make Zhou as wierd as them..or sexist....sadistic but not sexist. And a fight scene like melee would make a great idea. How about Benji, Don n Jason go into a fight with another gang or team. Then Finn comes into help. Dramatic music!!!
 Reviewed By: Shadowwolf  On: October 03, 2002 20:15 CDT
Awesome! I'm SO sorry it took me so long to review it! This is one of the best fanfics I've ever read. You're doing a GREAT job with all of the different things you have to put in. Anxiously awaiting more! ^_^
 Reviewed By: Angel Sugar Princess [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 06, 2002 03:05 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
An interesting reunion for Bit and the old gang...looks like the former Blitz Team pilot is as cocky as ever (please don't ask me where I stand on the whole Bit/Leena thing-- so long as what you do isn't cliché, it's all good)
Ray Summers is a riot~! Stealing the Fuzzy Pandas' clothes for being jerks-- LOL ^_^ (they deserved it tho) Girls rule...*more evil laughter...continuing from previous post*
Nothing like a 200 person massacre to spice up a fanfic. Where was the rest of the Nerd Trio?
The more I read this fic, the more I wonder how twisted the McBeath Cult really is. Letting Monty kill poor homeless people-- chained down no less-- like that? Aiee. What other sick games do these people play? Anyhoo, they make for some kickass villains. (Can I say that? Too late...already did *shrugs*) When do we get to meet the elders?
To sum it all up, your fic is flowing nicely, everything totally rocks. It's exciting, it's funny, and it's completely entertaining.
 Reviewed By: Angel  On: October 01, 2002 10:38 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Another spectacular chapter! ^_^ (I would've reviewed earlier, but my friends threw me a party for my B-day yesterday)
I really like the way you wrote this one. Hehehe...Fuzzy Pandas...
I LOVE the way you describe Ori in this chapter. ^_^
Alvin, Fredrick and Monty are...a little sexist (is every girl a skank to them?) and very sadistic (and pretty funny, I like how they were Harry bashing), and if they even think of calling Ori a skank-- may they find themselves in a world of pain.
P.S. Glad to know what's in a ninja pancake.
 Reviewed By: Argent Inluminai  On: September 30, 2002 23:54 CDT
First off, excellent chapter, as usual... I couldn't find any spelling/grammar errors this time around! (Yeah, yeah, I'm a nit-picker, don't sue me or anything, I'm practically broke.) It managed to cover a lot of people without being too fragmented, which means the transitions were really strong. Loved the Tigers, and Simon seems cool... And the three, um, Beath-fans, were amusing in a juvenile kind of way; the "... I killed a guy today... And here's his EYE!" thing seemed like something from jr. high. You know, like when my friends and I all hung out during lunch comparing Pokemon cards.

On another note, Fox made a... well, mention! That's so cool... And it looks like he's got a fan in Fredrick. Well, the celebrity in him will love that... It would funny if they were to meet, huh? Fox and a fanboy... ^_^

At any rate, this is fun! I can't wait until you get the next chapter up... I'll be hoping for my fave team... You know who I mean... To make an actual appearence. ::fingers crossed::
 Reviewed By: HEY HEY!!  On: September 30, 2002 14:48 CDT
 Reviewed By: Jaid Skywalker  On: September 30, 2002 11:51 CDT
Loved it! I really like Katrina and the Tigers Team. Too bad they lost...Anhai's first battle in this story! Yay! lol. I really liked Sebastian's comment about gravity. Those three brats...they're wierdos! Oh well, I did think them interesting. Can't wait for more!
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