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"May we have a baby" Reviews/Comments [ 5 ]
 Reviewed By: Rohan  On: May 10, 2003 19:14 CDT
Enjoyment Factor: 8 of 10
Overall Rating: 9 of 10
good story besides those darn facts
 Reviewed By: pyro_gal4U [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 13, 2002 01:41 CST
what can i say, I liked it. Strange at times yes, but a very good fic.
 Reviewed By: Misty Yuy [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 04, 2002 19:07 CDT
Once again... I'm not perfect. This was written when i knew very little about it but tried researching it. Ok lets not get technical and just say the the lord works in mysterious ways.[quote: Blues Brothers]
But your the first out of about a hundred to actually mention it so I'm just gonna brush it off as a coincidence. Really I've heard no other complaints. Or it could just be the fact that after trying so long and so hard that they ended up getting 2. And both babies are identical, and I have heard of cases now days where a male and a female have occured. I asked my mothers doctor and he said that although it is very rare it is also true that this does occur from time to time.
 Reviewed By: Tramp  On: October 03, 2002 13:34 CDT
Pretty good story.One slight problem though: if the doctor only implanted one fertilized egg, then the resulting twins in this case would be identical (and thus either both boys or both girls). The only way for the twins to be one of each is if it were two eggs fertilized and implanted, which is what the doctors normally do anyway to increase the chances of a successful pregnancy. Just thought I'd bring that to your attention.
 Reviewed By: Tramp  On: October 03, 2002 13:33 CDT
Pretty good story.One slight problem though: if the doctor only implanted onefertilized egg, then the resulting twins in this case would be identical (and thus either both boys or both girls). The only way for the twins to be one of each is if it were two eggs fertilized and implanted, which is what the doctors normally do anyway to increase the chances of a successful pregnancy. Just thought I'd bring that to your attention.

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