"As If!" Reviews/Comments [ 120 ] |
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Title: FUNNY!!! Reviewed By: HotsummerYami [MediaMiner Member] On: March 29, 2004 22:37 CST Rating(s):Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: SO FUNNY! Since this a long story ill finish this for a weeks! Well this story is hilarious!!!!!WEEEEEEE!!! LOVED IT!!! LOVED IT!!!!!!!!IM ADDING THIS TO MY FAVORITES!
Title: LOL!!! Reviewed By: teflacrimson On: March 29, 2004 18:46 CST Comment/Review: Great new chapter Deeg. I was in my computer class when i stumbled across you're newest chapter and I received a lot of odd glances from time to time. My favorite scene is as follows: --- *Scene: Am I the only one that finds the idea of a talking, imitation-sentient Duel Disk somewhat... frightening?* Duel Disk: Congratulations. Our satellite network has confirmed that you are a Battle City finalist. However, sensors detect that there are non-finalists in the area. Please remove them or retire to a secure location, then contact us again. Thank you. *shuts off* Joey, Mai, and Yugi: *blink, blink* *Tristan, Téa, Serenity, and Duke sweatdrop.*
Reviewed By: The Fire Master On: March 28, 2004 21:56 CST Comment/Review: Haha, you don't suck at all, DG, you rule! XD; Thank you so much! Late or not, it's all good ^^ And it was good! See, you know you liked working on it... *waves fingers* Which means you need to start working on it regularly again! *laughs* And interest, eh? ^_~ *rubs chin thoughtfully* Could that be another chapter on the horizon? When you finish school of course XD XD Well thanks again *glomps you and Ay both* You're the best!~ ~~Skye~~
Reviewed By: AngelicMouseGirl On: November 02, 2003 21:53 CST Comment/Review: Turtle? Where is this turtle coming from? Haahaah ^_^ Silly. These are sooo great! You must do more! SO FUNNY! PLEASE DO MORE SOON! Arigato! Ja ne!
Reviewed By: purplechaos04 [MediaMiner Member] On: October 31, 2003 18:01 CST Comment/Review: I love you!
Title: *hysterical laughter* Reviewed By: Ky/Mitsuki On: September 14, 2003 19:03 CDT Rating(s):Style of Writing: 10 of 10 Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10 Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10 Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10 Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: Oh god, I am dying here! *wipes tears out of eyes* After months without this fic, I almost forgot how funny it is! And I can't wait to see what you do to the Battle City arc. I mean, I'm yelling snide comments at the screen and I actually LIKE this part of the show!
Anyways, the little scene comment things are what get me laughing the hardest. Sarcastic and bitter, but with the right amount of ire to not be angsty. And of course, your re-writes are brilliant. Please bring in Malik-kun soon; 'cause I really want to see him get "the treatment", as I call it. Right, ja ne! ^^ |
Title: ^^;; Sorry!! Reviewed By: Bronze Eagle (not logged in) On: August 31, 2003 09:18 CDT Comment/Review: Sorry for not reviewing in so long!!! I have ... er ... no good excuse. Except for being on vacation for a month, but this chapter came out before that, and I didn't review it. I got one of those update thingies that said a new chapter was out, but it doesn't seem to be here. ^^; I'll see if I kept the e-mail, since they usually have a link. Well, good luck on your new YGO fics, and I hope you do continue this eventually!! (I think I'm reviewer 99. ::is irrationally happy:: ^^) Jaa ne! |
Reviewed By: AngelicMouseGirl On: July 03, 2003 03:38 CDT Comment/Review: *Singing* "Let's do the Time Warp again!"...*giggles insanely* HAHAHAHAHAHHABAWBAHHWAAAAAAAAAA! ^_______________~ |
Reviewed By: CHM On: June 23, 2003 08:37 CDT Comment/Review: Oh, man. I just had a brainstorm for "Panik Attack".
Scene: What if Joey had gotten past Tristan and Bakura?
Joey: I can take him.
*ten minutes later*
Yami: *now out of the puzzle* You were saying, Joey?
Joey: @.@ Ooh, look at all the pweety stars.
*all groan and shake their heads*
Well, let me know what you think. *looks to her side* and now I gotta get away from Joey. Later! |
Reviewed By: Bronze Eagle (who isn't logging in because the site is slow) On: May 24, 2003 13:10 CDT Comment/Review: You updated!!! Horaaaaay! ^^ Poor Otogi-kun. (Yes, I still refuse to call him "Duke." ::starts griping about the mangled dub once again::) I canna wait for the next chapter! Ja, minna-chan. |
Reviewed By: Bronze Eagle [MediaMiner Member] On: April 07, 2003 19:24 CDT Comment/Review: Hehehehe, funny as usual. ^^ Though, I'm surprised you didn't have more as to why Otogi-kun would want Jou-kun as his servant ... in a dog suite ... Okay, Eagle-chan's mind is now coming out of the gutter. ^^;;;;; Ahem. Anyway, I'm looking forward to more Otogi-yummyness. ^^ And Ryou-chan was in this chapter! Yaaaay!! ^^; Ja, minna-chan. |
Reviewed By: CPegasus On: April 07, 2003 19:20 CDT Comment/Review: hello, me again
^^ OH! mythology! allow me to clarify. Hades actually was the name for the underworld, it's only sometimes associated with Pluto. just wanted to say. i know WAAAY too much about that...^^"
well anywho keep it up! these are really great! |
Reviewed By: Leland On: April 07, 2003 11:42 CDT Rating(s):Style of Writing: 10 of 10 Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10 Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10 Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10 Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: Argh!! I really missed this and this is damn funny!!YAY!! |
Reviewed By: CPegasus On: April 06, 2003 17:01 CDT Comment/Review: XD OMG! i love it! i love it all! please keep it up! this is so much fun to read!
and since you said i could ask, would you e-mail me when you update? i'm at Seven87eight@aol.com
thanks! and keep going! |
Reviewed By: Shorty* On: March 26, 2003 14:50 CST Comment/Review: I've been hopping around to my favorite episodes first and I'm slowly getting through all the chapters. I love them, they're so funny! There's so many I could quote as favorites. ^-^;
Ah, I'm glad someone else noticed that 'Brock' was in the virtual word. XD |
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