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"Sweet Emotion" Reviews/Comments [ 20 ]
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 Reviewed By: _lone_wolf_  On: October 22, 2003 00:05 CDT
you really discontinued this? you sure? after I went through the trouble of reading it...getting involved in the plot...reviewing..with a cliffhanger...to have it discontinued!? *begs with puppy eyes* continue...you know you want to... ^_~ This story has potential- Vega and Bit, both Ultimate X's on the same team?! Awesomeness ^_^ Will the real LotR fans please stand up? *Immediately stands up, and starts jumping around* XD Im heading to that story next..though unfortunately I have no "OC's"...
 Reviewed By: Vega Obscura The King [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 05, 2003 20:37 CST
In canse any one hasn't noticed, this story has been discontinued *dodges chairs thrown* to have a new story being done. WITH ORGANOIDS AND SHADOWS FROM THE PAST!!!!
 Reviewed By: lonewolf  On: February 26, 2003 19:10 CST
Hey Vega, tis I, the lonewolf. I had WAY to much free time today, so I surfed over and read your fics. Not bad dude, not bad at all!!! and these were some of your first works, right? awesome! You do NOT want to see my first stories :P (granted, I haven't written anything yet, but if I did, it wouldn't be pretty ;P
 Reviewed By: Vega Obscura The King [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 25, 2002 20:46 CST
Merry Christmas ALL!!!
 Reviewed By: thunderfox [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 23, 2002 14:24 CST
You signed an online petition for the zoids game. I Did the same thing. I'll email you
 Reviewed By: Vega Obscura the King  On: December 22, 2002 12:15 CST
Thunderfox asks:"How many chapters is this story going to have"
As many as I feel like putting up.
Thuder fox also asks:"What kind of zoid does Rachel have?"
I didnt really think of that. It will be a flying Zoid, but I do not know the name of her personal zoid yet.

Pi-Chan says:"I think this story is very good."
Well, I do too. Thank you for reading it ^_^
Pi-chan asks: "do you know if the ZOIDs game will ever come out in the US"
That I don't know of. I hope it does. I even signed an online petition for it, but if it doesn't come out, I can always get that mod disk for gamecube and have it imported.
 Reviewed By: Pi-chan  On: December 19, 2002 19:09 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I think this story is very good. do you know if the ZOIDs game will ever come out in the US?
Thanks for your time.
 Reviewed By: Yu-Gi-Oh  On: December 16, 2002 17:34 CST
This is thunderfox. I am using a different computer. How many chapters is this story going to have? I repeat this is thunderfox, just a different computer, this is my friends
 Reviewed By: Vega Obscura the King (NLI)  On: November 27, 2002 16:21 CST
To Zinou:
"Good chap. :) Like how your story's going. Keep it up, eh? You really wanted Vega to break away from BD, didn't you? :P LOL."

*smiles* Yes, yes i did want him to break away. He's gonna stand up to them soon. And yes, i will keep it up. Heh.

Thunderfox: Zinou wrote: "btw, thunderfox, what do I look like, R&R on demand?"

*cheers* Thunderfox, this is a review board, if u have any questions email them to me, dont spam with questions or requests to R and R, or useless information.

Zinou, again: "do know I'm a girl, right? :) ("..I don't own Fuhrer, either. He belongs to Zinou. Talk to him about Fuhrer..")"

I don't know, nor will ask what the gender of anyone on this site is...Sorry 'bout the "talk to him" thing. I usually would put him/her, but I was on a different computer and forgot. Well, if anyone must know, I am a male...(boy sounds too young and guy and man sounds too old. I am just right!)

Lastly, Thunderfox: "Do you know what Yu-gi-oh is?"

Yes, I know what Yu-gi-oh (or Yugi-oh) is. I know the card game, I know the show. I dont watch it that often, only if I'm bored. No, I dont play the card game. My cousin (i think he is like 8) challenged me once. That is the only time I played it.
 Reviewed By: Zinou [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 25, 2002 09:22 CST
Good chap. :) Like how your story's going. Keep it up, eh? You really wanted Vega to break away from BD, didn't you? :P LOL.

btw, thunderfox, what do I look like, R&R on demand? do know I'm a girl, right? :) ("..I don't own Fuhrer, either. He belongs to Zinou. Talk to him about Fuhrer..")

anyways.. kudos

 Reviewed By: Vega Obscura The King [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 24, 2002 14:58 CST
I live in New england...people joked about striker being gay with nightwolf in the game...they were just really wierd characters.

How'd ya guess??? Is it that obvious?
 Reviewed By: thunderfox{NLI}  On: November 24, 2002 14:16 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Awesome story , I wonder what the moving object is probably the Blitz teams hover cargo. Were people joking about Striker being gay in the game or the movie of MK3. I posted a new story it's called Come Back where do you live , I live in Lincoln, Nebraska
 Reviewed By: thunderfox [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 23, 2002 20:32 CST
I Did not spend 40 minutes thinking of Striker it took me 40 minutes to write the story. What is MK3 and my story is not on pages 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 how do i get it on any of the pages
 Reviewed By: thunderfox [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 22, 2002 22:55 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Awesome story. I just submitted a story and it's not on the front page how do i get it there
 Reviewed By: Vega Obscura the King (NLI)  On: November 22, 2002 15:07 CST
Hey guys, thanks...dunno bout the host. Im so pissed. I did that RR/RW video with just the guys, guess how big the zipped file is (and yes it is a video with music)... IT IS 300 MB!!!!!!! F***! lol ill take the musci off and do some editing and find out how big it is then...god. lol next chap commin soon, maybe ill type it up 2night and send it to Zinou so when he/she gets it, I can post it! lol
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