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"Shattered Hope" Reviews/Comments [ 39 ]
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 Reviewed By: Scarlet Longbottom  On: June 20, 2003 17:39 CDT
SUSPENSE, SUSPENSE, SUSPENSE! First with the Sexual tension with Aya, now with the cliffhanger about the room that Schuldie's taken Youji into. It is torture I tell you, torture...But then again, your name is Psychotic Farfarello, ne? I shouldn't be TOO surprised. Can't wait till the next chapter. Jaaaaa!

 Reviewed By: Scarlet Longbottom  On: June 20, 2003 17:27 CDT
Maybe this "Man of women AND a certain German telepath" could mean that Youji is going to show his possessive and maybe even domineering side soon, ne? I hope so. I'm all for a submissive ANYTHING, but after a while it can get a bit boring....
 Reviewed By: Scarlet Longbottom  On: June 20, 2003 17:11 CDT
DOOOOOKKKIIIEEE!!! Sorry I just had to get that out! (Ew, I just realized what I said...well both of them) Anywho, this chapter was...enlightening. I got a small glimpse of what's going on in that red head of Schuldie's
 Reviewed By: Scarlet Longbottom  On: June 20, 2003 17:00 CDT
Oops! I kinda pressed the "send" button on accident.

I just noticed (Yeah, slow ol' me), Youji named his WILLIE .

Oh, and, HeHeHe, He said booty....*AGAIN*
 Reviewed By: Scarlet Longbottom  On: June 20, 2003 16:53 CDT
I bet for Youji , taking a nap never felt so good! After that whole ordeal, who wouldn't be beat. (Okay, sorry I couldn't help myself) I'm building my nummy expectations....Whatever that means...0_o
 Reviewed By: Scarlet Longbottom  On: June 20, 2003 16:36 CDT
Oooooo, I almost forgot about the whole punishment thing, so lovin's gonna have to wait, huh? Save the best for last...Save the best for last...Save the best for last-Damn,it's not working! R-resorting to P-primal urges *AAAARRRRGGGHHHH! ME WANT YOUJI SEXIN' NOW*
 Reviewed By: Scarlet Longbottom  On: June 20, 2003 16:20 CDT
He, he! Youji said BOOTY! XD... anywho, I am really looking forward to the next chapter. What's better than Youji lovin'?....Schuldie loooovvvviiinnn'!
 Reviewed By: Scarlet Longbottom  On: June 20, 2003 15:59 CDT
Aww! I was so sure that Youji was gonna get some luvin' in this chapter, but I guess it's a good thing that you saved the best for last...(I guess for me it's kinda torture!)
 Reviewed By: Scarlet Longbottom  On: June 20, 2003 15:46 CDT
Ohhhhh, I can't wait for the next chapter. The suspense is killing me! It's like I always say, "Great head, gets you ahead!"

P.S. you are spelling Ie wrong. It's supposed to be Iie. (ee-ee-AY)
 Reviewed By: Scarlet Longbottom  On: June 20, 2003 15:33 CDT
My head is hurting after this episode as well. You can't tell me that with all that noise Youji was making, that no one heard him and decided to investigate...but hell, this just hit me...If he's known for being a playboy then they sould be used to unexplained noises coming from his room, ne?
 Reviewed By: Scarlet Longbottom  On: June 20, 2003 15:21 CDT
That whole Master thing came as a bit of a surprise, but I have to admit that, after a while, it grew on me.
 Reviewed By: Scarlet Longbottom  On: June 20, 2003 15:10 CDT
This chapter really get's the blood flowin'...to places you might not want to know about... ;)
 Reviewed By: Scarlet Longbottom  On: June 20, 2003 14:59 CDT
This chapter is goin' place...where no Youji has gone before! *Duh duduh duh duduh duuuhhhh* Please continue! I like to see Youji out of control...w/ Schul that's pretty much mandatory. (I have no idea if I spelled that right or not)
 Reviewed By: Scarlet Longbottom  On: June 20, 2003 14:46 CDT
This chapter was very interesting. I haven't read any Weiß Kruez fanfiction in a while, so it's a bit refreshing to see an unusual pairing like Shul and Youji for a change. Keep up the good work and please continue!
 Reviewed By: Chibi-chan  On: June 20, 2003 10:38 CDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
XD OMG! I can't wait to see what happens in this next chapter. *rolls over the floor* All I hope is that nothing bad happens to Youji, or I might cry. :P Other than that. Go for it!
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