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"Shattered Dreams, Broken Soul, Unbound Love" Reviews/Comments [ 95 ]
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 Reviewed By: Aoede  On: July 18, 2003 19:57 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 9 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
G-AAAH!! cliffhangers...CLIFFHANGERS!!! You. Are. Pure. Evil. even Ganon's afraid from you!! you... youuu... (hyperventilates and faints)

*5 min. after*

Oh, hi. At first i was a little reticent, i didn't really want to read this... it was too long and... well... angsty. And the idea of Sheik being tortured in a hellish dimension while a really, (and i mean REALLY) depressed Link is trying to find him is, well... it's been used before.

But hey! it's not that i'm complaining! i love angst after all. ^_^ And linkxSheik is (currently) my favorite pairing. And the part about the Triforce was a good idea. Don't worry, i understood it. The part about the masked one! you got me interested there. Now i want to go and draw it! And i can perfectly picture a silver-haired Sheik.

I think that what i'm trying to say is that I liked it. Please don't hurt me. I liked it! I'm happy i decided to read it after all. AND LASTLY... i draw too, so i'd love to see your fanart...

OK, probably i'm scaring you with all those ramblings. I tend to do that a lot. That's why i can't write anything with an actual plot...-_-;; so i'll let you go.


(wow, this must be the most inspired review i've written in a long time...o.0)
 Reviewed By: Eoko  On: July 18, 2003 01:28 CDT
Hey hey, Squall-sama! *hands Squall-sama some body chocolate and winks* Yeah, you just go enjoy that.... *snickers* Now that's the kind of gift to give! Woot. Hiya Spryte! Thanks for telling me about your pic. Now I can make a good doujin. So... so I make us continually war, or at the end should we join forces to beat down all the other reviewers? Either way... Oh, and about Navi. I think she's for new players too, but couldn't they have put in a 'block Navi' command? It sure would be useful after the sixth time. "No Navi! I don't want to go check out Zora's Domain! I know it's frozen over but I want to do THIS first!" I'm not sure what brought that on. I'd also have to say that Link can't be mute, because people ask him who he is, and he gestures and I think we're suppose to assume he says something like, "I'm Link, the little fairy-boy from the forest." *Snicker* Fairy-boy... don't roll your eyes at me you people... I'm not insane! Okay crazy! Well, see you all later!
What pic?! I wanna see the pic!!!! Squall-same drew a pic?
 Reviewed By: Tenoko  On: July 14, 2003 14:00 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
WONDERFUL! I love your use of a limited third-person POV! Omniscience can be so frustrating in angsty fics...
I love your fic, I've been linking up all my friends... PLEASE write more...
 Reviewed By: Ecchivalentine  On: July 13, 2003 22:35 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 7 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
FANTASTIC! This is probably my favorite Link/Sheik fic... well... ever!

PLEASE please PLEASE write more~! *begs on knees* PLEEEEEEEAAAAASE!
 Reviewed By: Spryte [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 11, 2003 16:27 CDT
Saw your pic! You're a pretty good artist too. Way better than some of the Zelda artists I've seen. ~cringes at bad memories~
 Reviewed By: Jesse Michael  On: July 11, 2003 16:26 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
that was wonderful i love you somemuch(starts crying)
 Reviewed By: Spryte [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 11, 2003 16:25 CDT
~sticks tongue out at Eoko, then gives Squall-sama cookies~ Hmph. I made a piccy of Spryte: http://fanart.lionking.org/imgarchive/FanArt/shadowfaerie_98/SpryteNew.gif
In the game, Navi wasn't that bad. At least she did that targeting thing, and I think her purpose was to help new players. Plus, I heard one theory was mute so she'd do all the talking but then I also heard another one that Link and Zelda were twins. In the manga Impa 'sealed away Zelda's consciousness' awakening her as Sheik. So he could still be his own person, just two minds in one body thing like Yami and Yugi.
Enough irrevelent stuff though. Eoko, Spryte never cries, (well, almost never,) so there! Ack! Looks like that rxcspideyb person's trying to compete with us, Eoko! Grr! ~huggles Squall-sama~ At least I'm still first to review when there's a new chapter. :P I don't know whether to support Mina or protect you from her.
 Reviewed By: mina tsukiyono  On: July 06, 2003 13:53 CDT
You know I really love your story, I don't have to tell you that, but there is one thing that I don't like...(OMG are you shocked)...WAITING!!! It's like reading a book and then having it taken away for weeks or months at a time after every chapter. lol. ^_' Never EVER stop writing or I'll hunt you down and hurt you until you start again!!! ^.^
 Reviewed By: rxcspideyb  On: July 05, 2003 04:37 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
this is the best zelda fanfic ive ever read! i must have the next part. and yes cliffhangers are a bitch XD till next review caio!
 Reviewed By: Guess who's back!!! Back again!!! Eoko!  On: July 02, 2003 03:32 CDT
Okay! Yeah Spryte, me again! Hiya Squall-sama! Who luvs ya?! I do a'coarse! Yes, I loved this chapter too. Did I cry? I bet you're wondering that hmmm? No I didn't, not even a sniffle of a 'oh, sad'.... it's true. And gore never gets me. I think 'R' rated horor movies are funny. I laugh all the time at them... and no I didn't laugh at poor sweet Sheik. So, I saw that little, 'he wondered why he had silver hair and not golden' so I'm expecting an explanation on the subject soon. I'm thinking there are a lot of spelling mistakes in my review, as it's 1:36AM right now and I can't even really make out the screen anymore. Is that bad? Anyway, I like this fic. It's angsty but I ain't bawling, and it yaoi with is like a little slive of heaven. I heart you Squall-sama, but not in a you and your lover way... that would be wrong. Yes, I can just picture that cringe I drew on your face... Yep *is looking up at the sky* I could have a sky in my computer room... you don't know... I'm that sleepy. Well, it's fabulous! And another thing! About that cliffhanger! Sorry buddy-boy but I happy to like cliffhangers. They make me SMILE! Yep... *toddles off to bed*
 Reviewed By: Ecchivalentine  On: July 02, 2003 02:54 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 7 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 9 of 10
I haven't read any fics yet with such outstanding overall quality. The set-up in the beginning was a tiny bit longer than necessary, but overall very well-written. Some punctuation, spelling, homonym-style errors, as well as a most remarkable confusion about commas. Fortunately, it doesn't interfere with the story much. I'd be more than happy to help you out with some proofreading, as well as minor style pointers. Overall, your personification and imagery is fantastic. I can't wait to read the ending!
 Reviewed By: EOKO: Spryte's arch ENEMY  On: July 02, 2003 02:10 CDT
Kay Kay! I knowwwwwww I haven't read chapter 10 yet BUT! Yes But! I did read Spryte's reviews. Oh yes yes I did. I alomst had a heart-stopper when I thought I lost Squall-sama's fic! I did, it's true! I know I know! I'm so bad for actaully forgetting where it was in the first place! But I have it bookmarked, on the UPSTAIRS puter! Oh! I am so doing a doujinshi entitled 'The War or Eoko and Spryte'... Oh oh! Oh Squall-sama! You-hoo! Remember that pic I sent you... Spryte is to me as Navi is to Link! Yeah, you know the truth! AHAHAHA! Plus, who has more in common with you, me or her? You know what I'm talking about. *wiggles eyebrows* Yeah. I thought so....
Luv ya Spryte
 Reviewed By: Eoko  On: July 02, 2003 01:59 CDT
Nice little side thing with the Gundam boys. Well, I totally freaked! I did! I did! I thought I lost your fic! I was like, "Where is it? What sire is it on?! Eoko, how could you lose it?!" So, I did a google serach for your name and I FOUND IT! Obviously, cause I couldn't exactly be praising chapter 9 if I hadn't. Well, I haven't exactly praised it yet, but I will! Now, poor Sheik, but still no tears! It's amazing! I cry at everything! I don't know why I'm not. Now, I keep going, oh, Link will save the day, Link will save Sheik and everything will be perfect, but, this fic isn't some Disney fairytale... or, hope they wouldn't do these things in a Disney fairytale O_O Could you imagine? *shudder* Forget I mentioned it.... you're laughing again aren't you? Eh, that's okay... So, I am going to read chapter 10 now, because, well, it's there right? It deserves to be read and appreiciated.... I hope this is long. When the reviews are long you know it's from me, and the name. The name kinda gives it away too doesn't it? Ok,I really will read it now!
 Reviewed By: Spryte  On: June 25, 2003 20:27 CDT
^-^ See! More ppl have reviewed! ~huggles~ No sign of Eoko, looks like I'm still you're biggest fan-girl. :P
 Reviewed By: Dendie [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 25, 2003 13:18 CDT
Like your fic. Wouldn't worry about flames too much. I think yuo scared off all the flamers! ^O^^o^ It is a cool fic. Bye!!

Warning: My reviews make no sense :}
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