"Cards of Relm" Reviews/Comments [ 27 ] |
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Reviewed By: *gia* On: November 22, 2001 00:50 CST Comment/Review: i like it so far. its good . but{if i may say so} i think you should write more about H+S and not so much of Y+S, but thats just me! |
Reviewed By: Gochen On: October 13, 2001 23:53 CDT Comment/Review:
Great fic! I can't wait for the next chapter! I've never read a story that's a crossover with Harry Potter. This is just my opinion but to ME I think it would have been cool if it was a S+H fic. I'm not saying it's not cool the way it is but.......JUST MY OPINION! Anyways, great fic, post the next chapter soon! |
Reviewed By: Nuku On: October 19, 2001 15:03 CDT Comment/Review:
*glomp* I'm sorry I didn't write feedback while I was reading this fic! Okay okay so here goes... I love it thus far and can't wait to hear more, this is the first time that I know of of someone writing a Harry Potter and CCS crossover and the fact that it's got some Sakura/Yue in it is even better! (One of my fave pairings unless ya couldn't tell...^.^;) Please keep writing so I can be your official fangirl! *L* |
Reviewed By: ~*§ugar*Plum*~ On: October 19, 2001 21:39 CDT Comment/Review:
Sugoi!! This is the best HP/CCS crossover that I've read so far! You should check out mine! Yes, I have one too! >. |
Reviewed By: Liv On: October 20, 2001 00:09 CDT Comment/Review:
Very nice. please, wirte more |
Reviewed By: alison alexander On: October 21, 2001 05:25 CDT Comment/Review:
These storys are great!DO YOU HAVE BOOK 5 WHERE YOU ARE!I want to read it so bad,but we don't have it in Alaska!I can't wait for the next chapter!The only problem is they are to short try to make chapter 3 longer please! |
Reviewed By: Liv On: October 21, 2001 16:02 CDT Comment/Review: COOL!!!!!!!!!! I'm loving you fanfiction!!!!!!!! |
Reviewed By: Otaku-hime On: November 06, 2001 19:13 CST Comment/Review: WAI!!!!!! SO, so wonderful! ^_^ I've read a lot of CCS/HP fics, and I really do think this is one of the best because a) You haven't messed up the original storyline of the first four books, and *happy, happy, joy, joy* IT MAKES SENSE! Which means that the characters act the same, and don't collide (although the stories clash) Get those fingers typing, and get those (20) chapters posted! |
Reviewed By: Livlie On: November 07, 2001 16:09 CST Comment/Review: This was hilarious, but short. I'm a fan of Harry Potter books and the Sakura series. Not to mention that your story has my favorite pairing in CS. I hope you continue. |
Reviewed By: Alanna On: November 09, 2001 23:50 CST Comment/Review: Cool! This is good. You have got to finish it! Pleeeease! I wanna know what happens! |
Reviewed By: Sakura On: November 18, 2001 14:01 CST Comment/Review: I love ur story. pelase continue |
Reviewed By: Kuu On: November 20, 2001 21:09 CST Comment/Review: Much better than Sugar Plum's. At least in yours they're TRANSPORTED. Not just given a letter. Your writing is good too. Good job. I'm usually leery of HP crossovers and even more leery to review one. We all know how HP fan fic authors can be. But good job! |
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