Title: Hey Reviewed By: Slyinu [MediaMiner Member] On: February 29, 2004 21:41 CST Rating(s):Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10 Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: Ahhh! KAWAII!(Cute, adorable, etc.) i LOVED it! wow...okay, this is like, no, you are the only authoress that makes me want to read slash pairings! You are WONDERFUL! i LOVE it! this is completely beautiful! hehe...Aragorn is so possesive. What is Nin though? hum...well, all i can say is that you did a very good job. i thought it was wonderful that Estel was so possesive and childish, and that he used Elrond as target practice!!! haha...that had me laughing! hehe...good job! Cant wait for anothe of your great works! Sly