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"Survival of the Spirit" Reviews/Comments [ 59 ]
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 Reviewed By: Pocket pack of tissues  On: April 14, 2004 07:00 CDT
I know I've already reviewed your fic and that mm.org doesn't encourage reviewing each chapter but I just can't resist reviewing again - it's just that great. *gets paper bag to control hyper breathing* I really want to congratulate you on doing such a good job with these last three chapters. The scenes where Kenshin's drugged and captured were especially powerful, and I physically cringed at the loss of his dignity - and the people above who are determined to use him right up to the day he dies. Kaoru's reaction is also very believable. I assume you're keeping the manga ages for the characters so her state of mind as a 17-yr-old girl and as the Kaoru we know from the series totally worked for me before, during and after Kenshin's absence. Oh boy, I just realized that means Kenshin can land in jail since Kaoru's jailbait (if that law's in Japan too). LOL! There are still some minor spelling mistakes, like not having a space between two separate words (eg "MissKamiya") but that may just be a html thing, and the spelling/grammar errors weren't large enough to distract me from the flow of the fic. This is definately the best multi-chapter AU RK fic I've read so far, and one of the best fics I've read per se - no question about it.
 Title: continued...
Reviewed By: ichigo_drops  On: April 12, 2004 12:16 CDT
Style of Writing: 9 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 8 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
sorry, the rest of my review didn't come out... this is one of the best fanfics i've ever read, because for once there is an original idea for a plot. (thank you thank you thank you) the characters all have an incredible amount of depth in them, and i think it was wonderful how you portrayed everyone the way they should be. Another thing i have to thank you for is that you didn't make kaoru seem like a weak person who's entirely dependent on kenshin, unlike some other...umm...fanfictions. She's her own person. She can deal with it. but it was touching to see that she went after him and that she and yahiko are going to wait until kenshin is better :) I also liked Battousai's personality in this fanfic. While other fanfics like to make him seem a bit softer, this battousai is a bit more like how i imagined him, just raw, animalistic feelings. (well, pretty much so far, anyway) I think you're a very talented writer, so please update soon and keep it up!
 Reviewed By: ichigo_drops  On: April 12, 2004 12:09 CDT
Style of Writing: 9 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 8 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
0_o I LOVE THIS FANFICTION! have been sittting here for two hours straight and finished all the current chapters...the status says that it is complete...that's not true, right? i hope kenshin will find a way to get back to kaoru -_-...i'll be so sad if they don't...darn, you and your cliffies >_
 Reviewed By: driven by insanity  On: April 07, 2004 00:22 CDT
Style of Writing: 8 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 8 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 9 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
i really loved it, it caught my eyes the whole way it was all played out when i saw the title of the story i was in a hurry to read it already. i love the way keshin struggled though thinking he's unworthy of everything just like kenshin and sano just as the thug he is i hate megumi but she seems okay in the story those people wouldn't just leave them in peace and damn these people made love like dogs ha hope there will be morw and fighting scenes until next time
 Title: Whoo-hoo-hooooooo!!!!!
Reviewed By: Battousais gal[not logged on]  On: March 28, 2004 14:12 CST
Wai! You've updated! I'm so happy! ^_^ As always, it was great! I cannot wait for the next chapter/s! Ja ne! Tanya
 Reviewed By: pinata candy  On: March 26, 2004 19:42 CST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Why bother with the other ratings? ;) Despite a few mistakes in spelling and such, this is such a great fic. I can't believe I've been missing out on your story all this time by only going to ff.net! Please keep writing this fic - mm.org and ff.net have so many awful RK fics written by immature kids that fics like yours is a breath of fresh air.
 Reviewed By: Jenny from the Block (too damn lazy to log in)  On: February 06, 2004 19:54 CST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Violet Eyes: Wow! I love Rurouni Kenshin, and normally I don't read these types of fics, but something about yours caught my eye and I'm in so much suspense, I hope you continue it! Kuribo-kun: Yeah, I really like the way you don't just make it like any other, its different, and the way you describe whats going on inside Kenshin's head, I can't help but feel sorry for the baka- Violet Eyes: Hey! He is not a baka! Kuribo-kun: Alright. Well, your writing style is really impressive, and I just really hope you continue with it...right Kenshin? Kenshin: `sour look` everyone's picking on me... Saito: Too damn right. But what the heck is a baseball cap? Violet Eyes: Its a hat Saito: right...I knew that Sano:Whats wrong with Weasel girl? She's drooling over that baka Aoshi-ARGH!!! Misao: Techo Kick! `kicks Sano` Aoshi: ... Hiko: I seriously need more sake
 Reviewed By: mistletoe  On: January 04, 2004 21:51 CST
this is very cool. i wonder what kenshin would be like as battousai in front of kaoru, will he kill her? plz update soon!
 Reviewed By: Pockypocky  On: December 15, 2003 21:28 CST
I love the way Kenshin is in here! I normally hate Megumi and Kaoru, but I like them a lot in this story. Plz update!
 Reviewed By: J  On: December 13, 2003 16:24 CST
it's Shinomori, rather than Shinamori.
 Reviewed By: mIsSY zEE  On: December 04, 2003 21:13 CST
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
this is so cool, i never read anything like this before!! i love the KK SM moments too.
 Reviewed By: snow sugar  On: November 16, 2003 20:55 CST
someone in the mailing list I'm in said this was updated, and I ran here. ^_^x I'm really awed at how you made all the charaters recognizable and IC throughout the fic. It looks like you're following the manga plot with Sano and Katsu, Kenshin and Shishio and such, but at the same time you've changed enough that we don't know what's going to happen and keep us on edge. It's very evil of you, and I love it! Let's hope there's no goodbye scene in this, that baka better not leave Kaoru and Yahiko alone. I wish you luck with your muse!
 Reviewed By: Pocket pack of tissues  On: November 12, 2003 01:29 CST
Glad you updated, this is getting very suspenseful. I wonder what Sano will do and what Megumi's mother would do to take her and make her marry...Soujirou the psychiatrist? Oh boy, I've never seen that one before, let's hope he won't damage his patients for life. And Kenshin doesn't know about the pills yet? Maybe he'll be more careful sleeping with Kaoru if he knew. I really love this fic, and I'll just repeat how much I like the way you keep it all so real. Only a few minor concerns, like formatting (two words are often not spaced out, like MakotoShishio) and slight inconsistancies in spelling (Sakara, then it reverts back to Sagara). They're really minor though and they didn't really distract me much from enjoying this fic. Again, let me say how happy I am that you updated with two whole new chapters for me to read over and over again till the next chapter comes! :)
 Reviewed By: strawbwrry  On: November 10, 2003 21:08 CST
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
awesome story! kenshin's really scary when he turns into battousai here, please continue!
 Reviewed By: Merck  On: November 10, 2003 03:34 CST
And here's my review for chapter 8. I broke up my review because it would've been too long otherwise. Shura's gone, but in her place we get scum like Shishio, Aoshi and a whole bunch of others. I like the way you mirror Kenshin's struggle with Sano's. And the way you described Megumi's mother was so apt, I found her and her lover sordid and unlikable. I can certainly see why Megumi doesn't want to go back! Aki is the relative you wish you didn't have, ugh. And it makes me wonder if Kaoru will get in trouble for living with Kenshin, what with Aki reporting back to her mother about her every move. It also looks like too many people are starting to discover Kenshin's identity...the gossipy instructors at the dojo, and now the students of the dojo itself? I'm very eager to see where you'll lead the story with so many things going on at once, this is very exciting. ^_^ This story is just awesome!
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