"Yusuke's Birthday" Reviews/Comments [ 55 ] | Pages (4): [ « ‹ 1 2 3 4 ›  » ] | Title: P.S. Reviewed By: BIG_DADDY [MediaMiner Member] On: May 27, 2004 15:49 PDT Comment/Review: You didn't have to read my review. No one has to. It is entirely optional. So don't read it if it is to your misfortune.
| Title: In response to "None of your Fuckin' Business" Reviewed By: BIG_DADDY [MediaMiner Member] On: May 27, 2004 15:47 PDT Comment/Review: Hmm...I never actually thought you would respond to my review. You truly are an idiot to hold a grudge against me like this. And why do you keep returning to this fic if you don't enjoy the material it has in it? Oh yeah, for your little comment that you made about the flaming thing in your last review (a.k.a. a big waste of time), if you try and actually put your brain to use then you might be able to translate my last review into normal english. I will laugh in your face and call you stupid if you decide to hold this grudge against me by way of reviews. You don't even know who I am- aw crap! Now I'M sounding like a hypocrit! Oh well, at least I'm not being as harsh as I could be to you. I don't care if you are a girl or not. Let this person be and get away from this fic if you don't like it. It is as simple as that. My 5 yr. old brother could understand that better than you.
| Reviewed By: None Of Your Fuckin' Business On: May 25, 2004 13:37 PDT Comment/Review: For BIG DADDY, that isone of the most stuipd things I have ever had the misfortune to read in my entire life!!! First of all, the girl scouts crack is like the biggest BULL SHIT I've ever heard. I think you are a crack head and saying that a woman shouldn't say 'Fuck off' is like being really, really stupid because I am a girl and I curse people off like every five seconds. And you're not saying it, you're typing it son it's not really comming from your mouth, is it? Just to tell you, I don't really know how I'm being a hypocrit, and you know what else, you're putting 'Why The Fuck Do You Care' down for flaming this when she hasn't read the story, when you haven't either. And apparently the author isn't being brought down because he hasn't said a damn thing to me, and if he doesn't like the fact that I'm 'putting him down' he can tell me himself! If I was the boss of the world, you'd be dead. As for calling me a 'Ho Bag'... you spelled it wrong. *ROTFLMAO* And you is it that you're telling me off for flaming the story, when you're telling me that I am able to flame the story. You don't make a lot of sense, moron. And you must be stupid, 'Oh my god, I don't know who this person is, but they must be feeling a lot of pain, and you should appologize for forming letters to make words via review! And apparently, since I got so detailed in flaming the fic, how can you tell me not to read it? It's a little too late for that now isn't it?!? The only reason I read it is because I din't know a fanfiction could get so sucky! And how is flaming a fic a sin?!? You have serious issues, man. It's really sad that you're applauding yourself. Later!
| Reviewed By: BIG_DADDY [MediaMiner Member] On: May 18, 2004 18:36 PDT Comment/Review: And if someone won't stick up for the weak then I will and there is not a godamn thinf thing that you can do about it! The word of God is on my side and nothing you can do, no amount of flaming or dirty e-mail is going to stop me from achieivng my goals!
| Reviewed By: BIG_DADDY [MediaMiner Member] On: May 18, 2004 18:34 PDT Comment/Review: BIG_DADDY: o.O 'Geez, how much foul language do you people use in a DAY?! Jan: What?! BIG_DADDY: Oh yeah. I guess I forgot about you. You use the "f word" so many times it makes "None of your Fuckin' business!" or "Why the fuck do you care?" seem like boy or girl scouts depending on their gender. If they think they're so tough maybe they should get an account and flame this writer. Then I can have Fanilia delete their account for good! Arucard: (Loads 13mm Jackal) And I'll help. BIG_DADDY: And my friends shall help! (Notices a note that says "Gone fishing") Some help they are. Arucard: Why do you even bother sticking up for this person if you haven't even read this fic? BIG_DADDY: (Dons a white shield, armor and sword and voice becomes noticeably deeper) BECAUSE I AM THE DEFENDER OF THE WEAK! THOSE WHO TRESSPASS AGAINST THE SOULS OF OTHERS SHALL PAY MOST DEARLY! Arucard: But how does that tie in with "None of your Fuckin' Business's" reading the last chapter? She read it last month but she is not making any crude marks about it. BIG_DADDY: Okay, time out for you! (Locks him in a coffin) Okay, flame me all you want for saying this because this country has soooooo come under the influence of the seemingly damned government and their satanic actions, but, a flamer (or just any bully in general) who says that someone should back off from helping someone else when they say that they have a right to flame or bully that person around and call tell the other person to "fuck off" (doesn't sound right coming from a woman's mouth, I know) and say that they have rights, there is a word for people like you; HYPOCRIT! So, if you don't like then just don't read it. This person doesn't need to be dragged down into your utter abyss of satanic methods of torture so just SHOVE IT AND GET THE HELL AWAY FROM THIS FIC! DON'T GO FLAMING IT LIKE YOU THINK YOU'RE THE GODAMN BOSS OF THE WORLD YOU SLIMY HO BAG (courtest of my friends' friend)! Now that that's out of the way, I would like to tell "None of your Fuckin' business" that Shadow2003 has a right to speak up just like you are able to flame these fics with your utterly disgusting ways. Even though I don't know this person, I can sense that they are in a lot of pain right now. You should e-mail them with an apology and sets things right. P.S. If you don't like the fic then just don't read it. That's why God made Heaven, so that we could be free from Sin! (Mass audience applauses as BIG_DADDY steps down from stage wheeling a giant crate carrying an Alaskan Brown Bear which tears apart the box and mauls "None of your Fuckin' business" and "Why the fuck do you care?") ONe more thing before I close out, "Why the fuck do you care?" I should ask you, why the fuck to YOU care about a fic? Just because your the "grammar wiz" of your group doesn't automatcially make you the Queen of England you know. PEACE OUT!
| Reviewed By: some one On: May 13, 2004 14:09 PDT Comment/Review: good story update soon, please have Yukina in the story soon
| Title: Directed to Mr.Cool *cough*asshole*cough* Reviewed By: Why the fuck do you care?! On: May 08, 2004 16:49 PDT Comment/Review: Gabs(None Of Your Fuckin' Business)has said pretty much all that I would have and as to your 'oral sex' comment, how the H#LL does that mean you know what cum tastes like?! I have just one last statement to give you at the moment...GO FUCK YOURSELF,YOU SORRY EXCUSE FOR A FOOL!!!!!!!!!
| Reviewed By: None Of Your Fuckin' Business On: April 26, 2004 13:24 PDT Comment/Review: Ok, 'Mr. Cool', for one thing, I do agree that it is way OOC. Keiko is portrayed as a slut but I KNOW how they portrayed Yusuke so you can shove it. And come on, that's bull shit, 'Your cum tastes like peaches and cream...', what the fuck? No shit Koenma's a guy, but you're also forgeting that he's the soon-to-be king of Spirit World and a responsible one at that. Actually, I can prove that Kurama and Hiei are not gay for two reasons: You don't see them showing interest in each other and actually, Hiei does show intrest in a female later on in the episodes, freak. And by the way, you can't disprove the notion that I am not a person who thinks being a slut make you 'better'. How is it that you basically call me female and then accuse me of being a 'Big Man'...brilliant. Just so you know, I'm calling the guy a loser because it's so OOC it isn't funny. I've read plenty of hentai fics between them, but at least they're adults and they act like themselves... You know what? Now I'm going to read the last chapter and flame that... Later!
| Reviewed By: Mr. Cool On: April 22, 2004 14:44 PDT Comment/Review: I liked the story. I think the people with the long names have some sand in their vaginas. It is OOC but everyone is equally sexually charged, it happens in Hentai fics... You say Keiko is being portrayed like a slut, but you seem to forget Yusuke is portrayed as a lame guy jacking it to website hentai porno. As for knowing what cum tastes like...well guys do give oral sex sometimes... As for Koenma...he's a guy. And if you really believe a guy would so easily put work over a girl...well you don't know guys very well. As for Kurama and Hiei being gay...well until we see them showing an interest in a girl, you can't really disprove the notion can you... It appears your one of the people that believes that being a slut makes you a better person than someone...sex doesn't make you "better". You really think calling the writer of a hentai fic a loser makes you a big man? Think about it...your reading a hentai fic and then saying he's a loser because he writes it...geez. People don't think. Anyway props to Yami Goku, next chapter please!
| Title: It's not even FUNNY how stupid you are! Reviewed By: Why the fuck do you care?! On: April 12, 2004 12:36 PDT Comment/Review: Hi.I'm a friend of None Of Your Fuckin' Business,and she instructed me to read this due to its ultimate and unfathomable stupidity.((I'm the grammar whiz of our group of friends if you hadn't noticed and if you don't understand the large words I'm utilizing,feel free to go for the dictionary you imbecilic,half-witted, deranged LOONEY TOON!))Everyone is so OOC it's SICK!What's even WORSE in all of this is that you have no bloody idea what you're TALKING about!!!I actually have a question for you...How the h#ll do you know what cum tastes like if you're a GUY?! And Shadow,who the h#ll are you to be saying that about anyone else ESPECIALLY my friend?! Who's the idiot who's actually ENJOYING this STORY?! Sweet Fucking Dreams,losers.
| Reviewed By: None Of Your Fuckin' Business On: March 25, 2004 13:57 PST Comment/Review: Um...for you Shadow, I'd like to state that I am female and a am a sorry bitch who hated the story. I would please like you to fuck off since you enjoyed the chapter so much and shove it. I'll have you know that it is my right to say whatever I want about the story and I understand that it is your right to insult me. But please, if you're going to insult me please do it right! I don't see how I am the only person flaming the story, but I guess that's alright, it's more fun by myself. Fuck you and peace fuckin' out!
| Reviewed By: Shadow2003 [MediaMiner Member] On: March 23, 2004 07:23 PST Comment/Review: As for the person that flamed you don't listen to him, he is just some bored bastard that did'nt like you story.
| Reviewed By: Shadow2003 [MediaMiner Member] On: March 12, 2004 23:04 PST Comment/Review: Well that was a chapter to remeber
| Reviewed By: None Of Your Fuckin' Business On: March 11, 2004 13:43 PST Comment/Review: For the person who hated 'that bitch Keiko' you can shove it up your ass!
| Reviewed By: None Of Your Fuckin' Business On: March 11, 2004 13:39 PST Comment/Review: Hello. I'd like to say that there are a few things wrong with your story... 1. It's not Koenma's "adult" form. It's a teenage form. 2. I think you are mistaken. It's "testacles" not "tentacles"... 3. Yusuke wouldn't get tired running to the hospital. Also... 4. Yusuke is not a slimy horny bastard who masturbates in front of a screen. 5. Yusuke has a sense of justice and wouldn't enjoy watching innocent girls getting raped. 6. During the run to the hospital he was so out of character it wasn't funny! 7. Keiko is not a dirty slut. 8. Yusuke wouldn't rape Keiko if Yusuke asked her to. (But Keiko wouldn't ask him to in the first place.) 9. Koenma isn't a slimy horny bastard who masturbates in front of a screen. 10. Even if Koenma had a crush on Boton, being the prince of Spirit World, concidering that he is her employer, work would always come first. 11. You hint at Shounen Ai with Boton's gay fantasies. Kurama and Hiei are not gay. Period. Now I stopped in the middle of chapter 3 because your story is completely stupid. So you can have it put shortly...your expirimental Lemon was a complete disaster. With Fucking Love, None Of Your Fuckin' Business P.S. And one more thing...how exactly do you know what cum tastes like. I mean, with a mind like yours, when did you lose your virginity, because I highly doubt that you haven't yet. Peace Fuckin' Out
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