"Borderline" Reviews/Comments [ 65 ] |
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Reviewed By: kato-chan [MediaMiner Member] On: June 15, 2004 12:02 CDT Comment/Review: Oh my god please dont' take too long with the next part!!! I can't wait. I need to know what happens. It's finally all coming together.
Title: Such a good scapegoat Reviewed By: Tygrrlyli [MediaMiner Member] On: June 15, 2004 01:59 CDT Comment/Review: Ken needs a swoft kick to the ass is all I think. Than again, I also think blunt head trauma is the cure for everything. My advice is not good to take. Back to the fic: ooooh Yohji and Schu were irresponsible! Ooooh, I'm gunna tell! And wow, if I were Ran in that situation...man, I'd be pissing myself scared! Good job with the making of the scary situation ^_^
Title: Mmm fic Reviewed By: Tygrrlyli578 On: May 21, 2004 14:47 CDT Comment/Review: No worries on the updating and all. A good story takes time and effort. Anyway, psychological ANYthing is especially difficult. And now for an editorial: Ken you bastard! Can't wait to see what accident's in store for Schu (btw, need more S/Y sex in this fic, it's lacking ~_^) and what's gunna happen to Ran. Bad Ken, bad! ^_^
Reviewed By: Koji-chan [MediaMiner Member] On: May 21, 2004 10:10 CDT Comment/Review: *Heh* of course I review every chapter^^...it's rare that I don't when I like a story really much, the exceptions would be if I'm not able to review. Hhm, but sometimes it's hard for me to review because I have the feeling that I say just the same as before and that feeling I don't like, weird, eh^^;;;. Lovely chapter again...moouuu, Ken was not nice! Oh and about the threesome...*ehehe* it's ok *lol* it was just a thought/agreement^^ of a really addicted WK Fangirl^^;. Do what you like or what you are able to *grins embarrassed*. Your story is a good one and will ever be to me ^.^...no matter which pairing (Brad x Ken; Brad x Ran) you'll choose at the end ^__^! Ja *bows* Koji-chan
Reviewed By: kato_chan On: April 05, 2004 15:34 CDT Comment/Review: He kissed him!!!!
Reviewed By: jenna^ On: April 03, 2004 09:50 CST Rating(s):Style of Writing: 10 of 10 Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10 Originality/Creativity: 1 of 10 Enjoyment Factor: 8 of 10 Overall Rating: 8 of 10 Comment/Review: *scratches head* I have always wondered if I should read this fic, ever since you posted the first chapter. Well, I did now. I have to say that there are some cliches, but overall it is entertaining to read. Hope you will post next part soon.
Title: ah the lottery Reviewed By: Tygrrlyli578 On: April 02, 2004 11:52 CST Comment/Review: Damn you lottery for not letting fan-fic writers just be able to write! Lovely chapter. Aya is being incredibly mega-doom-bitch like. I'm terribly amused by this. I kept thinking, 'If I were in her position, would I be reacting this way?' I honestly can't say how I'd react, but this means your fic rocks, cause it makes me question how I'd be in the character's places. Woo!! ^__^ Can't wait for the next chapter.
Reviewed By: Koji-chan [MediaMiner Member] On: April 02, 2004 04:51 CST Comment/Review: *Heh*...smile I did ^_^! Hhmmm beautiful chapter! Don't like Aya(-chan)^^ *growls*. *gg* concerning the Brad embracing/kissing? Ran scene^^..he kissed him, that's what I think and believe ^________^, end of discussion ^_~. Oh and by the way, I totally agree with Jaded08....B/R/K would be the best solution^^;...we'll see, ne. Ja Ja^^ *huggles* Koji-chan
Reviewed By: Jaded08 [MediaMiner Member] On: February 28, 2004 12:13 CST Comment/Review: Chapter 10 was great! I feel so sorry for Ken though. Why not make this a Brad/Ran/Ken fic, that way no one gets left out! ^_^
Title: No problemo Reviewed By: Tygrrlyli578 On: February 26, 2004 20:40 CST Comment/Review: Hey, writing well takes time, we have no issues with writers taking their time to make sure that their muses are working well. Hmmm, refering to myself in the third person am i? Oh well. So, this is a good part, very cool. Do keep up the goodness that is your writing ^_^ I hope for your muses to be in tip-top shape so that you have no blocks or trouble writing the next part.
Reviewed By: Koji-chan [MediaMiner Member] On: February 26, 2004 05:04 CST Comment/Review: Oh, I KNEW that you were going to stop with such a scene ^_^...*huggles* thank you for the new chap...I had a grin on my face after I got a mail that your new chapter is on, you CAN'T imagine ^________________^. *Sigh* GREAT...*hehe* *pats Morgana's head*^^, working on chap 11 already...that's good ^_^...can't wait to read it. Ja and again a BIIIG BIIIIG HUG ^_____________________^! Koji-chan
Reviewed By: kato-chan [MediaMiner Member] On: January 22, 2004 22:44 CST Comment/Review: Awesome awesome chapter. I'm really glad that you are continuing this fic. This part has brought me closer to this story and I want to read more now! I'll wait patiently :)
Reviewed By: Kato-chan [MediaMiner Member] On: January 22, 2004 22:44 CST Comment/Review: Awesome awesome chapter. I'm really glad that you are continuing this fic. This part has brought me closer to this story and I want to read more now! I'll wait patiently :)
Reviewed By: Koji-chan [MediaMiner Member] On: January 18, 2004 16:24 CST Comment/Review: Oh, don't worry...in my opinion your fic is still FANTASTIC, or to talk with my mother tongue...GEIL!!! Aww, the scene at dinner *grin* soooooooo cute! *winces* poor poor Rannie -_-, yes again. *Sigh* I really don't know what to say right at the moment 'it was so great *sighs dramatically*'...err...I hope you are able to post the next chapter as soon as possible! Yeah, I know it has to be annoying if the readers say that again and again and now I know how it is when you posted a fic and has no time to update it -_-;; *hint hint* ^_~. Ja Koji-chan
Title: Oh no. Reviewed By: Tygrrlyli578 On: January 18, 2004 01:38 CST Comment/Review: Work is an evil necessity, but it's still annoying. Regardless, you still somehow pull through with a positively captivating fic and chapter. Go you! Very cool, still interesting, and my what a sticky situation for Brad. Damn him and his sexy good looks! Hehe, most men can only wish that they have two love interests. Thanks much for continuing to write, even with a heavy workload. ^_^
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