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"Anything For You" Reviews/Comments [ 211 ]
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 Reviewed By: Angel Black [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 18, 2003 21:59 CDT
Fools! Wtf do you THINK horse out of city means! Ignore the horse, OUT OF CITY! I truly think Bakura, Joey, and Marik are complete idiots! And Seto calls himself a genius! Sapphire and Amethyst eyes.......mmmmmmm. Uh um i mean colors taht don't match yeah umm. dang, too bad i have a no erase policy on my reviews. v_v oh well i can still call them all fraculences! (idiots)
 Reviewed By: Shadow of Light [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 18, 2003 21:32 CDT
Oh how can Steven be so cruel?? I mean his son and grandchild!! That man had no buisness being a father. And poor Ryou and Aten... and Bakura!! I can actually picture him in tears. :( And Aten's message, 'Horse Out of Town'? You lsot me there but i lsot it so much! and yeah I read your other fics but i guess i need a refreser course ^^ more please and soon!!
 Reviewed By: *Elizabeth*Marie*Rose* [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 18, 2003 20:24 CDT
Yes, the weapons are very limitless. WHAT'S GONNA HAPPEN TO RYOU?! Thank Ra for Bakura's bloodlust... Congratulations on your engagement! (and gomen nasai for my lateness...)
 Reviewed By: NegaCat  On: June 18, 2003 19:31 CDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
So glad you like 'em! I kept meaning to say, but forgot -_- So here it is: Congrats on the engagement! Did I spell that right??? Anyhoo! That was really good! And, What DID Aten mean by "Horse go out of city?" or whatever he wrote? And I would like to think Bakura finds and tortures Steven next chappie, ubt I'll wait ^-^ I know it'll be good. In the mean time: KEEP UP THE AWSOME WORK!!!!!!!!
 Reviewed By: leila15rose  On: June 18, 2003 18:19 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I can't wait until Steven is caught! Heck, I'm so ready for that wonderful moment, I already have some weapons Bakura can use if he chooses! We have our automatic rifle, several thousand hand gernades, a nuke, (Think big!)a Japanese sword... *Many hours latter* and a tank! :D Hope you're able to update soon!
 Reviewed By: Caro  On: June 18, 2003 14:42 CDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
hi! sorry, i haven't really reviewed much -_-;;; finals are almost over!!!!!!! whee!!!!!!! we went to an amusement park today as a school field trip! I LOVE YOUR STORY!!!!! ^.^
 Reviewed By: A.M.T [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 18, 2003 07:44 CDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I have to wait that long?*shrugs its better then nothing I guess. Once again I almost killed my computer.*hugs computer* But it still lives!!

This chapter was so sad.*sniff* Its cool Aten knows Egyptian! When he's older he can cuss in it! But he might not, he's too sweet.

Tim's got a Game Boy. Was he playing Barbie? It would've been funny if he was. How dare he throw it at Ryou! Well he can have it!*throws her GB at Tim* Haha! Take that!

 Reviewed By: NegaCat  On: June 17, 2003 20:56 CDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I like my snakies name, too! That was a good chappie, but I yelled in frusteration when they just missed Bakura and Marik. My family thought I was going crazy because I was yelling like there was no tommarrow and pulling my hair out. It was good, though. I just can't wait 'till they suffer. Although Tim sounds like he just has some problems. Was the Game Boy pink? It'd be funny if it was....... Anyhoo *hands bakurasgirl a plushies of Bakura, Ryou, Malik, Marik, Aria, and Aten* I made the Bakura and Marik plushies a little plushie dagger and Millennium Rod. And this one *holds out Steven doll* e'll yell, scream, and beg for mercy whenever the weapons or yami plushies touch him. It even rips open! Enjoy!
 Reviewed By: super_JM [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 17, 2003 16:45 CDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
wow. poor Ryou. bloow up Steven. "oop did I do that" sorry couldn't help it. ^.^
 Reviewed By: Shadow of Light [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 17, 2003 16:37 CDT
no wait hold up!! oh man so close and yet so far!! please i am begging you come up with hte next chapter!! i'll give you anything you wnat!!
DS: and make them pay! Oh when you do can I help? can i can i can i???
poor ryou and aten... very smart child though. starting to think bakura is part blood-hound or soemthnig ^^
 Reviewed By: Angel Black  On: June 17, 2003 16:03 CDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Dang, if i'd have been Ryou, i'd be screaming my head off. I can scream really loud, when im angry enough. You'd think Bakura would have already taught Aria how to track blood.........she'd be good at it.
 Reviewed By: A.M.T [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 17, 2003 07:45 CDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
*laughing*HAHAHAHAHA!! AH MAN!!

Bakura:What the hell is wrong with you?

Malik:*whispers into Bakura's ear*

Bakura:Shit. Not again.

Ok I stopped laughing ^_______^. I'm in a very good mood, right now. Its scary O_o


Bakura:You really are starting to scare me.


Really funny with Aria. Little kids are just too innocent. Thats why they're good info givers.I feel sorry for Seto and Joey.*sigh*Poor guys.
 Reviewed By: Shadow of Light [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 17, 2003 00:21 CDT
oh wow aria made it!! gee i didn't think kids could remember stuff. i'm sure those two drivers will never look at seto or joey the same light again ^^ i sure wouldn't! btu good! not go save ryou and aten!! oh and do some serious damage to jessica and steven and tim. make it hurt alot and i mean ALOT!
 Reviewed By: Angel Black  On: June 16, 2003 23:13 CDT
Awww.........Seto's and Joey's affair isn't a secret from the workers? Hmm........i wonder how the found out. *snicker**snicker* that would make a good one-shot. I mean i doubt they would stand up and TELL them exactly what they've been doing in the bedroom..........hehehehehe
 Reviewed By: NegaCat  On: June 16, 2003 16:13 CDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
*blinks* Sure! I have a rattle-snake and pithon cross (not really, otherwise I'd make a Steven doll and feed that to the snake)^-^ You can have him, though. He's big and deadly. I named him StevenKiller ^-^ Anyhoo! That was really good! Aria's a pretty smart kid. I'm surprised she could read, but she IS the daughter of a yami.... I hope it's not TOO long before Steven gets what's coming to him. Keep it up! We all love it!
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