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"Fallen" Reviews/Comments [ 24 ]
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 Reviewed By: Aria  On: July 07, 2003 19:54 CDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
What in the hell did you just leave it there for?
It was just starting to get really good and then you go and end the chapter. I am glad that Heero woke up though, it is about time since he and Duo and Wufei need to get together and Heero needs to regain full use of his legs. Then they need to live happily ever after and ride off into the sunset. *sweatdrop* Okay...forget the sunset thing, but make sure they live happily ever after, pretty, pretty please.
Love ya,
 Reviewed By: Lita Starwind [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 07, 2003 18:12 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
YAY! HE FINALLY WOKE UP!!!!!! YAY!!!! I'm so happy that i got to finally read this!Since FF.net isn't working..AGAIN * deathglares ff.net* I hope you post the next chapter soon! Can't wait!
 Reviewed By: SSProcyonShields [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 03, 2003 16:10 CDT
Style of Writing: 9 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 8 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 6 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 7 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
The Fic it self is excellent, I love how this is playing out. Update soon.
 Reviewed By: Aria  On: July 01, 2003 06:23 CDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
You are an evil twisted person, when will you update this and make everyone happy again? I want to see a happy ending no matter what. You are an excellent writer and I want to see more of this story and your writing. Please, please, please, please, please write more soon. And have them all get together sometime soon, they deserve it after all of this hell. TTL!
Love ya,
 Reviewed By: Lita Starwind [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 01, 2003 00:34 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
YAY! I FINALLY GOT 2 READ THIS! since it wouldn't work on ff.net.... Heero is gonna wake up right? Hopefully soon! Can't wait till you continue this!
 Reviewed By: Aria  On: June 21, 2003 20:26 CDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
How in the heck could you end it there!? Update adn update soon or else I will hunt you down and hurt you. I don't mean that really but this is a fact, if you do not update soon i will not give a full review at the end!
Love ya,
 Reviewed By: Kris  On: June 19, 2003 00:27 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
oh gods... My heart keeps twisting and bubbling - and gods that feels weird! - and now I'm getting rather confused.
Is Heero going to end up with Wufei or with Duo?
He seems to be obsessed with Wufei as usual but obsessions and first loves die incredibly hard. Besides, Wufei only looks at Heero as a brother, with gratitude, that kind of thing. I've never read him doing anything different in this story.
Besides! Duo is always worried about Heero, and there is an attraction between the two of *them*.
But, ::sigh:: Heero just might end up alone. I hope not! But I don't want Wufei and Duo broken up either. pfh. Methinks me don't know what mewants.
But,gotta tell ya, I love how you put Relena in on this one! I can't stand her and Heero as a couple, you see, and I hate having her bastardized over and over and Heero deserves such a wonderful friend!! I'm happy for him.

An' in case you were wondering, the 9 for the grammar is nothing personal. I just don't give 10's on grammar ratings. I don't think it's possible!!

Please write more of this story and quickly! Me's hooked.

 Reviewed By: Aria  On: June 18, 2003 22:33 CDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
WHAT THE HECK DID YOU DO THAT FOR!? YOU ARE TORTURING POOR HEE-CHAN!!!! HE DOESN'T DESERVE THAT ABUSE! On the bright side this is still a brilliant story and I want you to write again really really really soon, cause if you make me wait I will not be happy and may not review! j/k
Love ya,
 Reviewed By: Aria  On: June 18, 2003 05:06 CDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Write more right away, this promises to be a great story and I want to read more. I can figure out that it was Heero who helped them buy their dream house. Maybe with Relena's influence,
he managed it. I hope everything turns out okay,
I don't want poor Hee-chan to be left out of everything! He deserves some happiness and I want you to update this right away!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love ya,

P.S. If you need advice or anything give me an e-mail at footballpyro777@yahoo.com
 Reviewed By: his infernal majesty [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 17, 2003 23:59 CDT
most interesting
i love a good heero angst in the morning
hehe i cant wait for u to UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 Reviewed By: PreventerPixie  On: June 16, 2003 23:29 CDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
more please!!
poor heero...i love it! ^_^
 Reviewed By: PreventerPixie [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 14, 2003 01:30 CDT
please please continue this...heero's my fav character and this fic sounds very intresting
 Reviewed By: PreventerPixie [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 14, 2003 01:29 CDT
please please continue this...heero's my fav character and this fic sounds very intresting
 Reviewed By: PreventerPixie  On: June 18, 2003 13:41 CDT
ohhh~~...more more please! it's really good, sad, but good ^_^ hurry with the next part please
 Reviewed By: lady malynn  On: June 11, 2003 09:31 CDT
I love this fic!!!!!!!! MORE! MORE! MORE! heero angst is one of my favorite ways to pass the time ^_^
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