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"Anzu cries." Reviews/Comments [ 4 ]
 Title: ^-^
Reviewed By: Fwoggie [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 09, 2004 15:44 CDT
I really do like Anzu, and I have to say I really, really admire you. Even though you don't like her, you gave it a try and wrote something nice about her anyway. Great job! It's a much nicer thing to do then just bash her. ^_^ High five! *tosses you a plushie of your choice* Hee hee... I don't have enough money for a plushie... -_-U
 Reviewed By: samus_17 [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 24, 2004 15:49 CDT
Why does everyone hate Tea/Anzu? I know people might find her annoying but...if you think about it..it is a show that little kids have to watch too. I think she's cool. Note*: There coming out with the uncut version( DVD/Video) of Yu-gi-oh so more voilence and blood AND swearing!!
 Reviewed By: Jenny from the Block [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 12, 2003 20:47 CDT
Violet Eyes: I don't like Anzu but I've got to admit, I like her more now!
 Reviewed By: AnimeAna [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 18, 2003 18:52 CDT
Very good -- a good balance between the "ANZU MUST DIE THAT ****ING *****, YOU *****, YOU ANNOYING BRAT!" and "Anzu, the tall, perfect, wonderful dancer" and captured what is probably the truth about her. You use a nice style of writing here--good job.

*frowns* But the anime does portray Anzu as a sort of unexistent character. In the manga, she is much more lively. Especially when she threatens to kill Yuugi and Jounochi if they tell the school that she has a job, and when she nearly knocks out Prof. Yoshimori with a nice ol' whack on the head with a globe. ^__^

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