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"Sips of Blood" Reviews/Comments [ 82 ]
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 Reviewed By: Maliksgirl1125 [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 29, 2003 11:12 CST
Amane said everything I wanted to hear in ONE reveiw. Why I wanted to hear it? Well because I am a little shithead who likes to see people get angry. Now if you please ecuse me, I have one more reveiw to write...
 Title: To Amane
Reviewed By: Maliksgirl1125 [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 29, 2003 11:06 CST
FINNALLY! Somebody says what I want to hear! I don't know if you all are really stupid or what but Amane clearly isn't.
 Reviewed By: Hobbit Dweller  On: December 29, 2003 00:22 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I have to say that this is one of the best fanfics I have ever read...and it is very sad and disapointing that the reviewboard has basically turned into a war zone. If you have something to say about the fic...then say it, but if you really hate it that much...then the most logical...AND SMART thing to do is stop reading it...hell...I'm a total ditz and even I managed to figure that one out. Ryoko-chan, I commend you for putting up with everything and I really hope you'll continue this story for the more mature people out there that respect the fact that over 1 million people in the world probably watch this show so claiming one person to yourself probably isn't a good idea unless you enjoy have lots of enemies... anywho, I've spoken my word and I really really really hope you update this story because it is awesome Hobbit Dweller
 Reviewed By: Ryoko-chan [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 28, 2003 23:53 CST
Malik's Girl... I have notice you have no e-mail or AIM or whatever listed? Are you that much of a wuss? And have you read my note? I doubt it you little shit. You morbidly obese little shit. I want to fucking wring your neck and hear you beg for me to release you and let you live. If you were really immortal, I know you would not scream and beg to live. You lie you little shit. I don't like people acting as if they are above me. You should start reading long paragraphs and notes, you find messages in them. That is amazing, isn't it? And if I ruled the world, I'd torture you and never let you die. I have to end this now becuase I have mean parents, but I shall be back.
 Title: Ryoko-chan, you're and awesome writer, and flamers, get a life you losers!
Reviewed By: Akumu Megami  On: December 28, 2003 23:16 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Ryoko-chan,I'd like to say that I am very pleased that you re-posted Sips Of Blood. And I'd also like to say that this is of the best 10 Yaoi stories I've ever read! ^^ You're writing is wonderful, and you're really good at describing things, and the plot and all that is totally awesome. But, I must ask you, please keep posting on MM.org, because sadly, some people can't go to AFF.net. Any way, great work!!!!! Keep it up!!!! And, a bit of a Request/Challege, do you think you could write a Yami Malik/Ryou ficcie? I love that pairing more than anything, and it's really hard to find fics for that pairing. Do you think you could write one? To Malik's Girl or whatever name she goes by at the moment, I don't really care... You really need to get a life, seriously. Malik and Marik, they are cartoons, as sad as it is. And, if they were alive, they wouldn't waste their time with love and relationships, and they especially wouldn't waste their time with an obssesed moronic fan girl like you. A. They're heartless bastards, and nobody can really argue with that. They'd kill you within stepping 3 feet of them. B. It's not in their character make-up to love somebody. They exist to be fictional villians you moron. About the you having a Mill. Rod replica. Who gives a shit? So you have a big metal stick that's painted gold and has fancy designs on it, who cares? What does it matter? Why do you even bring it up, nobody cares. Man, get a life. About looking death in the eye. Whoop-ity-doo. Everybody looks death in the eye at some point, and it doesn't mean a thing. At most, it makes you learn a lesson so you don't repeat a stupid mistake. It doesn't make you immortal, because,if it did, I'd be immortal many times over you dip-shit. And just because you've looked death in the eye, it makes you no more deserving of the completely fictional love of two murderous and insane cartoon characters. Why do you even review if all you're going to do is insult someone who writes better than you ever could? Cripes it's pathetic when somebody flames and excellent writer, telling them that they suck mind you, when they have no room to talk about having to talent in the writing department. I've read some of your sruff honey, and lemme tell you, you have no room to tell Ryoko-chan that her writing sucks. Just because it's your opinion doesn't make it fact, but you seem to have a hard time accepting that. As I've said, it's pathetic. Nobody likes you here, and of all the positive rviews here, you polute the whole story and positive feed back with your incesant bitching. Get a life you moron. It doesn't really matter if you hate the story. Just because you don't like the story doesn't mean Ryoko-chan should stop writing, or bend it to your will you idiot. And, a for having the same likes and dis-likes as Malik and Marik.... A. If you liked to murder people, you'd be dead by now. People are pretty serious with the death penalty these days ya know, and liking to murder little children a old people wouldn't help you in the least. B. You want to take over th world? Pft, don't make me laugh. Somebody of your 'great' stature couldn't even take over a drive-in resturant. C. The liking of blood. WEll, you idiot, everybody has to like blood to some point. Number one, it keeps you alive, and number two, you can't not appriciate it to some extense. D. If you really had a yami, you'd be in a pyschiatric ward right now. I'm surprised that your not in one right now you loony. If you were, we wouldn't have the problem of you and your dumbass flaming shit. E. So who cares if your a 'perfect and loving fan of Malik and Marik'? I'm a fan of them too, but do I go around and claim to own them? No. In fact, somebody does own them you idiot. Kazuki Takahashi owns all credit to anything Yu-Gi-Oh related, Malik, Marik, Ryou and Bakura included. I wonder if I smell a law suit for stealing. All in all, maybe we should just see if we can report you. You're simply a waste of time, and you don'tt deserve Ryoko-chan's attention.(I hope you realize that Ryoko-chan! ^^)Get a life, and please, if you want to say something to me, don'y beat around the bush. Try and use your stupid simple minded brain to think of something some-what intelligent to say back. *smrik* I know it's hard, but I'm hopeful that you have even anough intelligence to do that much. To all who is on Ryoko-chan's side and loves this fic.... Ya know, with all the Malik-what's-her-name hater here, we could make a club. ^^ Tee Hee, once again, GREAT JOB Ryoko-chan, keep it up! And I hope you liked my little note to you, Malik's Girl no baka! Toodles you idiotic Kisama, Kutabare too! >:D Akumu Megami p.s. And if you don't know what Kisama and Kutabare mean, I'm sure somebody would love to help you out.
 Title: fun with flames
Reviewed By: Ladyhellharpy  On: December 28, 2003 18:44 CST
i love the story. it looks like you are an anne rice fan as well. cool ;) i love the way the story is developing. also just for a sugestion... for the flames. put them into a big pile and make a bon fire, and dance naked under the full moon O.O *cough cough* well any ways keep wrighting and have fun with the flames ;) LadyHellHarpy
 Reviewed By: Amane  On: December 28, 2003 07:36 CST
Style of Writing: 9 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 9 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 9 of 10
Love the story, absolute freaking love it! ^_^ One of my fave parts was when Ryou finally made an appearance, thank heavens that he´s got a nice Mistress. ~_~ *glomps* Love you for that! ...even though I´m a rabid fan of torturing bishies. >_>;; The angstyness in the first chapter was devine, I soaked it up like a day in the sun. ^___^ I almost feel sorry for Malik´s Girl. o_o Almost. Is her life really so sad that she has to make up all of...this? *points to all the ludicrous things being displayed in her "reviews"* Also, does she have sticky shift key or what? o_O;; About the coma thing...do we laugh or cry? If she was in a coma then how did she suddenly wake up and get well enough to flame on here? ~_~ First thing that came to mind when I read about her claiming to have the same birth date as Malik and Bakura, was : 'Does she -really- know that they´re just fictional and everything about them is made up?' I, too, can make up some gorgeous bishounen and make sure they have the same birth date and blood type as me. It does by no means mean that we´re "meant for each other". Btw, how old is this girl? She´s clearly acting like a deranged teenybopper. Oh, and what´s this with having to be immortal to "deserve" Malik/Marik? So she almost died two times...big deal! I´ve almost died 5 times (2 near drownings, 3 car accidents; no comas, but with the whole resuscitation attempts 3 times) does that make -me- even more entitled to them? *smirks* Alrighty then... Give it up, dear, they´re f-i-c-t-i-o-n-a-l characters, you have no future with them.
 Reviewed By: Maliksgirl1125 [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 28, 2003 00:16 CST
 Title: Question
Reviewed By: Sailor Optimal Optimus [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 27, 2003 09:27 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 9 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 8 of 10
Overall Rating: 9 of 10
I must agree with many of the people that have reviewed this story, but I wish not to get involve with the fighting. If you have a comment, that is fine, but don't diss the authoress on how she writes. I am one too and I also dislike how people think they can change the storyline just because they don't like how it's written. As for replicas of Millennium Items, I have seen some made and sold on eBay awhile back and a few pictures of them on Janime's site. Now that I made it pretty clear of my standards for the reviews, I can get to my question about this fic, which I have been wondering for some time: Ryoko-chan, is Yami Yugi ever going to make an appearence in this fic? If so, is he going to be Marik's next slave and if so also, can you do a Y/M/Y lemon? If not, that's okay. I was just wondering because Yugi has mentioned him before in the chapters, but we have yet to see hide nor hair of him. Anyway, keep up the good work and Happy New Year.
 Reviewed By: malik$mariksgirl:)  On: December 26, 2003 19:07 CST
OK u dumb ass Maliksgirl1125 i STILL wish for u to die and if at all posible i shall help The God of Death to kill you even though he probobly doesnt need my help i owuld love to watch u die at his hands or MINE lets get somthing strait NO ONE likes you except your stupied friend who has her nose so far up ur ass i bet she can hardly breath but i wouldnt care if she died either becuz the world would be alot better off with out u or her you cunt ass bitch! JUST FUCKING GOAWAY and leave good authors alone just becuz u cant write doesnt mean u can dis others good writtings u dumb ass fucker! Oh and plz continue the story dont let bitched like Maliksgirl1125 ruin it for everyone else just block her from reviewing the story well ne wayz i hope you continue soon and once again LAY THE FUCK OFF Maliksgirl1125 b4 me and The God of Death hunt you down and KILL you and watch every drop of ur blood drip out of ur body
 Reviewed By: Maliksgirl1125 [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 24, 2003 22:16 CST
I forgot something as well. Are you flipping me off because thats your IQ or was that how many friends you had BEFORE your dog died.
 Reviewed By: Maliksgirl1125 [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 24, 2003 22:14 CST
Oh, but God of Death you have it all wrong. YOU'LL be the one laying at MY feet with nothing left but a few drops of blood. Oh and about the typing thing thing, BIG FUCKIN' DEAL!!!! Not like you're the perfect writer.
 Reviewed By: The God of Death  On: December 18, 2003 23:07 CST
oh and I for got some thing Maliksgirl1125. I like blood too, especially if it's you while your likying in a pool of it at my feet after you've been disemboweled, decapitated, and all of your apendages cut off then all of the peices sent through a tree shredder afterwards. -The God of Death
 Reviewed By: The God of Death  On: December 18, 2003 22:52 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
great job on the fic can't wait for more to maliksgirl125 this statement here "oh look. i'm out of the hospital. It fells so good to be back and annoy you" just proves how fucking mature you are, NOT REALLY. Jesus woman go somewhere else. no one wants to listen to your imature and uncalled for comments. ya know what i don't give two squirts of piss if you hate or like me because quite frankly i wish you would have died the world would have been better place with one less person like you in the world. and if your dumbass hasn't guesed yet, i fucking hate you to bitch oh by the way your welcome for the sympathy. people like your are the main reason why I hate the majority of the human race. -The God of Death PS: your little bitch Shesshomaru the Fallen Angel can blow me. now as i leave I throw both middle fingers in the air ponted ay you both. PPS: and it's "PPS" not"PSS" you fucking dumbshit
 Reviewed By: malik&mariks girl! :)  On: December 16, 2003 19:23 CST
Maliksgirl1125 how i wish u would have died u fucking dumb ass bitch go to hell! no one likes you there r NOT replicas of the milennium items or ppl would have talked about them DUH u stupied whore go to hell no one likes you so HA! oh and i love this story keep it up
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