"The New Student and Kagome's Secret" Reviews/Comments [ 1030 ] |
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Reviewed By: WaterGoddess9 [MediaMiner Member] On: September 22, 2004 19:39 CDT Comment/Review: Another amazing chapter. I am dreadfully sorry for not reviewing the other chapters. I have been so busy, returning to High School...it really does get in the way with my life. Oh well. I would like to give you those props you asked for. You deserve to be recognized for your excellent writing. Great job and hope to read some more of your amazing story soon! *hands rose* For a wonderful authoress like yourself. Byez.
Reviewed By: hanyou_gurl004 [MediaMiner Member] On: September 20, 2004 13:14 CDT Rating(s):Originality/Creativity: 9 of 10 Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10 Overall Rating: 9 of 10 Comment/Review: Hello! I really love this story! Very Creative! I can't help but feel sorry for InuYasha...That really sux. Just in case you're wondering who the hell I am, I just now started reading the fic and decided that i really like it so i'll continue reading! Keep up the awesome work and i eagerly await your next update! Signed, corinthia
Reviewed By: Higurashi Kagome [MediaMiner Member] On: September 18, 2004 12:14 CDT Rating(s):Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10 Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10 Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: really really really really really really really really really glad you up-date and can't wait to read more^_^
Reviewed By: Priestess Kylie-chan [MediaMiner Member] On: September 15, 2004 09:16 CDT Comment/Review:
Reviewed By: Sandyin On: September 15, 2004 03:01 CDT Rating(s):Style of Writing: 10 of 10 Spelling & Grammar: 7 of 10 Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10 Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10 Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: Very good story. I just spent three days reading up to this point and I'm in complete awe. This has to be one of the better fics I have read. Keep up the good work. I'll be looking forward to the next chapter. BTW Hurricanes do suck, and it REALLY sucks to live in Florida. Sandyin
Reviewed By: Lil'Inu [MediaMiner Member] On: September 14, 2004 23:56 CDT Comment/Review: i can't wait to see what happens. is Sess still alive? up date soon and keep up the good work!!
Reviewed By: VenomousEnchantress [MediaMiner Member] On: September 14, 2004 23:25 CDT Comment/Review:
Title: Sadness Reviewed By: VenomousEnchantress [MediaMiner Member] On: September 14, 2004 23:25 CDT Comment/Review: Awwwww 47 was a really sad chapter you gotta update soon and leave it off at a more upbeat ending to the next chapter.
Reviewed By: essie [MediaMiner Member] On: September 14, 2004 19:47 CDT Comment/Review: this is a great fanfic please update soon
Reviewed By: tbiris(not logged in) On: September 14, 2004 18:33 CDT Comment/Review: .... his parent's blood, so that's why he kept smelling it... damn Sesshomaru....
Reviewed By: akuma_river [MediaMiner Member] On: September 14, 2004 15:23 CDT Comment/Review: cools beans.
Reviewed By: InuChicka07 [MediaMiner Member] On: September 14, 2004 13:59 CDT Rating(s):Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10 Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: YAY!New chapter! .:does happy dance:. Thankz for clearing up those thing,some I knew some I didn't.And you do get props for updating so fast...infact I didn't get to review te last chapter lol.Can't wait til the next chapter.
Reviewed By: Priestess Kylie-chan [MediaMiner Member] On: September 14, 2004 12:59 CDT Comment/Review:
Reviewed By: yasmin On: September 14, 2004 08:26 CDT Rating(s):Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Comment/Review: OMG!! so emotional!!!!!! i love it and on top of that i just happened to be playing a song from the series lol crazy right ! anywayz cant wait for the next chappy!!!!!!!
Reviewed By: Miztikal_Dragon nsi On: September 14, 2004 02:31 CDT Rating(s):Spelling & Grammar: 3 of 10
Comment/Review: w00t! *does a happy dance* lol please keep up the great work and update asap. I can't wait to find out what happens next. Poor Inuyasha...I'd cry too...So uh..er...If you're done with Fluffy can I have him? *smirks* lol uh..Until next time, Krystal.
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