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"Marik's Insane Plot or Bakura gets pissed!" Reviews/Comments [ 97 ]
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 Reviewed By: Calcifer [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 13, 2008 06:55 CDT
Finally finished this. Was laughing the whole time. Honestly, it was hard to stop reading. And the story annoyed me so much.... Keep up the good work! ~Angel
 Reviewed By: Calcifer [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 12, 2008 19:39 CDT
Style of Writing: 8 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 9 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 2 of 10
Overall Rating: 9 of 10
I hate this story. The plot is ridiculous, the characters are out of character, and scene changes are abrupt. I can't stop reading this. It's just so fascinating, I find myself staying up late, trying to read more... You astound me. heart Keep up the good work! ~Angel
 Reviewed By: Kurayami Ryuu [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 24, 2006 12:44 CST
*whimper* OMG... that ending was... *sniffle*... so touching...! XD Oi, I lurve this fic to death! So friggin addicting, kind of like chocolate, or coffee ice-cream (mmm, coffeeeeeeee and iiiiiiice-creeeeeeam...). I've been reading it for like a week now, because I'm slow like that, and let me tell you that it's a miracle anything could keep my attention that long! Many thanks to Tjay Motou for hooking me up ^^ I shall definitely remember the life-changing experience of reading this for years to come! *stamps with Fanatical Yaoi Fangirl's Seal of Approval*
 Reviewed By: emo  On: May 10, 2005 23:48 CDT
i really like it so far ryou's family are still all GODDAMNED BITCHES but anyways i noticed you wanted to know where you can get doujinshis? well here is a site where you can get all sorts of doujinshis. the address i am going to give you will lead straight to the yugioh section but you can access other sections from this part of this part of this site. even though they might not have what you want at the moment all you have to do is go to the top of the page and click on the words "show unavailable items" then click on the title of the doujinshi you want. you will then notice on the right side of the screen there will be words that say "i am looking for this item" a little bit above that there a box asking you for your e-mail give your e-mail and click on the words stated above. as soon as the item becomes available, they will e-mail you. okay nowfor the link http://jpqueen.com/onlineshop/searchresults.asap?KEYWORD=&TITLE=yuugiou &AUTHOR=&Lang=&CATE=&SKIP=0&OPT= well i hope i have been of some assisstance to you keep writing!
 Reviewed By: emo  On: May 10, 2005 21:51 CDT
This is a really good fic unlike other fanfic writers you spell well and it has a really good plot line.And every story needs an evil villian,and your story has one of the most evilest of evil villians i have ever heard of.and by the evil villian i mean ryous stepmother.THAT EVIL GODDAMNED BITCH!HOW DARE SHE INSULT RYOU!AND SHE EVEN INSULTED THE MIGHTY THEIF KING BAKURA!I BET SHE IS AN ESCAPED CONVICT FROM JAIL! HELL NOT EVEN THE MOST CUTTHROAT OF PEOPLE WOULD SAY SUCH THINGS! SHE IS NOT HUMAN!SHE DOESNT DESERVE TO LIVE!SHE DOESNT EVEN DESERVE TO BE CALLED SHE!FROM NOW ON I SHALL CALL HER AN IT!I DONT KNOW IF SHE EVEN DESERVES THAT MUCH!HOW DARE SHE TELL RYOUS FATHER TO STOP TALKING TO RYOU . 89 IKJLO,KJMHGF VASDAS
 Reviewed By: Yami No Marik [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 02, 2004 20:59 CDT
This was one funny story. I liked it and the pairings.
 Reviewed By: Miroku's Sweet Baby and Seto's Sexy Slave  On: May 31, 2004 20:35 CDT
If you had continued that story any longer, I'm pretty sure that I'd be in the hospital from laughter...my ribs are so sore from reading your story...You should make the new one just as funny! I love your humour and sense of bizarreness...Yami/Yuugi Seto/Jounouchi Ryou/Bakura...those were some great pairings LMAO! Ja Ne my friend!
 Reviewed By: DugFinn [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 31, 2004 01:20 CDT
Hahahahaha!!! How amusing that you can just say, "Welp, I'm currently borded of this fic sooooo, the end! Poof! New fic!" Heh, heh. I'll bet lots of people will be disapointed, ne. Oh, well. Good run while it lasted! Oh! And yes! Damned Truce thing! It's an annoyance on eBay for me too! I was telling a few of my geeky(er) friends about my extreme obsession with Bakura when they look at me funny and are like, "The guy from the Star Wars book?" And I'm like, "Star Wars?! What the hell are talking about?!?" Yeah... Heh, I can't wait to see the new fic! I'll bet it'll be as great as this one! You're great a satire, yo! Keep it up! And get ready to dodge many angry rippened tomatoes from the hands of disgruntled fans. If all goes well, they won't /completly/ kill you for ending the fic like this, heh. Ja, till the next fic!
 Title: Fin
Reviewed By: Sweet-deily  On: May 31, 2004 01:00 CDT
That's the end... ahh well, it was good while it lasted. *wipes tears from her eyes* I shall read this new story you speak of, but only if it lives up to your standards. If you want anyone to beta for you, send me an email at sweetdeily@hotmail.com !!! Good story! Well done! *claps*
 Reviewed By: PerfectCell17 [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 30, 2004 12:53 CDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Awwww ending so soon? Anyways, I loved every chapter!
 Title: *bursts of giggling preceeding*
Reviewed By: Sweet deily  On: May 21, 2004 01:39 CDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Oh babe, you got it covered! *winces as she rights her chair* I love your funny way of writing this story, although I hope that wasn't the last chapter. Lol, I think you've made fun of just about every genre there is in this story, and boy, has it been good. Have you considered writing stories for certain cliches? You should enter YWL's cliche contest, I think you'd bag it! Here's the url: http://www.geocities.com/ywl_cc_again I hope you enter something, if only so we can read more of your brilliant work!
 Reviewed By: PerfectCell17 [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 20, 2004 16:32 CDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I loooooved this chapter! It was soo funny! 'Oooooooh Malik!' lol Poor Malik, oh well! Please update again soon!
 Reviewed By: KuraMagicianGirl [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 19, 2004 22:59 CDT
That was... unexpected, kinda. Lol All in all it was funny. I wonder what's next. Ud soon. Ja ne.
 Title: The wheels in Marik's head go swish, turn, splat!
Reviewed By: DugFinn [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 19, 2004 22:05 CDT
Ah, I love the absolutly pointlessness of this fic! That last plot twist at the end, were Malik lets Ryou go to go chase after Malik, my gods! Genius! Complete genius! It's so great, how this fic completly doesn't take itself seriously! Ah, I'm sated for the next week, until the next chapter comes along, hopefully soon, heh, 'cause the fic is freaking amusing!
 Reviewed By: KuraMagicianGirl [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 19, 2004 23:01 CDT
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Noo! There's no more. I want to read more now. Lol I loved it. It's so hilarious and deliciously fun. I do wonder what poor Ryou is going to do now. And I wonder how will Marik react when he finds out Ryou is no longer a virgin and what's he going to do about it now. Ud soon. Pretty please? Ja matte ne.
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