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"They'd Never Say That!!!" Reviews/Comments [ 96 ]
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 Reviewed By: Lapis Lazuli [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 17, 2004 23:59 CDT
You are so cool!!! I love your fic!!! very funny!! XD How about this? Seto Kaiba: Pink is like so my color! Sorry if its not too funny though... I did my best!
 Reviewed By: DreamingChild  On: May 17, 2004 20:14 CDT
Holy Moly that was cool! I thought that there would never be another funny they would never say that quote again! I can't believe how original these all were! *thinking* maybe I'll think of some more if I get the chance *falls asleep on couch, drooling her ass off* (great work!!)
 Reviewed By: F_D_C2003 not logged on  On: May 17, 2004 18:56 CDT
BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA THAT WAS GOOD PSYCHO!! Especially the one where they are all singing the Fairily Oddparents theme HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Srry I haven't been updating either, but im getting there. But e-mail me somtime, I have a new idea for a fic that is gonna be kinda like a music video, it hilarious. Well update soon (and I'll do the same) good work on dis chapter! ^^
 Title: Hey girl!
Reviewed By: Washu-Washu-chan (not logged in)  On: May 17, 2004 18:08 CDT
LOL!! yesss!! that was hystarical! MWHAHAHA!!! sorry/.. but i have some quotes for you about you.. lol.. don't kill me!! "bakura!! DIIIEEE!!!" - You " i hate you Psycho!" -Bakura (please don't kill me!! this is things never said) "Llama's RULE!!" -Yami (a man after my own heart) "hello, my name is bakura... i am a spirit.. and i have a pharaoh fetish!" -Bakura " Yugi, YOU ARE A FRICKIN MIDGIT!! I HATE YOU!!"-Anzu " I hate you all.. DIIIEEEE BARNEY!"- Yugi "oh yugi-boy.. will you marry me?!" -Pegasus (*gags and vomits*) "oh pegasus! i will!!! TAKE ME!!" -Yugi (*X.x*) "Yami!!! i'm going to kill you!! *stabs yami, laughing like a psycho-path* MWHAHAHA!!!" -Yugi (GASP!! *kills yugi for harming her yami!*) "i have a confession to make.. i stuff my bra!!" -Mai "aww!! Mai and yugi would make such a cute couple!!!" -Seto "oh pegasus, you are one sexy beast man.. i wuv you!!!"-Seto.. "AHH!!!!! flyyyy!! *cowers in fear*" -The yamis "Bandanas suck man!" -Keith Hope you like the ideas.. you do NOT have to use the ones i made about you.. i was just playing.. *cowers in fear of being killed* anyways.. update soon! ^_^ ~*~Washu~*~LOL!! yesss!! that was hystarical! MWHAHAHA!!! sorry/.. but i have some quotes for you about you.. lol.. don't kill me!! "bakura!! DIIIEEE!!!" - You " i hate you Psycho!" -Bakura (please don't kill me!! this is things never said) "Llama's RULE!!" -Yami (a man after my own heart) "hello, my name is bakura... i am a spirit.. and i have a pharaoh fetish!" -Bakura " Yugi, YOU ARE A FRICKIN MIDGIT!! I HATE YOU!!"-Anzu " I hate you all.. DIIIEEEE BARNEY!"- Yugi "oh yugi-boy.. will you marry me?!" -Pegasus (*gags and vomits*) "oh pegasus! i will!!! TAKE ME!!" -Yugi (*X.x*) "Yami!!! i'm going to kill you!! *stabs yami, laughing like a psycho-path* MWHAHAHA!!!" -Yugi (GASP!! *kills yugi for harming her yami!*) "i have a confession to make.. i stuff my bra!!" -Mai "aww!! Mai and yugi would make such a cute couple!!!" -Seto "oh pegasus, you are one sexy beast man.. i wuv you!!!"-Seto.. "AHH!!!!! flyyyy!! *cowers in fear*" -The yamis "Bandanas suck man!" -Keith Hope you like the ideas.. you do NOT have to use the ones i made about you.. i was just playing.. *cowers in fear of being killed* anyways.. update soon! hehe.. i just like my quote! ^_^ ~*~Washu~*~
 Title: Hilarious
Reviewed By: Yamifanner [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 17, 2004 17:33 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Hey, I have an idea. Have all of the Yugioh characters do a rap song. Any rap song that you heard before. It doesn't matter.
 Title: TOO FUNNY!!!!!!!
Reviewed By: Yamifanner [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 17, 2004 17:25 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
WOW!!! TOO FUNNY *LAUGHS SO HARD THAT SHE CANNOT BREATH* FUNNY AS HECK!!!!!! WRITE MORE!! By the way, Mai's japanese last name is Kujaku. Just to remind out, that's all.
 Reviewed By: The Almighty Elena  On: May 17, 2004 15:04 CDT
teehee ,,,,FUNNY! WANT MORE~!
 Reviewed By: Madyamisam not logged in  On: May 17, 2004 09:47 CDT
The last one was a quote by Lord of the Rings. ^____^
 Reviewed By: Madyamisam not logged in  On: May 17, 2004 09:47 CDT
I got some more: AND I-e-I-e-IIIIII!!!! WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU WHOOO I AND I WILL AWAYS LOVE YOOOOOOOOUUUUUU!!!!!!- Bakura/Yami Marik AAARRRGGGHHHH!!!! I'M SORRY!!!! I'M SORRY!!!! I DIDN'T MEAN TO RIP YOUR BLUE EYES UP!!! I... I'M SO SORRY!!!! SKIN ME ALIVE I DESERVE IT!!!! I SHOULD CRAWL INTO A HOLE AND DIEEEEE!!!!! *Seto starts crawling on all fours with a carpet over his back going around in circles* I'M SSSSSOOOOORRRRRYYYYY....!!!! -Seto Fell deads awake, now for wrath, now for ruin. and a red dawn!!!! FORTH EORLINGAS!!!!-Joey
 Reviewed By: Madyamisam not logged in  On: May 17, 2004 08:44 CDT
Oh, oh, oh I got one I got one!!!! Joey is such a smart puppy... and he's a brilliant duellist- Seto... Hehe... Seto called me puppy.. *love hearts all over the place* I feel loved- Joey Your my bwestest friend in the world Seto/Joey-kun -Seto/Joey.... Ok so I got three... never mind... XP
 Reviewed By: Rin and Jou  On: May 17, 2004 08:33 CDT
You've offically made me laugh ^_^ Which is good considering I'm being an idiot and skipping school today (I really don't want to see him today -_- You know waht I mean). And I LOVED Yuugi's line from the Princesss Bride! That's like the best line from that entire movie ^_^ See ya! Rin
 Reviewed By: Rowan Girl [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 24, 2004 11:57 CDT
WTF, you haven'y updated in sooo long! *getting turned into that priestess thing in the first duel you see him in* Me? Committing suicde? Nonsense! I'm doing it so my Yami won't get hurt! ^___^ -Ryou *hugs* Ryou, I love you! Give me a kiss! -Bakura
 Reviewed By: Silver_Griffon_Girl [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 04, 2004 18:11 CDT
LOL! That's soooo funny! continue! I've got some: Espa: *selling brothers on EBay* WHAHAHA! ~~~ Weevil: *Calling bug exterminator* *sets flea bombs* By you alful, discusting bugs! ~~~ Joey: Mako, for your birthday I got you a tropical fish in a bowl. Mako: Great! *bites fish's head off* Joey: o.O ~~~ Kaiba: I'm a pretty pony, clickety-clack, clickety-clack, such a little pony, clickety-clack, clickety-clack, I love to have my clothes on all day long, it's fun to be a CEO of Kaibacorp like me! ~~~ Rex: Mai, you're a bitch. Dinosaurs are retarded, otherwise they would be alive now.
 Title: Ideas
Reviewed By: Dragon_of_1000_Lands [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 12, 2004 14:48 CST
1000LD: Hmmm... Lets see... ok. "I FINALLY HAVE ALL THREE GOD CARDS!*eats cards*"-Marik. "I NOW HAVE ALL 7 MILLENIUM ITEMS! NOW I SHALL USE THEIR COMBINED POWER TO BLOW UP THE WORLD!"-Téa/Anzu. "Joey, you're such a loser."-Yugi/Ryou. "Yugi, screw me."-Dark Magician Girl. I hope these work.
 Reviewed By: Mariks Queen  On: February 18, 2004 23:35 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 2 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
you ppl r hysterical, how do you come up with it??? MWWWAAAAHHHHAAAAA!!!! Sry, got a date w/ Yami Marik, I'll tell him to spare your souls!!! (psychotic laugh) *May the shadows feast and gorge upon your worthless souls!!!
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