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"Dead Famous" Reviews/Comments [ 1081 ]
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 Reviewed By: Tiranth@yahoo.com  On: December 05, 2003 09:27 EST
Wonderful chapter! I'm sorry people are flaming you. If you decide to change screen names please let me know! I really want to see the rest of this story. Waiting makes me enjoy the chap that much more when it gets here!
 Reviewed By: Kate ^_^  On: December 05, 2003 09:05 EST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
SORRY to bother you guys again... ^ ^;; gomen nasai! but i wanted to apologize to MissNikki... i REALLY hope i didn't offend you! ::bows:: i'm SOOOO sorry!!!! ^ ^;; i really didn't mean to... *sigh* i feel like such a jerk... i'm SOO sorry... i WILL do better! promise! and i'll keep my opinion to myself from now on... promise!!! i didn't mean to upset you or RozeFire... i'm SOO sorry you guys! and to any of the other reviewers that i might have upset or annoyed. i'm REALLY sorry! umm... f-forgive m-me? ^ ^; ~Kate
 Reviewed By: Kate ^_^  On: December 05, 2003 08:54 EST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
this chapter was HALLARIOUS!!!! XD XD XD LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yea. i was laughing SOOO hard at the whole kitten part! lol!!! XD XD that was REALLY funny... ^_^ oh, an umm... i'm really really REALLY sorry if my last review bothered you... ^ ^; i'm despreatly trying to get over how very opinionated i am... and i'm really sorry i didn't trust that you wouldn't write anything..ubjectional. ^ ^; gomen nasai... gomen nasai... just call me dork. ::runs in circles singing the "i'm a dork song":: that reminds me. what was that song called by Five Iron Frenzy? i think it was "Am I am Idiot"... i think... ANYWAY! off the subject again! ^ ^; gomen gomen. but yea. i truly love your fic (it's my favorite one...), and i'm REALLY REALLY sorry if i came across as pushy or annoying or anything... gomen nasai! ^ ^; i'll do better! promise! ::big Luffy grin:: ::extends hand:: shake? lol anyway... please please please please PLEASE forgive me if i was being pushy... please? *sigh* i think i REALLY should shut up now... i always end up talking to much.. (another disability of mine. ^ ^;;) but yea. thank you so much for updating! ja ne! ^_^ ~Kate
 Title: an apology
Reviewed By: MissNikki-again  On: December 05, 2003 05:23 EST
I have read your other stories and there so good... I don't mind that you don't update everyday and i like the way you update...another thing...as my friend bb pointed out you don't include lemons in your stories so with the lemons excluded i would like as much fluff as possible even if the characters are un aware of them being...*thinks* fluffy! And I'm s...s...sor...sorry if i made you feel unappreciated. And about Kate...you don't have to consider it a flame of another reviewer beacause its no-....ok ok so it is and i apology to you but not Kate...it's her opinion but i don't have to like it and i stated my opinion to her opinion and in my opinion her opinion sucked. yes i am very childest and i don't care. However I'm willing to keep all my comments about other reviewers to myself...under the this one condition...I haven't thought of the condition yet so you'll have to wait...BTW the first sample review you gave is just no right...It's the authors right to update when she wants and It's not like she's asking everyone who reads the story to review...a review is for suggestions and if you have none don't review...btw my suggestion is more fluff...You are fast becoming one of my favorite authors and i just enjoy reading your stories...if i become a little to pushy ignore it...it's how i was raised an only child for 3 years with 7 adults...do the math...it was like i was spoiled for 21yrs. so old habits are hard to break...i hope you accept my a...apo...apolog...apology....and i know how it is for a author of great stories...well not really but i have gotten threaten emails for me to update and well i don't respond to them...well yes i do i postpone posting the chapter...but don't take my advice...follow your own...Damn i just need to learn to keep my big mouth shut...which you probably agree with...so i'm gonna go and read the rest of the story...This is not the first time i've been including in yours or any authors a/n. and i thought that maybe it was me and not the author doing wrong...so i'll review later for the next chapter that you will post at you own pace. luv ya!
 Title: Thank You
Reviewed By: Aditu [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 05, 2003 05:10 EST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
As always your new chapters are an absolute joy to read. I love the sense of humor you incorporate in them, I laugh and smile throughout the pleasurable moments I spend in the morning with my coffee when I get to read your updates, a nice way to start the day I must say. Well, except for the author note at the beginning. I was astounded, to say the least, that there are actually ?people? that have the stupidity to send such flames to you. It makes me ill to see that such ...errgh...megalomaniacs (it's the only word I could think of without lowering myself to cussing fluently) have the temerity to not only say such horrible and untrue things but the nerve to do so with the grammer a five year old would find horrid. Overall I am just appalled by their complete lack of any human dignity and comprehension... were they actually human after all? I apologize for ranting just now, but I found myself livid over these unmitigated insults considering the fact that your fics are so enjoyable and you are such a dedicated writer. I hope that those beings (or whatever they are in human form) never grace/curse your inbox again, though I know that stupidity isn't a disease that is exactly curable unfortunately. On behalf of your fans that appreciate your excellent talent and dedication, finding no fault in what you give us, I thank you and hope that you will continue to believe that we are not like them by any means whatsoever. We understand that you do have a life beyond fanfiction, as us readers do beyond reading them lol, and are grateful that you provide us with what you do. So, again thank you for the new chapter, it was wonderful. Oh, and thank you for the little note at the end about InuYasha being 15, I had thought he was about that age since he does look like it when he is in his human form especially, and would also explain a lot about why he acts the way he does too. Just a thought, lol. Have a great day and Best Wishes
 Reviewed By: Precious [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 04, 2003 22:23 EST
Before I begin my review, I would like to say that I am deeply sorry for the trouble the ignorant reviewers are giving you. Please don't end the Rozefire Saga. There is nothing wrong with your pace. As a matter a fact, you are posting more quickly than usual. And people how can you expect her to write faster for this story and still work on the other ones, too? Anyway...InuYasha was very naughty. Pulling over the car just to take advantage of her. Didn't Kikyo already tell him not to taint Kagome? I knew he would go through the balcony. I can't believe he made her sleep on the floor! And he didn't even give her a blanket. But it was sweet of him to put her in her room like that. But that doesn't mean Kagome isn't going to fotget to kill him once the ringing in her head stops. Can't wait 'til that! So the match is the 2 days after Kagome got drunk? Hmm. Guess I got they days mixed up. Who is he suppose to be going against anyway? Wonder if Kagome will have enough strenght play cheerleader again.(It was so cute the last time.) She'll probably throw up at the sight of blood hitting the mat. When is InuYasha going to ask Kikyo about the 'reason' Kagome is back. Hope Miroku passed on his some what lie. As always, great chapter. Can't wait for the next one! And Inu is how old! My gods! This is not go for me. If he was real, I'd be cradle robbing!
 Reviewed By: Happy Person  On: December 04, 2003 19:59 EST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Technically I haven't read the chapter yet. I just don't have time. I just wanted to say thank you for getting a chapter to us so soon. I can barely contain myself!
 Reviewed By: Happylama2202 [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 04, 2003 19:25 EST
Style of Writing: 9 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I love this fic. I've been around since your first chapter! :) Don't pay too much attention to this yahoo -- I still have stories in my favorites that haven't update for MONTHS...the readers out there can handle a few DAYS. I think that a compliant to Mediaminer is definately in order. What a dork. Keep writing! :)
 Reviewed By: Vicsy  On: December 04, 2003 19:12 EST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Love the story so far. Very diffrent from all the other stories I read. And I think you do a good job at keeping up with the updates. But I still want you to update soon :)
 Title: ignore them
Reviewed By: Katina108 [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 04, 2003 19:01 EST
I'm sorry that people are e-mailing you and demanding you update. I believe these people do not have real lives, and do not live in the real world. While I think most people here are in college or higher, there are still younger folks out there.. but none the less.. it's the end of the semester and EVERYONE has huge products. I enjoy faster updates than longer updates, but I know you have a real life. I love your fic, it is one of my favorites. Good job, keep up the good work!
 Reviewed By: InuKitsuneMIko(not signed in)  On: December 04, 2003 18:46 EST
uh oh... kagome's mad and inuyasha's gonna have hell 2 pay... 2 bad she doesn't kno about Inuyasha helping her and stuff! i hope her hangover goes away soon! i hate it when characters r drunk so hangovers r like the same thing!
 Reviewed By: Irrel (not signed in u_u)  On: December 04, 2003 18:33 EST
what??? Inuyasha is supposed to be 15?? I always thought he was older... would that mean Kikyo was 15 too?... I've always thought she was like... 20 lol. Anyway! Nice chapter, I actually thought Kagome was going to do something with Inuyasha that she was goint to regret, but she only wanted to touch his ears lol!! Well, keep them coming, I don't know why people complaint about how fast you update, you are the ´fastest writer I've ever known!
 Title: Yeah
Reviewed By: Janne15  On: December 04, 2003 18:20 EST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Thanks so much for this chapter. You update really fast so don't mind those stupid people cause they have never written a fanfic before. Update for us who love this fanfic cause it's the best. I just saw your fanart on the gay bar scene, lol, it was so good. Can't wait to read what happens next. And please don't forget about your other fanfics. I love 28 days and hope you'll update it soon. Thanks, ciao!
 Reviewed By: Condannare  On: December 04, 2003 18:14 EST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I appreciate everything that you do with this story (and all your others)! You put a TON of time into each and every one of them and I, for one, am forever grateful for you giving us readers wonderful pieces of work. Ü (and you certainly update MUCH faster than most of the other authors - once again, much appreciated. A person can only do so much, and you are doing more than enough by putting so much time towards giving the rest of us such wonderful stories.) Thank you.
 Title: Kagome
Reviewed By: Inuyashas kagome [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 04, 2003 17:45 EST
((HUGS)) I'm sorry people are being so mean. I'm amazed that they think you're too slow coz I think the rate at which you write this is nothing short of phenomenal. Not only that, but you do such a great job in such a short space of time. The humour in your stories are wonderful. Don't let em get you down, just remember you have plenty of fans who truly appreciate your talent and are perfectly happy to get to read your story whenever you can manage to get it posted. luv Kag (p.s point em in my direction and I'll send a purity arrow their way! ^-^
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