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"Dead Famous" Reviews/Comments [ 1081 ]
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 Reviewed By: InusDemoness [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 19, 2003 02:30 EST
 Reviewed By: Kitsune_Bi [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 18, 2003 20:50 EST
I'm just itching to see how Kagome and Inuyasha continue to meet, even though Kagome's week is practically up. Hmmm.. I wonder who tried to kill Kouga? GREAT STORY!
 Reviewed By: Inuheart...not on  On: November 18, 2003 18:58 EST
That was a great fic~!! I'm almost sad that there's going to be fluff because i've had so much fiun reading the insults that they've hurled at each other...but since i'm a sucker for fluff, i'm looking foward to it a lot. Inuyasha was shot at ~oh i'm sry...NEAR~ a gay bar?! hey i'd be sensitive about it if i was shot near a lesbian bar. i was wondering...Do you write a draft for your story before on paper? cuz u seem to update very quickly. could u mail me the link to ur site and tell me if you draft? my e-mail is ynh1991@hotmail.com thanks and update when u can^^
 Title: pleaz help!
Reviewed By: Sume  On: November 18, 2003 14:59 EST
Ahhh! It's getting so good!!!! Ohh! Can you please email me a link to your webpage? My email is Sumechick15@aol.com cuz whenever i try to get on it with mediaminer my computer freezes so please email me a link to your sight and keep writing! Sume
 Reviewed By: Tiranth(again not signed in too lazy :))  On: November 18, 2003 13:55 EST
Another excellent chapter! Inu/Kag fluff in the next chap?? *does the happy dance*
 Reviewed By: Katina108 [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 18, 2003 13:34 EST
yay!! fluff!! super fluff!! *giggles and dances* Good chapter! Keep up the good work!
 Reviewed By: yasmin [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 18, 2003 12:41 EST
you are so bad i swera always leaving us with cliffhangers. anyways cant wait till spark up thing between kagome and inuyasha
 Reviewed By: flame81 [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 18, 2003 11:43 EST
god i'm so addicted to this story.. I hope it will never end.. or perhaps you just could never stop writing ^.^
 Reviewed By: Irrel (not signed in u_u)  On: November 18, 2003 11:24 EST
FLUFF!!!!! yes... god I need that u_u
 Reviewed By: Ithilwen [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 18, 2003 07:55 EST
Shapeshifty Naraku! Shapeshifty Naraku! No one will believe Kagome because she's supposed to be a star-struck girl, and someone got footage of Naraku-as-Inuyasha shooting Kouga! And no one will believe that Kagome and Inuyasha really don't like each other because of that awful smooch! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Oh. Okay. Still, shapeshifty Naraku!! And I'll like knowing how they're going to get Kagome to stay around longer. ...or if they do.
 Reviewed By: angelbabe17(not signed in)  On: November 18, 2003 06:25 EST
yeay!!fluff is coming!! im so excited!! *doing a happy dance*
 Reviewed By: Inuheart..not on  On: November 17, 2003 20:27 EST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
You update so much i love it~!! I cant update...am i retarted? anyways that was a great new chapter. I loved the whole porn thing! wait...that didnt come out right...Inuyasha's getting arrested...i wonder if he really did it..well i think he'd do it...but who knows? i'm really looking foward to the next chapter^^
 Title: Holy Crap
Reviewed By: Tiranth (Not signed in again...sigh)  On: November 17, 2003 10:15 EST
Poor Inu...what's gonna happen to him?? Wait a tic...wasn't he with Kagome all morning?? :)
 Reviewed By: Kate ^_^  On: November 16, 2003 19:24 EST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
YEAH!!!!! another chappie! arigato gosaiamasu! arigato gosaiamasu! ^-^ yay! oh, and i'll make a note, the i LOVE the fact the the chappters are steadily getting longer, and i LOVE the fact that you update at least once a week, and i LOVE the fact that you're including Kouga-kun in this fic and LLLOOOVVVEEE the fact that Inuyasha and Kagome are taking an eternity to like each other! YAY!!!!!!!!!!! ::hugs author:: (can't you tell i like your fic? ^_^) so yea. oh, i'm sorry i didn't review when you posted this (which i don't know when... Friday or Saturday i'm guessing) but i spent a nice long weekend at my aunts house, so i couldn't check up for another chapter. ^ ^; gomen gomen. anyway, update soon, and i'll be waiting! ja ne! ~Kate
 Reviewed By: Kitsune_Bi [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 16, 2003 11:34 EST
dun dun dun.... I LOVE this story!
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