"The Arrangement" Reviews/Comments [ 241 ] | Pages (17): [ « ‹ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 ›  » ] | Title: Wheres the art at Reviewed By: questionable person On: August 25, 2004 06:10 EDT Rating(s):Style of Writing: 10 of 10 Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10 Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10 Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10 Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: I wanted to see the art that some of the readers made for this fic. Where can I find it?
| Title: I like Reviewed By: Narutofan11 [MediaMiner Member] On: August 25, 2004 05:40 EDT Rating(s):Style of Writing: 10 of 10 Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10 Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10 Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10 Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: I enjoyed this fic. Did I miss something or did the bad guys just decide to give up on the G boys? If I missed it then oh well guess I'll just have to read it again.(he he he) I will be looking for more stories from you.
| Title: Whats next? Reviewed By: The reader On: August 25, 2004 05:36 EDT Rating(s):Style of Writing: 10 of 10 Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10 Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10 Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10 Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: I liked the story. I wanted to find out what you would be writing next. I'm sure it will be equaly as good if not better. Don't let anyone tell you long storys are the pits because there not. I like the pace of this story and look forword to the next.(if there is one and I'm hoping there will be) I understand if you take a break, who would blame you after this one but don't leave us hanging too long. Good stories demand to be read. Thank you for your time.
| Reviewed By: cath On: August 23, 2004 20:34 EDT Comment/Review: Egad! Wufei wasn't the only one shattering from this fic; how many readers have freaked out along the way? It's like being manic-depressive on a 3-minute cycle - Wufei's angsting=DOWN - ohh, Heero's being nice, gentle lemon=UP - ooo, maybe it's a nightmare=DOWN - oh, it's not, how sweet=UP - Wufei finally hits his limit and bares his soul (hopeful up) but, to no apparent good effect=DOWN, etc Aaagh! Can't wait for the next installment, meanwhile I'm self-medicating this disorder with chocolate...
| Reviewed By: Droom On: August 22, 2004 06:00 EDT Comment/Review: His lover! Awwww he called him lover. XD Apart from the fangirly squeals I made at that, I kept bracing myself while reading the lemon. x.x Y'know, as in... 'reading a little bit, clicking the fic away because _something_ is bound to happen to make it less happy and all 'gaaaah'. So I stopped reading for 10 times, at least, just bracing myself, and I obviously didn't brace myself enough. -_-;;; Gah! *twacks them both* Well, Wufei needed to get that out of his system. But still. *wacks* And Heero! *wacks him too* It was great, still. Frustrating, but great. So great I forgot I can't speed read, but starting doing so at the end of the chapted and at one point read; 'Heero made no sound as his jaw hit the ground.' Instead of; 'Heero made no sound as he hit the ground, his shoulder thumping against the bed, his head whipped around by the backhand to his jaw.' *snickers* I'd actually finished the chapter before I went 'errr that can't be right'. *coughs* Anyway, that got rid of some of the frustration I felt with the cliff hanger. ...They're both stupid. *hugs 'em anyway*
| Reviewed By: RaceUlfson [MediaMiner Member] On: August 22, 2004 00:36 EDT Comment/Review: You made me cry again! Could Heero try any harder? I do think Wufei is right, Heero has been getting advice from different people (I suspect Quatre and Sally) and trying everything. He's done everything and Wufei still won't wake up and smell the cat food. That was one heckovan emotionally charged scene, brilliantly done, too. The fight coming on the heels of that sweet - and very hot- love scene was very powerful. The ending: talk about adding injury to insult! ::sighs and goes to check the calender to see how much longer until an update::
| Reviewed By: RaceUlfson [MediaMiner Member] On: August 22, 2004 00:24 EDT Comment/Review: Arg! I forgot the main thing I wanted to say! The kiss was so sweet and awkward and perfect. Heero is trying so hard. I was thinking, Heero has trouble communicating and is emotionally stunted due to his horrible childhood. If Duo were Heero's lover, he would teach him communication skills and help him be better socialized. Wufei did not, and in fact never seems to have thought of changing Heero in any way. Is it because he loves Heero so much, just the (perfect) way he is?
| Reviewed By: RaceUlfson [MediaMiner Member] On: August 22, 2004 00:05 EDT Comment/Review: Chinese Poles 2 before going on to read 3, and let me tell you, it's not easy to make myself wait like this! But I had to comment on this great chapter before I got all over whelmed and unable to say more than "wow". First, the urge to spank is still here. Is Wufei being deliberatly thick or is he so messed up that it truly never occured to him that Heero loves him? I really like how you balanced the chapter, by the way, the humor and pathos. Like Wufei wanted to set fire to the couch to get out of the conversation, and his fantasies of J being tortured in Hell. I loved how, for someone who claimed not to be homosexual in the beginning, Wufei totally missed the passes Sally was throwing at him while he was fretting about wanting sex. Poor jealous Wufei. Like Heero would sleep with anyone except a fellow gundam pilot. I loved the bit about the track. Still the best, even injured and messed up.
| Reviewed By: Stardance On: August 21, 2004 23:03 EDT Rating(s):Style of Writing: 10 of 10 Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10 Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10 Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10 Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: Please...please...please...(you've seen this one before)...please finish the last chapters soon. I can't concentrate on any other fics until this one is finished. PLEASE!!!
| Reviewed By: mikal On: August 21, 2004 13:32 EDT Comment/Review: gosh. things have really hit rock bottom haven't they? if only heero would just talk and say what he's thinking. and wufei is just so set on the idea that heero feels nothing for him that he ignores any sign that he might. ARGH. what's wrong with both of them???
| Reviewed By: RedHedLvr [MediaMiner Member] On: August 20, 2004 08:01 EDT Comment/Review: Do these two need couples counceling or what? I think Wufie is giving Duo a run for his money in the motor mouth department. I'll say it again, poor Heero. What's he gotta do to prove his worth (love?) here? And the thought that Wufie is JEALOUS is just incredible. Nice touch that. It's gonna be a long two weeks til the next update. If we ask nice and give puppy dog eyes can ya make it sooner?
| Reviewed By: Self_Insertion On: August 20, 2004 03:29 EDT Comment/Review: I am SO close to beating Wufei up. So, so, so VERY close! This is a perfect fic. I love it.
| Reviewed By: Sakura_Harusame [MediaMiner Member] On: August 19, 2004 20:59 EDT Rating(s):Style of Writing: 10 of 10 Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10 Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10 Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10 Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: Wow... I've read this entire fic so far and I don't think I've reviewed once... >< I feel bad now! But I truely love it. This has to be one of the most original fics I've ever read. It's dark and heartwrenching, not to mention so believible. You have a wonderful writting style and a unique sence of what makes it good. I like that in a fic, but more so I like that in a writter. Oh ya! I almost forgot! It says in 'Fei's PoV that Heero's is his lover. It's never said that before. I noticed that as soon as I read that line. Please update soon!
| Title: Part Two Reviewed By: Pixie Smith [MediaMiner Member] On: August 19, 2004 18:24 EDT Comment/Review: (continued) guess, and pray, and hope… //Heero's face was set in cold fury, but there was something else twisting his body; horror, pain, knotting his fists and making them tremble. But apart from that single denial, he said nothing.// Yes I have hope, Heero just needs some lessons on effective communication! //The words caught in Heero's mouth. "You-you know-"// This is where Heero almost has a heart attack because he thinks Wufei knows he has feelings for him. This is the crucial moment where he should have told Wufei that he has *FEELINGS* (Well, inasmuch as it is possible for Heero to possess feelings)!!! Do it Heero!!! All the readers are behind you!!! Sigh, he just couldn't do it could he? He instead let Wufei wander down his sorry path of believing he didn't mean a single thing to Heero. *Shakes head sadly*. I wonder where Wufei's gone? What's he going to do now? Is Heero's going to chase him? Question, questions, questions. So many questions, some of which shall be answered in the next instalment of this outstanding fic. I'll be waiting!!!
| Reviewed By: Pixie Smith [MediaMiner Member] On: August 19, 2004 18:23 EDT Comment/Review: *Sighs*. I had a feeling from your author's notes in the last chapter that things would take a turn for the worse - well, even worse than they'd already gotten. I mean, I know Heero's a smart guy, but sometimes when it counts most Heero's so obtuse. Here Wufei was practically laying himself bare by asking Heero if he was worried and Heero came back with the brilliant response, //Of course I was worried. You were drugged, and you're a highly skilled warrior. If you'd snapped, grown violent, Winner wouldn't be able to do more than slow you down.// Great work, Heero, great work, that's exactly what an emotionally vulnerable dragon needed to hear - Idiot!!! ***All this time I'd thought that Heero knew what he wanted from Wufei yet didn't know how to express himself properly, but now finding out that Heero doesn't want anything from Wufei makes me sad, especially after Wufei allowed himself to consider Heero his lover. Then again, I'm thinking Heero must want something from Wufei, maybe he just never thought of it in the same context Wufei is thinking of it in, after all, if Heero doesn't care for Wufei you'd have a pretty difficult time wrapping this story up within the next two chapters. I'm thinking Wufei just misinterpreted the situation. //Wufei noted the way the blue eyes dilated sharply as he hit close to home.// Did he really hit close to home, or did blue eyes widen in shock because it was so *NOT* the truth? I know, I know, I'll find out in the epilogue, but it's fun to | Pages (17): [ « ‹ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 ›  » ] |