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"Kagome! Where are you?!" Reviews/Comments [ 409 ]
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 Reviewed By: Duo no Tsuin *Queen of "never logging in"*  On: January 16, 2004 21:46 PST
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Yeah!! Chapter 22 kicked butt! I like the solution. ;) Sesshoumaru sure was... interesting in this chapter. ^.~ Heh. Even smells can be deceiving, Sess. I'm glad he finally understood. :) Kagome was really smart in this chapter and made a lot of good decisions. Hopefully, nothing major will happen in this world before they leave to ruin the momentary happiness. He he. The next chapter exerpt sounds TOO good. I'd love to read it! Maybe Kagome could offer Sesshoumaru some... comfort. *hinthint* Heh, you should know I'm only HALF kidding by now. He really is turning into a good friend. Right now, I am SO jealous of Kagome!!! ^_^ Hmmmm... why have I always thought that Sesshoumaru would make the PURRRfect sexy vampire??? Heh. This from the girl that has a soft spot for the vampire Lestat and Vampire Hunter "D." Actually... the Tenseiga as a WEAPON?? Intriguing. I'm DEFINately holding you to a Sesshoumaru vs vampire(s) chapter now. ^_~ I can see it now... Sesshoumaru having to save Kagome from vampires (having them be lusty or not is your choice)... It's getting my blood pumping. *smirk* Oh, seeing as how this world influences Sesshoumaru's family and future... maybe the wife could return in some small way. Then, Kagome and Sesshoumaru can see that saving her was the right thing... or was it??? Muahahahaha! I'm such a tease... ;)
 Reviewed By: Duo no Tsuin *Queen of  On: January 16, 2004 21:34 PST
 Reviewed By: Chibi Methos (2 lazy 2 log in)  On: January 16, 2004 13:43 PST
hehehehehe! This is the best ficie I've read in a while. I've been checking my e-mail twice a week checking for the update notices. I LOOOOOVVVVVEEEE THIS STORY!!
 Reviewed By: emerald dragon hanyou  On: January 15, 2004 20:26 PST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
im back. im still kinda embarressed bout my last reviews, but not 2 much. just wanted 2 say that i love your new chapter. and i kinda anna know how this "demons first wifes jealousy destroyed everything" update soon ok? alright. ja 4 now. ~~*~~*EMERALD-
 Reviewed By: 12blue12 [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 14, 2004 14:20 PST
oops nm found ch 21 somethings screwd with the chapters just to tell u, another question u only have 21 chapters up right?
 Reviewed By: 12blue12 [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 14, 2004 13:52 PST
umm did u update puting chapter 20 up or is me computer screwed up because it says u updated but their is no ch 20
 Reviewed By: Duo no Tsuin *the one that never signs in*  On: January 13, 2004 22:39 PST
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 9 of 10
Goshdang cliffies. This chapter was a bit slow today... but I liked WHY Sesshoumaru was going to kill the emporer. He should have! *heh* Sess is just evil. (Well, DUH!) He's just standing there all casual waiting for the other shoe to drop. But he's SMILING over it... *does an impression of inner Sesshoumaru, standing shirtless with muscles flexing and sword in hand ready to kill, that she NEVER thought she'd hear* "Here I come to save KagoME!" Heh, I liked that her bronze mirror could have made the future. (It's not changing the past if you started it in the first place!) Huh. Now that you mention the three items... in YuYu Hakusho they have a jewel, sword, and mirror. Neat. I LOVE finding out stuff like that. So, thanks for throwing that into your story. ^_^ Though some of your details could seem... "offensive by some," I think it's refreshing and informative! :) *lol* Conan the Barbarian... I LOVED that movie. (Yeah, the one with Governor Arnold) Definitely one of the movies that made ME a hentais. ;) I had a freaky dream based on the short lived cartoon series once that was a little racey. But I was... a teenager then. o.O (Speaking of Gov. Arnold... one of my other favorite 80's sword movies is "Red Sonja;" she was one kick ASS swords woman! Did I have a point with this?? Oh yeah... I'm a hentai too. ;) So write more and enjoy what you're writing! ^.~
 Reviewed By: emerald dragon hanyou  On: January 13, 2004 19:41 PST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
damn, i just read your note again, and i completely realized what you were trying 2 say, so i say im sorry. 4 my earlier comment(s). *laughs nervously* soo, instead y dont u just make up some world where they come across some fire lizard eggs plz? i love fire lizards. again sorry bout my earlier comments. 2 prove it, i'll still b a very loyal fan. *sigh* im so embaressed. *sigh* oh well, nothing 2 do now. *nother annoying sigh* well, i'll b back l8r. bye... ~~*~~*EMERALD-
 Reviewed By: emerald dragon hanyou  On: January 13, 2004 19:35 PST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
love your story! ^_^ oh, and plz excuse what im about 2 do. *clears throught* WHAT THE HECK DO U THINK YOUR DOING!!!??? I LOVE ANNE MCCAFFERYS STORIES! I WAS LOOKING FORWARD 2 READING YOUR STORY IN HER BOOKS! NOW YOUR NOT, AND THAT MAKES ME REAL UPSET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *done ranting* soo, could u plz put a chapter like the fire lizards, and pern, and thread, and all this other stuff, on just 1 special chapter on just, 1 of the sites, (u know like on fanfiction, or adultfanfiction, or mediaminer plz? ok! ) if u do this, then i'll b your #1 fan forever. and btw ive read "spring fertility festival" and ive noticed that uve havent been updateing it. update both soon ok! *puppy dog eyes* ok! ^_^ ja 4 now... but i'll b back! ^_~ ~~*~~*EMERALD-
 Reviewed By: AsianEyes [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 13, 2004 18:40 PST
Tee hee! Wow...I can see quite a bit of research was put into this fanfic... This is great, and a good Japanese history lesson :-P Please update soon now...and don't let Kagome get married....stupid Sesshoumaru. *kicks him* I've got him chained to my bed... --; Why didn't his possessiveness come in when it was needed...
 Reviewed By: sesshiesbaby  On: January 13, 2004 15:48 PST
i love it!!!i dont think a week is to slow but 19 chappies is!!!i dont know if that made sense!?!any-old-who...i love this fic but i want to see some action...PLEAZ!!!
 Reviewed By: Duo no Tsuin *Duo must never sign in either*  On: January 11, 2004 22:31 PST
And since I forgot to tell you... the pace is fine with me! I like it when they're friends first. But they're MORE than friends-- it's SO obvious! It took me six or so months of dating my first boyfriend before-- well, you know. *blushes and runs off to dream of Sesshoumaru*
 Title: Just a few bits of random insane thoughts...
Reviewed By: Duo no Tsuin *all should be used to her never signing in*  On: January 11, 2004 22:22 PST
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Lots of commas in this chapter. But moving on... I really like this chapter. I like lots of dialogue and thoughts. *shrugs* Maybe that's just me. I tend to write too much of it, though. *blinks* Your impression of Sesshoumaru's mother is different than most. Poor Sesshy. Kagome likes to lick her lips. *lol* Not that I blame her... she was having a sex chat with Sesshoumaru. I could NEVER do that. Damn, I keep forgetting to finish your fertility festival story. So she and Inu DO do it *heh*... that kind of spoiled it for me. She should be with Sesshoumaru!!! About the world rejects *heh* I like that you're sharing them with us. I didn't know what world you were talking about... but the idea of Sess/Kag taking a vacation/honeymoon on ANY continent making love intrigues me. ^.~ I saw the movie "Anna and the King" last week. That movie was VERY good. Chow Yun Fat (did I spell that right?) has a nice smile. *heh* I could SO see Kagome dancing with Sesshoumaru. And him saying the best line of the movie... (which I can't quote, but I'll give you the point of) "I never knew how a Western man could love only one woman. Now I know." That is SO Sess!!! Well, if he had 67 kids or whatever the number was. *lol* But then, that was Siam. He even said something like "Emperor of China has (whatever #) children. But he didn't spend half his life in a monastery. I have to catch up." *lol* I need to focus... if I have enough time on my hands to write all this crap down... then I SHOULD have been reading that story. I think I'll go read what I can of it now. Write more! ^_^
 Reviewed By: yasha [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 11, 2004 19:29 PST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
great fic, and i think the pace is fine cuz even thought it is like 19 chappies it's really only bin bout a week right? yea, i don't think something could happen that quickly either, anyways keep up the good work!
 Title: sessy-san
Reviewed By: Sessy-san [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 11, 2004 15:12 PST
I've been reading ur stry from the begining! i luv the way its goin! the travlin wrolds is cool! cant wait 4 u to update!!!! ^-^
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