"Hostile Takeover" Reviews/Comments [ 381 ] |
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Reviewed By: Crazy-kins [MediaMiner Member] On: February 13, 2004 17:40 CST Comment/Review: Ohh, that last chapter was so sweet!! Right before Valintines day too. I just kept drooling over that last scene with Aten and Robbie. Aww...*eyes slowly and sickly mutate into disgusting hearts* Even though they're young, they're cute together. I'm glad Aten found Robbie. ^_^
Reviewed By: bakachibi_voidfox On: February 13, 2004 16:51 CST Comment/Review: aww chibi cuteness SQUEE! wouldn't it be freaky if when every time aten returns to the shadow realm he transfoms in to the monster, but when he leaves he returns to normal *spooky* poor bakura...i know it is getting kinda used, but bakura is my fav. char.... by the way hayden wouldn't be the father of aria's child would he?
Reviewed By: Amane Bakura [MediaMiner Member] On: February 13, 2004 08:46 CST Comment/Review: Aria wants lots of babies... XDXDXD *is trying to imagine how her parents will react to her getting (unexpectedly) pregnant* Oi... o_o *snickers* Aria has quite the habit of running around naked. ~_~ It´s incredible how different her and Aten are from each other, very much like light and darkness...although it seems that the light gets all the tough luck. x_x *melts* Awwwwwwww, by Goddess, Robbie and Aten just scream 'KODAK MOMENT!' ^___^
Reviewed By: Malik lover and Bakurasgirl worshiper On: February 13, 2004 07:47 CST Rating(s):Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: Oh... Malik... duh.... Poor Bakura..... now Aria's talking about babies.... great.... and poor Aten..... "Mine".... ughh.... when Malik sees that ( normal Malik) HE'S going to have to go to the hospital.... Aww.... Robbie kissed Aten... :) * gives you a Robbie Plushie, holding a little heart that says, " Happy Valentines Day!"* Great chapter!
Reviewed By: Maruken On: February 12, 2004 22:34 CST Rating(s):Style of Writing: 10 of 10 Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10 Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10 Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10 Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: Surprised Aten isn't dead. Which monster would he be? NOT ANZU!! You're right, he HAS been through more than enough torture. How can Yami just sit on his lazy fat ass and WATCH?!! Marik's gone into a mantra now, will seeing Aten snap him out of it?
Reviewed By: Amane Bakura [MediaMiner Member] On: February 12, 2004 21:06 CST Comment/Review: *is a whimp when it comes to chibi angstyness* o_o I was actually shaking when Aten returned to the real world and there was all the screaming and panicking and crying and-*chokes* BREATHE, GIRL! x_x Dear me, I loved the Tristan & Aria angst/fluff, Tristan´s so very underrated. Why do most people hate him?! *sulks* He´s sweet, always there for his friends and for Pete´s sake, LEAVE HIS HAIR ALONE PEOPLE!It´s not as if it´s anymore unusual than Yugi´s or Yami´s. >_> *cough* ... *worships this line* -->'Aria closed her eyes. "Ra, don't let my brudder seep."' So touching. ;_; *cringe* Damn, Aten must be in a lot of pain. o_O *twitches*...*imagines Aten in a good -good- place* Special scene? *eyes light up, big smile* OMG, it´s Christmas! XDXD Well, it feels like it anyway. ~_~ You´re doing such a wonderful job, keep it up! *huggles...runs away*
Reviewed By: bakachibi_voidfox On: February 12, 2004 19:42 CST Comment/Review: srry havn't reviewd in a while, the website said there weren't any new chapters >_< poor bakura, some one needs to spring him soon *runs over to give bakura some ice cubes and check on the newly installed AC*... poor aten, *writes unfaithful guardian down on hit list next to yami* i hope aten gets better...poor marik, poor malik *adds aku to the hit list too*, keep up the good work great_writer_bakurasgirl
Reviewed By: Crazy-kins [MediaMiner Member] On: February 12, 2004 16:24 CST Comment/Review: Ohh.. that was an interesting chapter... I feel so bad for Aten. Why does everyone like him? Especially the old man (Steven)? *contemplates why middly ages men during their mid-life crisis are so perverted* Even though that chapter wasn't an action packed one, I was really strung on it. I'm just so sad... God, I'm a freakieeee case. *unenthusiasticly* Happines.
Reviewed By: joeyrules [MediaMiner Member] On: February 12, 2004 15:12 CST Comment/Review: Dun dun dun...Here I am, the unreliable revewiwer. Great CHAPPIES but I freaked out when Aten was in all that pain... o.< Other than that...It was good. lol Chau! Emily
Reviewed By: The Mystical Dragon On: February 12, 2004 10:05 CST Comment/Review: Anzu had better not visit him, I'll have to hang her with her lil hoe socks.
Reviewed By: Valea On: February 12, 2004 08:58 CST Rating(s):Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: My dog is still gone! But at least Aten is back! My poor, poor dearheart! This reminds me of when I was in the hospitals for diebetes...minus the coma i was in. This was cool, but it made me oh so vey sad! Some people are just too cruel..*sniffles*
Reviewed By: Malik lover and Bakurasgirl worshiper On: February 12, 2004 08:35 CST Rating(s):Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: This is really...... weird.... but I was re-reading "Baby of mine"...... and I just realized something...... without Anzu hitting Malik in the groin with her golf ball ( one of your BEST works :) ! )....... Aten.... wouldn't have been conceived.... ewwww.....* gives you an Anzu plushie with golf cluub*......... yuck.......
Reviewed By: Malik lover and Bakurasgirl worshiper On: February 12, 2004 08:18 CST Rating(s):Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: Aww.... poor Aten.... at least he's going to get a non-Anzu visitor... poor Malik too.... he is soooo toast...:( This was probably... The BEST Chapter..... EVER!!!!
Reviewed By: Valea On: February 12, 2004 00:06 CST Rating(s):Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10 Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: Well i didnt tell you but I named my new puppy Baku, and he's gone, and Im relaly sad and I hope he will be okay, but I still needed to give you a review and tell you that I hope they can be okay too even if Aten comes home all bad, at least he's home, not like Baku, my poor puppy he is out alone tonight, but I would like to say i love Evenescence and the song you put in there was just perfecto, now I must go and pray for my dog, please pray for him too, he's only 10 weeks old.
Reviewed By: Amane Bakura [MediaMiner Member] On: February 11, 2004 22:49 CST Comment/Review: *sniffles* Damn, they have a rough life. -.- Ryou seems to be very responsible though, having children will do that to you. ^_^ Good job! *bows* Very heartfelt chapter. *sighs* I got all teary when Ryou was remembering Aten playing in the playpen. Oh! Lovely lemon, had a very...serious feel to it. *nodnod* ... *grins* I knew Aria would be more sexually interested than Aten, she already has aninteresting fascination with all of Seto´s & Joey´s toys, and...other phallus looking things...*coughballoncough* XDXD *gasps* ATEN IS FOUND?!! O_O *runs around in circles* OMGOMGOMG!!! My Goddess, I´m looking forward to that! >_> ...I wonder what that old bastard has been dong to him. If I remember correctly you once mentioned something about him almost being turned into a dragon...or something like that. ^_^;; Ah, I´m looking forward to the next chapter. Keep up the good work, your writing rocks!
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